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Avocado Smoothie

4.98 from 373 votes

Try this thick and creamy avocado smoothie recipe for breakfast or a healthy snack!

EASY Creamy Avocado Smoothie Recipe

5 ingredient avocado smoothie

Adding avocado to a smoothie might sound unusual, but the results are surprisingly delicious.

This secretly healthy avocado shake is so unbelievably creamy, it honestly tastes like drinking an actual vanilla milkshake.

I do not know how that is even possible, but it really does remind me of a classic vanilla shake, both in taste and texture.

Make one for yourself, and see if you agree!

With only five ingredients and less than a minute of prep time, the recipe is absolutely worth a try at least once, because it might just become your new go to smoothie recipe.

You may also like these Avocado Brownies

Green Healthy Avocado Smoothie (Vegan, Keto)

Ingredients to make the avocado drink

You will need half a ripe avocado, milk of choice, pure vanilla extract, a pinch of salt, and sugar or your favorite sweetener.

For a vegan avocado smoothie, use your favorite nondairy milk for a dairy free and plant based shake. I like canned coconut milk, almond milk, or cashew milk. Soy milk and oat milk also work.

Avocados are naturally low in carbs. If you are looking for an added sugar free and keto avocado smoothie, simply use stevia or your favorite sugar alternative for the sweetener of choice. Be sure to choose a keto friendly milk without sugar as well.

Turn it into a chocolate avocado smoothie by adding a spoonful of cocoa powder. I recommend Dutch cocoa for a brownie-like flavor. Increase the sugar to taste, to counter the bitterness of the cocoa powder.

Or if you want a healthy avocado protein shake, blend in a scoop of your favorite flavored or unsweetened protein powder. Try vanilla, chai, cookies and cream, coffee, or pumpkin pie spice protein powder.

Feeling adventurous? Make Chickpea Cookie Dough Dip

Healthy avocado smoothie recipe video

Above, watch the step by step recipe video

Frequently asked questions

Can you taste the avocado?

Avocado adds unbelievable thickness and creaminess, without any noticeable flavor whatsoever for most people.

If you have super tastebuds, you might be able to tell it is in there. But even then, the flavor is only slight and will not detract from the overall tastiness of the shake.

Can you use frozen avocado?

Frozen or fresh avocado will both work here.

Just be sure to peel the avocados first. If you have a high speed blender, try freezing your milk of choice in an ice cube tray and using that for the avocado drink instead of refrigerated milk.

This is especially good with canned coconut milk, because it tastes like an actual avocado milkshake.

What about adding other fruit?

You can add fresh or frozen blueberries, cherries, strawberries, apple, cucumber, banana, or pineapple. Play around with different foods that pair well with avocado.

I love adding a ripe frozen banana, which gives even more thickness to the recipe.

Avocado smoothie health benefits

Besides the delicious creamy texture, you can also get so many added health benefits from avocados.

They are cholesterol free and contain nearly 20 vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients, including potassium, folate, and B vitamins.

Just one serving of avocado provides eight percent of the daily value for fiber, and they have the least amount of sugar of any fruit.

Over 75% of the fat in avocados is the unsaturated heart-healthy kind (good fats).

Of course if you are on a doctor ordered nutrition or weight loss plan, it is always recommended to consult your doctor.

For the general population, replacing some of the saturated fat in one’s diet with avocado can possibly help to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and inflammation.

Depending on the specific ingredients you use, this smoothie can be low calorie, low in saturated fat, high fiber, high protein, nondairy, high in calcium, vegan, and gluten free, with no sugar required.

Healthy Avocado Shake Recipe

How to make an avocado shake

Be sure to start with a ripe avocado.

You can tell if the fruit is ripe by squeezing it very gently. It is ripe if it yields slightly to the pressure and feels just a little bit soft but not mushy.

If you buy an avocado that is still hard as a rock, just wait a few days for it to soften.

If you wish, you can place it in a brown paper bag for a day or two with another fruit (such as apple, banana, or kiwi) to speed up the ripening process.

