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Vegan Peanut Butter Ice Cream

5 from 6 votes

This smooth and creamy peanut butter ice cream can be totally dairy free and vegan, with just 150 calories per serving!

Low Calorie Peanut Butter Ice Cream

Just a few basic ingredients, and no ice cream machine required.

Top with peanuts, chocolate syrup, and Coconut Whipped Cream for the ultimate vegan peanut butter ice cream sundae!

Also Try This Chocolate Mug Cake

low calorie peanut butter ice cream

The recipe can be made with peanut butter, almond butter, cashew butter, sunbutter, or even coconut butter.

Have fun experimenting with different add-ins, such as shredded coconut, mini chocolate chips, jam or diced strawberries (peanut butter and jelly ice cream!), a pinch of instant coffee, or homemade Chocolate Truffles.

Recently I’ve discovered the new Ben & Jerry’s nondairy Netflix & Chill’d, and it is dangerously good. If you want to make your own healthier version at home, try adding crushed pretzels and crumbled Black Bean Brownies to this peanut butter ice cream base.

Girls Eating Vegan Ice Cream

More Vegan Ice Cream Recipes:

Oat Milk Ice Cream

Almond Milk Ice Cream

Keto Ice Cream

Coconut Milk Ice Cream

Banana Ice Cream

Is it obvious that I really love ice cream??

Peanut Butter Ice Cream Recipe

My favorite way to make this ice cream is with crunchy peanut butter and canned coconut milk.

For a healthy lower calorie option, feel free to use almond milk, soy milk, oat milk, or your favorite milk of choice.

low calorie peanut butter ice cream

Above, watch the video of how to make the vegan ice cream

Secretly Healthy Low Calorie Creamy Peanut Butter Ice Cream
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Vegan Peanut Butter Ice Cream

This smooth and creamy peanut butter ice cream can be totally dairy free and vegan.
Total Time 5 minutes
Yield 4 – 6 servings
5 from 6 votes


  • 2 cups milk of choice
  • 4-5 tbsp sweetener of choice
  • 1/2 cup peanut butter, or allergy friendly sub
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • optional banana, chocolate chips, chopped peanuts, etc.


  • Stir everything together. If using an ice cream maker, process according to manufacturer’s directions. Otherwise pour mix into either ice cube trays or 1-2 shallow containers. Freeze. Once frozen, pop the block out of the containers, thaw just enough for your blender or food processor to be able to handle it, and blend until smooth. If you don’t have a high-speed blender like a Vitamix, you can still use a food processor – just thaw a little longer, then scoop out and freeze up to a half hour for firmer ice cream. For authentic presentation, I scooped it out with an ice cream scoop.
    View Nutrition Facts


Feel free to crumble some Vegan Peanut Butter Cookies on top.

Have you made this recipe?

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More Peanut Butter Recipes:

Peanut Butter No Bake Cookie Recipe

Peanut Butter No Bake Cookies

Chocolate Peanut Butter Nice Cream

Chocolate Peanut Butter Nice Cream

peanut butter bars

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Bars

peanut butter banana shake

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

Published on September 2, 2020

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Ruby says

    This looks amazing! My dad has an obsession with peanut butter so I’ll have to try this when his birthday comes around. I also have the same problem as you where everything I buy is blue… strange. And my favorite food is probably strawberries. Dipped in chocolate. Yes.

  2. Jennifer says

    I too have been craving peanut butter like crazy. Maybe it’s the back to school season. One of my standard school lunches was always pb&j.

  3. Sarahishealthy says

    I am SO going to make this ASAP! And I agree with everyone else that I think your photos just keep getting better and better. You amaze me, girl!