To make the smoothie, first peel the fruit and discard the pit. Blend everything together until smooth, and serve cold.

Feel free to double the recipe!

Chocolate Avocado Mousse Recipe

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Secretly Healthy 5 Ingredient Creamy Vegan Avocado Smoothie Recipe
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Avocado Smoothie

Try this thick and creamy avocado smoothie recipe for a healthy snack or breakfast!
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Yield 1 – 2 servings
5 from 373 votes


  • 1/2 large avocado
  • 1 1/2 cups milk of choice
  • 3/4 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp pure maple syrup or sweetener of choice to taste
  • 1/8 tsp salt
  • 1 scoop protein powder (optional)


  • To make different flavors, including a chocolate avocado smoothie, see the notes earlier in this post.
    Peel the avocado and discard the pit. Blend all ingredients until completely smooth. Feel free to blend in a few coconut milk ice cubes for a super thick and ice-cream-like shake if desired. (To make coconut ice cubes, just freeze canned coconut milk in an ice cube tray. Do not add regular ice cubes, because that would dilute the flavor of the smoothie.) Serve cold. Leftovers can be covered and refrigerated for up to 3 days. The recipe makes about 2 cups.
    View Nutrition Facts


Also try this healthy Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie.

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Published on August 1, 2019

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Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

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  1. Tracy says

    What does this taste like? Avocado has such a mild taste. Does the vanilla flavor take over? It’s hard to imagine sweet avocado!

    • Janae @ Bring-Joy says

      The great thing about avocado that I’ve found, is that it actually has quite a neutral flavor–it’s mostly just fat & will take on flavors around it. I’ve had it in a raw chocolate pudding & served it to guests & no one even suspected the “secret” ingredient 🙂

  2. Janae @ Bring-Joy says

    So there’s hope for my husband! He hates cilantro (& chickpeas, cabbage, mushrooms, eggplant, chard) & I want to put it in everything.

    I’ve never been really picky, although I wasn’t a huge fan of mushrooms until I went vegan. Now I want to add them to everything savory.

  3. Laura @ Sprint 2 the Table says

    I used to hate avocados! Then I spent a summer in LA… and I ate so many that… well, let’s just say that green passes through. LOL!

    When I have a avocado, I usually end up freezing half. It keeps it fresh and I can use it in smoothies! Love adding some orange for a creamy (green) orange smoothie!

  4. Desirae says

    I love avocado too! I’m only 25, but a couple of years ago I changed my eating habits, and now I love all kinds of food I used to dislike greatly!

  5. Duze@BakingBackwards says

    Weird, I went through the same thing, only at 26! Do you crave pears by any chance? Apparently pears and avocados are extremely beneficial for the female hormone system. I craved both like crazy during a weird health time in my life when my hormones were a bit out of whack. Most interesting part of it is that both foods look a little like the body parts they support most!

    • Maeraj says

      OMG same here! I turned 25 and suddenly just started LOVING avocados– HATED them before. The funny thing is my husband and I had bonded always shared our love for avocados, and now that I love them, I get so annoyed at him for hating them because it means I can’t put them in everything.

  6. Maggie says

    Pretty much your entire list and then some: mushrooms, onions, salad, leafy greens, oranges, avocados, mango (WHAT), anything I couldn’t recognize. I was the world’s pickiest eater… and then I went vegan. And now I eat everything.

  7. Alice says

    What a shame that avocados are so expensive here 🙁
    But still, this smoothie looks delicious and I will try it!
    Until about two years ago I didn’t like bell pepper and tomatoes, but now I love both 🙂

  8. Susan says

    Hi Katie,
    I think it is normal for tastes to change as you age, sometimes for the better as has been happening to you, and sometimes for the worse as has happened to me. As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten to where raw onions – except sweet – and garlic leave an awful taste in my mouth that hangs around forever (seemingly). But there are other things I’ve come to really enjoy, like cilantro. I think the key to that was having it first in a lightly cooked form where it perfected the flavor profile of the dish. Since I got there, I love it anywhere and anyhow. Isn’t it nice to know you are normal? 🙂

  9. jodye @ whole pure recipes says

    The same thing happened to me with pretty much all vegetables. When I was young I absolutely refused to eat anything green, and now I can’t get enough! I, too am obsessed with avocado (pretty sure I wouldn’t touch those when I was younger, either). This smoothies sounds so wonderful!