  4. Ruthiey says

    I think you are so excited to live life, that you subconsciously love the sky, which translates to your love of blue. <3 That's my theory anyway. 🙂

  5. Jenny says

    I have always been a peanut butter lover, despite my brother having a severe peanut allergy. I didn’t like Reese’s or chocolate and PB in candy bars, but I loved the PB and chocolate sprinkle sandwiches my mom would make me once in a while as a treat, as a kid. (I hated PB&J as a kid, though! Weird.) So yes, I agree – there is no such thing as too much chocolate or too much peanut butter! (Or is there?!)

    Not trying to be the dorky health nut… but… I love blueberries the most, when it comes to food! I can easily eat “too many” (by other peoples’ standards it’s ‘too many’, at least) blueberries, heh.

    Are we seeing a trend here? More healthy ice cream recipes coming to CCK?! I’ll look forward to more, if that is the case. 🙂 Though, who am I kidding? I always look forward to your recipes, just like everyone else!

  6. Ashley says

    My fave food in the world has to be chocolate, especially dark chocolate. Nothing else compares, unless we could consider coffee a food;)

    This ice cream looks delicious– except I’ll have to make it when my sister, and roommate, isn’t around because it’s her fave food and she’s slightly allergic to it!

    • Melissa says

      Soynut butter is surprisingly PB like.
      Maybe your sissa would like a surprise soynut butter ice cream treat!

      My little brother had a peanut sensitivity for a while (it’s gone now, which is just weird) so I’d send him soynut butter. He loved it and he’s not an experimental eater at all.

      Sunflower seed butter is also super good!

  7. Katherine says

    My favorite food is yogurt, no doubt about it. Kind of weird, huh? Though peanut butter is probably number 2 on that list. I just got some peanut butter frozen yogurt that is to die for!

  8. Lisa says

    yummay!! peanut butter IS my fav food in the world. altho I would argue there is such thing as too much….like eating half a jar in one sitting and having a bad tummyache after too much. Ill never learn my lessons…. 🙁 lol

  9. Sarah says

    Hey! I’d love if you could make a healthy version of the chocolate cake in a mug that I’ve been seeing around? I’ve made it and it’s delicious but it’s absolutely horrible for you with all of the oil and such. And, who doesn’t love a Single-Ladies Chocolate Cake?

  10. Michaela says

    yum, yum, yum!!
    I went shopping today and bought raisins for yesterday´s recipe. Can´t wait to try it!
    I couldn´t possible choose a favourite food, though I instantly think of oatmeal 😀

  11. Annie @ Naturally Sweet Recipes says

    Okay, this looks amazing. And your pictures are beautiful!

    I absolutely LOVE that blue plate. I have the same problem with buying the same color dishware but in white! You can’t get more plain than that. At least you always choose a happy color!

  12. Lilly says

    trying this with canned coconut milk, yumm! with berries it could be like a pb&j 🙂 only in ice cream form. Fave food- delicious and real (cop out?) Gorgeous pics, you too much!

  13. Alhely says

    Its such a sunny day here in california I’m Definitely trying this one TODAY!!! might even let my two year old help me make it:). (idk about sharing it w/him lol)

  14. Sarah says

    Katie, How much do you defrost the frozen cubes? What is the consistency when you put them in the blender? Thanks!

  15. Amber K says

    There is absolutely no way I could pick just one food as my favorite food ever. Impossible!

    Although I can definitely pick my favorite color, blue. Whenever there are multiple colors I also always pick the blue. I’m just drawn to such a calming color.

  16. Kristie says

    I’m heading to the kitchen to make this RIGHT now. Actually. Likely with a side of those Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Cookies too. Can’t wait 🙂

      • Lorin says

        When I made the chocolate cake batter ice cream it was more like ice milk. I’m not sure why it’s different from vitamix to food processor? However, I made the frappucino and that worked? I think it just depends.

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          The frappuccino isn’t supposed to have an ice-cream texture, which is why it will work in a regular blender. But for the ice cream, it needs to be higher-powered (apparently something called a Blend-tec blender will work as well).