  10. Beth says

    I really want to like coriander (cilantro) too! I adore indian and thai cookery which tends to involve a lot of the stuff. Adore avo’s though 🙂

  11. angela says

    I loath avocado too! I’m so glad to hear that you hated it as well and that there may be hope for me. I know that avocado is packed full of nutrtional goodness, but can’t seem to get myself to try it again. Maybe in smoothie form it might be better. On this note of loathing avocado, do you have any advice for substitutions in recipes using avocado?

    • Melanie says

      maybe try adding a frozen banana with some spinach? The banana will contribute the creaminess (and some sweetness) and the spinach will keep it green!

  12. Kelly says

    I used to hate vegetables and fruit. Now I have to make it up of 15 years not eating them haha .. (I’m 16 )
    This is a very popular drink in Vietnam. Usually we use condensed milk in avocado smoothie.

  13. shobelyn says

    Hello, Katie. The chocolate cheesecake I have done turned out delicious. I am not sure if it is suppose to be soft, but it is when left in the fridge. What I did is freeze it the whole time to maintain its shape. My daughter said it taste like almond joy. BTW I posted the Healthy Oreos I made. It was a hit in my house, that I am making it again today.

  14. Caitlin says

    I might just have to have one for an afternoon snack! I bought a couple of avocados with the intention of making guacamole (with parsley instead of cilantro…I still hate it, lol!) but I haven’t made anything that requires its presence.
    I used to hate avocado, too. I used to hate a LOT of foods that I like now: beans, super dark chocolate, any type of pureed or cooked fruit, bananas…it changed recently when diabetes forced me to change my horrible eating habits. Now I have midnight cravings for kale chips, I’d rather have a piece of fruit than a piece of cheese, etc. I think it was a defense mechanism: adapt, be miserable forever, or die. My mouth chose to adapt!

  15. Lulu says

    I used to hate coconut anything, bananas and garlic of any sort. Now I love all of these things! Well, maybe not raw garlic but cooked ones r yummy 🙂

  16. Teresa says

    For me it’s beans. While growing up the only beans I would eat were green beans. Now I love all of them. I even make certain kinds of casseroles and soups just so that I can add beans to them.
    I have never liked cilantro and can’t imagine that changing. It’s horrible and tastes like soap. 🙁 Wish I could since it’s in so many foods that would otherwise be delicious. Even one tiny leaf ruins the whole dish.

  17. Rachel says

    I just got back from Brazil, and odly enough, avacado smoothies are a really populare breakfast drink there! kind of wierd at first, but delicious all the same!

  18. Julie @ WolfItDown says

    That is funny! I made a zingy AVOCADO humous earlier today (Will be up on my bloog soon soon ^ ^ ) to serve alongside my dinner today, and someone tagged me in a picture of an avocado earlier… today avocado day? I used to not like either onions or avocado either, now – I love it!
    And this smoothie looks delicious! I remember adding avocado to a chocolate cake cream topping some time ago, and it just turned out sooo velvety! Mmmmm *green daydreams*

  19. Vanessa says

    I used to hate ginger and pumpkin – now? They’re two of my favorite foods! I still don’t love pumpkin pie tho…

    A new food I’m starting to enjoy is beets. I like them, but only in salads and fresher dishes.

    • Velma D. Meek says

      Thank yoi Katie, I made the brownies and avacado smoothie. They are fabulous. I am on keto and have been looking for new things to try and satisfy my cravings. These two recipes are Great, thanks Velma

  20. Lisa says

    I love avocado in smoothies! It adds such a delicious and creamy texture.
    I actually used to hate avocado as well. Like despise it, now I love it.
    Same with basically every veggie out there, and now I like almost every vegetable. It’s weird how taste can change like that.