  17. Emily @ Glitz Glam Granola says

    This ice cream looks delicious! I can’t wait to try it but I wish I had a vitamix so I could get it just like yours!! I don’t think I could pick my favorite food! I love chocolate, frozen yogurt, thai food, haha clearly I’m not very good at this being decisive thing 😉

  18. Maya @ Dessert is in a Different Pocket says

    Yum! This looks awesome. As for favorite foods… dark chocolate AND peanut butter are both up there…And then probably anything savory/spicy/ethnic? Too many to pick from!

  19. Lenna says

    I love the plate. And the ice-cream. And your pictures 🙂 It all looks almost too good 🙂
    My fave food is proabably oatmeal. Or apples. I am not sure yet 🙂

  20. Jen says

    Peanut butter is definitely one of my favorite foods, but Fiju apples, brown rice, pasta, and steamed kale (I know you, out of all people, won’t think I’m weird for saying this) are also favorites. That question is too hard to answer! I have way too many favorite foods.

  21. Jess says

    OMG this looks amazing!! I love peanut butter too but I am seriously in love with oat bran for breakfast practically every morning – topped w/ peanut butter of course!!

  22. Emma (Sweet Tooth Runner) says

    WOAH I am so trying this!! I made a chocolate PB version the other day, and it was SO good!! But I’ve bought coconut milk now and I think it’d be EVEN BETTER! 😀

    Chocolate is #1, but nut butters are close in #2!! 🙂

  23. Stephanie says

    Ooooohhhhh! Can’t wait to try this one!
    My favourite food would have to be my breakfast of choice: oatmeal with almond milk, ground flax seed, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sliced toasted almonds and wild blueberries. It’s sooooo tasty that I’ll have it for supper sometimes when I’m on my own and don’t feel like making anything labour-intensive.
    Add me to the list of blue-lovers! Just bought myself a dress very similar to Princess Kate’s engagement dress and love it! And of course, jeans in nearly every shade of blue, too.

  24. Danni (Healthy Kitschy Vegan) says

    This looks so good! I’ll have to give it a try…I love peanut butter! It would be fun to add some jam with it and have pb&j ice cream <3

    Have you ever seen peanut butter extract? I got some at a mennonite shoppe in the Finger Lakes region of NY a few weeks ago and have been making peanut butter flavoured milkshakes!

    The next pb&c recipe I want to make healthy is the Peanut Butter Chocolate Pillows from Isa's vegan cookie book…so sinful!

  25. Ellen says

    Can I have a four-way favorite tie? Any dessert featuring chocolate and/or peanut butter, bread, cottage cheese and oatmeal. Maybe that’s more like a five way tie. Spinach, apples and spicy salsa are close runners up. I am not good at maying choices, clearly.
    I really do need to get a blender now that actually works so I can make this ice cream. I’m thinking chocolate chips mixed in would rock:)

  26. Katie @ Peace Love and Oats says

    I very recently discovered your blog (I just started a blog, and when I saw someone link to one of your recipes, I was like, hey! who is this other katie! haha). anyway, YOU ROCK! Your recipes all look amazing (tried the single serving peanut butter cookie last night!) and I love that they are in single servings! It’s so hard to cut things down for just myself! Anyway, I’m hoping to try your ice cream tonight!

  27. Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says

    Yep, PB is my absolute favorite food of all times. I don’t think I can go a single day without it. I love it so much that I gave it up for lent last year-torture! But it is the best. PERIOD.

        • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

          Oh it was HARD!!! I cheated like none other on Sundays. My mom said it was ok to cheat on Sundays; that God took a rest on Sundays… looking back, I think she only said that because I was really little (middle school). Another year I gave up dairy… and never went back lol. How was giving up pb?

          • Alex@Spoonful of Sugar Free says

            Ah! I didn’t know I could cheat on Sundays?! That would have made it a whole lot easier…. But it was hard for me, too! I crave it every. single. day. I tried to make it up by adding spoonfuls and spoonfuls of coconut, almond, or chocolate butter-but no matter how much I tried, I could not get over the cravings. 5 spoonfuls of coconut butter<1 spoonful of pb!!! I just kept telling myself-it's for God-I CAN'T CHEAT! That first spoonful when it was all over was Amazing!

  28. Marianne says

    Can I pick sushi as my absolute favourite food? Cop out, I know, because that allows me endless flavour options within that food. But damn, sushi is good 😀

    Kinda want peanut butter ice cream now. Perhaps studded with dark chocolate chunks.

  29. Mallory @ It's Only Life says

    What a creative recipe!! I am allergic to PB but I’ll certainly try it without the PB.

    My fav food in the world…oh man that’s tough… I am a complete chocoholic like you. I think Nutella is pretty high on my list right now ( i could eat a whole jar). I’m also a huge pasta lover!

  30. Aine @ Something to Chew Over says

    I have so many favourite foods! I was going to say chocolate and then there’s oats…and almond butter…can’t choose! 🙂

  31. kaila @ healthyhelper says

    OMG this looks incredible!!! I love pb icecream and this recipe is so simple! Gotta love ease! 🙂

  32. Jennyb says

    I have a carton of unsweetened soya milk waiting to be used up in the fridge! This link is going top of the list that’s is growing on the sticky notes on the desktop of my laptop (they are all links to your recipes at the moment BTW!)

    As for a favourite food, its kind of treat foods that i really can’t afford to eat too much of – on the sweet side thats dried fruit starting with figs, then raisins/sultanas/berries, mango, prunes oh there’s so many to choose from. I’ve been craving semi/sun dried bananas recently – not the chips but the whole chewy ones. Via (a fab UK thing) i discovered there are some i don’t like though – physalis (cape gooseberry) and goji berries.

    So can you narrow it down again Katie? Or is that just impossible? – is there a variety of chocolate you prefer? Plain or mint, orange, with nuts etc?

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hmmm… my favorite chocolate is Dagoba 100%. But I also like Endangered Species chocolate-raspberry bars (chocolate raspberry is my favorite combo), and Theo chocolate-coconut bars (my second favorite combo). Oh, and mint chocolate Wild bars. Mint chocolate is pretty awesome too! Eh, I just like chocolate! 🙂

      • Jennyb says

        see i knew you couldn’t choose 😉

        had my fortnightly graze box today with a couple of new things – the sweet chilli dipping sauce to go with the dried mango was too spicy for me! and one mix had dried pomegranate – not keen on the crunch in the middle of those. But the chewy banana coin, coconut flake & raisin mix was yummy!

  33. Maura says

    Hi Katie ! This looks amazing I’m gonna try it tonight. Do u think it would work if I used a food processor ? I don’t have a vita mix and my blender isn’t too good.

      • Liz dR says

        Ooh, not to disagree to be annoying, but FYI I have tried this (ok, not this exact recipe, but something that involves frozen bananas and frozen “ice cubes” of flavored milk) w/ a Cuisinart and as long as you use the pulse button instead of just putting it on, it actually *does* work! Whoo hoo! 😀 Also, relatedly, if you Cuisinart frozen pieces of banana using pulse instead of just on, you actually get soft-serve ice cream, swear to god, no additional ingredients needed!

        • Alanna says

          It definitely won’t work in a food processor with the recipe as written, but if you cut the milk way back (basically just blend frozen bananas and add milk to the desired consistency, no ice necessary), you can make something like soft serve as Liz and others have said. Good luck and have fun experimenting!

  34. Kimberly says

    YUM! you always make food that looks so dang good! And it is sooo simple! I love it. My heart belongs to chocolate as well- but sometimes I have an affair with peanut butter…shhhh 😉

  35. Emma says

    I made the base today. Excited for some pb ice cream tomorrow!

    Oh, and my favorite food is definitely nut butters of all kinds!

  36. Averie @ Love Veggies and Yoga says

    “It was $6 on sale. See, you do not need to spend a ton of money for cute dishware!”–

    Totally true…the cheap and thrifty finds are the best kind! I never spend more than $10 and usually try for about $3 bucks. TJ Maxx, Marshalls or Thrift shops. Lucky to live in an area with tons of great thrift shops (must hunt and peck and look for diamonds in the rough but when found…such a good feeling!)

    The recipe looks delish.

    and I’m with you on the chocolate trumping peanut butter 🙂

  37. Kaitlyn@TheTieDyeFIles says

    Gosh I need a Vita!!! But I definitely plan on using my (not so) trusty blender to make peanut butter banana soft serve soon 🙂 Thanks for the idea!!

    My favorite food in the world? Probably peanut butter. But dark chocolate is a CLOSE second. And I love that dish!

  38. Laura says

    Can’t wait for my room mate with a Vitamix to move in so I can steal it and make all of your recipes!
    Among my favorite foods are apple pie, sweet potatoes, pesto, and perfectly ripe mangoes.

  39. Moni'sMeals says

    good recipe. I am so pumped too that I finally got my Vita! I will try it out.

    I agree with you…chocolate is my favorite and I know it sounds odd but veggies too. 🙂 Without both our bodies would be so angry at us, as they both make me feel so happy and good!

  40. Tricia says

    Peanut butter is the best food ever and the color blue is the best color so yeah, I dont think you need to branch out from blue and I certainly wouldnt mind eating peanut butter ice cream 🙂

  41. Jess from Midwest Vegan says

    I think my favorite food of all-time has got to be peanut butter… closely followed by homemade sourdough bread, coconut butter, and cooked turnip greens (it’s their texture!!!). I also really like pancakes. Like, a lot! Lol.

    It’s hard to name just one thing, but since I eat peanut butter almost every single day, I’ll go with that. 🙂

      • Jess from Midwest Vegan says

        They’re really good! They get very mild once cooked. I cook them on low with some minced onions and garlic and vegetable broth for about 45 minutes to an hour until most of the vegetable broth is gone. Then I munch them up with hot sauce and butter beans (and sometimes my homemade cornbread). That’s comfort food to me!

        Though, you gotta wash them real good because sometimes they grow them in sandy soil. I once made a batch where I didn’t get all the sand out… lol. It was no bueno!!

  42. Robin says

    This looks scrumptious! I can’t wait to give it over the weekend.
    That mus be the meanest question of all..! If i have, have, have to choose though, I’d say oats, and bananas, and almond butter. Drad, that were three already and the list goes on..

  43. ashley says

    I craved peanut butter all last week!!! My nutrionist said it was my bodys way of asking for fats?? who knows but It was the first time i gave into that craving in years and boy had I been missing out, I even tried almond butter for the first time!! I cant believe this is so low calorie too!! My favorite food is froyo so this recipe is my cup of tea!!

  44. Lauren says

    Love the peanut butter obsession! Whenever I eat peanut butter flavored things, I always want them to taste like straight peanut butter, not any milder…at times I go straight for the jar.

    My favorite ice cream flavor is dark chocolate peanut butter, where the peanut butter is swirled into the ice cream in big chuncks…I may have to experiment with this!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Hi Courtney,
      I’m confused as to what you mean. Only milk chocolate (or sometimes semi-sweet) is not vegan. There are many brands of chocolate bars, chocolate chips, and other chocolate treats that are vegan. And cocoa powder and even Hersheys syrup are vegan :).

  45. Kelly says

    I made this yesterday afternoon, it was SUCH a beautiful day out and I just had to treat myself to something delicious. Let me tell you, this was absolutely delicious! The portion was more than I could eat, which is great! I was very pleased. 🙂

  46. natalia says

    I just made this icecream and it is by faaaaaar the best icecream I have ever tasted!! Thank you so much for sharing this recipe 🙂

  47. Ana says

    Katie, I made this recipe today and it turned out okay. It was very runny and was already melting in my cheap blender! Anyway, the flavor was great, but I know the texture was waaay off because of my blender.
    So, I was wondering if you could let me know what kind/model of …vita-mix you have and where you got it. THANKS!

  48. Kristen says

    Just made this, well not the ice cream exactly, I blended it all together with 2 ice cubes (from bag of ice, not tray) and after I blended I tasted it just to see….it was too good to let it sit in the freezer! haha, that’s bad I know, so I just drank it as a milk, very good and tasted like a peanut butter fudge shake from Sonic that I had years ago, but obviously does not have as many calories 🙂 Next time I will let it freeze and have it as cream, (if I can, I don’t have a vita mixer thing) if it doesn’t turn out, I’m perfectly fine with having it as a drink! I feel more satisfied with sweet liquids than with actual sweet things, when I eat cookies or pies I always feel like reaching for more, when I have a drink I feel completely satisfied and feel no need to get more. Of course, that’s not gonna stop me from trying out some more of your recipes because they all look amazing!!!

  49. Sjill says


    I have NuNaturals stevia in a jar, not packets. Do you have any sense of what the measurement of “one packet of stevia” would be? (eg, 1/2 tsp, etc). I’m guessing it might vary depending on the brand of stevia, though… What brand do you use?

    Thanks so much! I’m really looking forward to making this recipe! 🙂

  50. svety says

    I have to admit that I’ve read this one in another website (bodyrock) but if you don’t know it yet I’ll give you a hint:
    It’s about frozing a banana and than putting in into a blender. It magically turns into ice cream! It’s just the perfect consistancy… You can have it just like that or play and add something. I do peanut butter. 2 bananas usually need 1tp of crunchy peanut butter (or less) – no sugar, and if you want, no fat.

    It’s definitely worth trying.

  51. Lori C. says

    This is my new addition! I also tried it using Nutella and it was so yummy. My Magic Bullet isn’t powerful enough for blending the ice cubes, even after microwaving, but the food processor gets it done. Thanks for the recipe!

  52. The Ninja Baker says

    Many thanks, Katie, for the marvelous low-cal PB ice cream recipe!
    Very much appreciate your philosophy of keeping life healthy and sweet =)
    The Ninja Baker
    P.s. My favorite food is an ume (plum) onigiri (rice ball.)
    Dessert faves include swirly soft frozen yogurt and
    my mini chocolate cupcakes topped with matcha (green tea) frosting.

  53. Alanna says

    Yummy! Just made this with 2T PB, 3T cocoa powder, and 1/2 banana in my ice cream maker (2/3 C coconut milk + 1/3 C almond milk). The machine seemed to struggle a little bit (could be my imagination), but in 15 min. I had delicious chocolate PB banana ice cream with a smooth and creamy consistency. (c: I probably could have used more banana since the predominant flavor was chocolate PB, but seriously awesome (and easily two generous servings!).

  54. Danielle says

    A girl in my Food Science class and I once made peanut brittle ice cream from scratch for a school project! Everyone loved it 🙂

  55. Danielle says

    Sorry, I don’t know where my previous post went to, so I am trying it again. A friend and I once made peanut brittle ice cream in our Food Science class for a school project! Everyone loved it 🙂

  56. Ish says

    This sounds amazing! I was wondering what effect using 2% milk would have on this recipe? I don’t have any coconut milk 🙁

  57. Amy says

    I made this last night….I ended up using part 2% and part almond milk, since I didn’t have enough almond milk left. I also added 2 packages of Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate mix. (I wasn’t going for healthy….)
    Oh WOW, so, so good!!
    Perfect consistency, the chocolate and the peanut butter worked perfectly together (now I know how Hagan Daz does it!)…next time I’ll try making it will all almond milk, or all goats milk.

    I just need to figure out how they get the big slivers of peanut butter in there….

  58. sabrina meyer says

    Thank you sooooo much for your recipes!! I have been allergic to milk most my life, the ‘fake’ ice creams in stores are so expensive, I bought a machine to try and make it cheaper and healthier and returned it it was horrid. Other recipes tasted icky and didn’t turn out. My friend gave me a stand mixer with two metal bowls for a wedding gift, I just now finished an expirement. I layered ice and rock salt around the small bowl inside the large one, put the ingredients in and mixed on med for q minute then low for about 10 then shut it off and just kept up on the ice and salt and stirred occasionally. In about 30 minutes or less I had THE BEST ice cream I have ever had!! The only difference I did is half peanut butter half jif chocolate hazelnut spread. And my family who has never been on board with the taste of fake ice creams LOVE it too. You helped make a cruddy week absolutely fabulous!! Thank you sooo much!!

  59. Quin says

    Hey Katie!
    WIth all of the voluminous ice cream flavors can I use an ice cream maker instead of using the option of freezing then blending? And does it give it a more ice cream like texture? I have the cuisinart one.

  60. Kay says

    This looks delicious. However I am a bit confused with the caloric information. It says the pb version has 140 calories for the entire dish..but how is that possible if there are 200 calories in the nut butter alone? Thanks!

  61. Paloma says

    Great recipe. Using unsweetened Flax milk (25 cal/cup and the added bonus of 1200mg Omega-3) and PB2 (45cal/ 2 TBS) and Stevia, made the whole recipe around 80 calories. This is a keeper. Thank you so much.

  62. Megan says

    Just tried it with apple butter and it is absolutely delicious!! Best low calorie ice cream I’ve ever had!!

      • Sadye says

        I did exactly this, and it seemed to work fine. I also used mostly 2% milk (some leftover low-fat coconut milk too). Next time I’ll go with the higher estimate of how much PB, though.

  63. Haley Shepherd says

    What kind of peanut butter do you use because 2 tablespoons I my peanut butter alone is about 190 calories?

  64. Angela says

    My god all of your recipes look awesome. Peanut butter is my weakness for sure! Could you use this recipe in the cuisinart ice cream maker as is? Also, is it possible to substitute full fat peanut butter for PB2- powdered but can be reconstituted- or is the fat in the peanut butter needed?

  65. FoodExplorer says

    tried this today. i would love to send you a photo, but i ate all of it before i even got hold of my phone to take one. HAHA

  66. Marla says

    Can this be frozen in an ice cream maker? I wish I had a Vitamixer but I’m still saving to purchase one.

  67. Jessica says

    Favorite food is a tie between chocolate and cheese but for category of foods, Mexican is my absolute favorite cuisine!

    I’d been thinking of trying frozen banana ice cream, so of course I checked your website for good recipes since you never disappoint! I ended up making the above recipe with chocolate almond milk and sunflower butter, added some dark cocoa powder, and when it was frozen to a slushy consistency I put it through my food processor with a very large chopped frozen banana, added in some chocolate chips and my man and I gobbled it up before any pics could be taken! Delicious! Sadly, I don’t have a vita mix but this seemed a good compromise to kind of blend (ha! pun!) two recipes for a perfect consistency. Also, I generally buy lots of bananas and freeze them since I use them in baking so often and they’re nice and mushy when defrosted, so, at first I didn’t think I’d be able to do the banana ice cream thing until I went back to the store so I could ripen, peel, and chop the bananas first before freezing but I’m happy to report that with a nice sharp knife I was able to cut the banana into segments then cut the peel away pretty easily.

  68. Crissy says

    Made this & omg its great i have celiac desease so gluten free for me & this ice cream is one of my favorites!! It can be a peanut butter slushy to ,thank you katie this was right in time for summer 5 thumbs up !!!!!

  69. Kay says

    I’m excited to try this using sunflower butter (since I can’t do peanut butter). I was wondering if I could used carton coconut milk or if it needs to be from a can.

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