  21. Makayla says

    Yay! I’m so happy you are becoming avocado obbsessed like me! They were the # 1 food that helped me gain weight when I was suffering from SMA Syndrome. That and chocolate covered Medjool dates! 🙂

  22. Jessica says

    I use pineapple juice and yogurt in my avocado smoothies…it’s one of my favorites! I used to hate shrimp…but it didn’t occur to me after I tried it again and liked it that I had gotten an awful case of food poisoning from it that I lost my taste. It’s a good thing for me – I have a hard time getting enough protein as it is and I get tired of the same old, same old sources.

  23. Heather @TheSoulfulSpoon says

    Hey Katie!:) I love avocados! They make such a great creamy smoothie. Unfortunately, they hurt my stomach and I have no idea why! Anywho! This is a great recipe. I actually used to hate greens and now I can’t live without them! Spinach is a must in all my smoothies and if I don’t have it, I actually crave it. This comes from a girl who grew up eating no veggies whatsoever.
    PS- I’m with you on the chocolate- my 100% chocolate bars aren’t going anywhere anytime soon:)<3

  24. Rachel Turner says

    Oh this sounds delish!!! I was the same way… used to never eat avocado. Then one day I had something, don’t even recall what it was, and I was off… couldn’t get enough of it, put it on everything! Even now I’m smacking my head that I didn’t put any on my hamburger for dinner this evening. I might make this yummy smoothie for breakfast in the morning!

  25. Mrs. D. says

    It really is like my dad used to tell me: “When you get older, you like the tastes of more foods and can eat less” (without gaining any weight). Life’s little irony. But yes, I have had the same experiences, some out of necessity (beans, for ex.). I HATED beans as a kid. Looking back, I think it was the lack of seasonings (not just the texture). Your post has given me hope that someday soon, my husband (40) may like avocados… Here’s hoping! Thanks for the recipe.

  26. Shani says

    I used to hate mushrooms, but now I think they are the most incredible food on the planet 😀

    Funny point – in Australia, we don’t call it cilantro, it’s coriander. It took me so long to figure out that they were the same thing!

  27. Rebecca says

    Hi Katie! I have always loved avocado, but like you I used to hate cilantro. I recently learned that there is a genetic component to cilantro aversion, but apparently this can change over time. I love it now but the taste used to remind me of soap. Many other cilantro haters describe it this way too. Here’s an article about the phenomenon:

    I also used to dislike onions but use them in everything now. Although, I can still get a little overwhelmed by too much raw onion.

  28. Delia says

    Katie, I just love your recipes! I mean I am obssessed with chocolate (which is why I was drawned to your blog on the first place) and now you are posting recipes with avocado!! I could not be happier, I eat avocado everyday and this smoothie tastes so good, this is the first time that I have ever tried its´ sweet side and I have a crush on it. Needless to say I found my new breakfast to-go; tried it with half of coconout milk and regular and it was heavenly.

    Can’t wait for your book to come out!

  29. Lauren says

    I think it’s totally possible for tastes to change! I am almost 31 and I am just now enjoying yellow mustard. I used to HATE it as a kid/teen!!! So weird. The sad thing about avocados is that I love them, but they make my stomach hurt. SO DEPRESSING!!! I also don’t really like cilantro, but I thought I used to like it… so not sure about that one 🙂

  30. Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut says

    Wow how did you get it to look green?? You must have had the perfect avocado!!

    I JUST made someone a smoothie with avocado in it today for a customer and she said it was okay…just made it creamier!

  31. Veronika says

    When I was young I absolutely detested tomatoes, avocado and cabbage. I started liking tomatoes in my early 20’s, but I only came around to loving avocado and cabbage since becoming vegan about two years ago. Now tomato and avocado is my favourite kind of sandwich!

    I will definitely try this recipe, I’ve never had an avocado smoothie without adding either cocoa or other kinds of fruit.

  32. Diana says

    I did follow the recipe 100%, but I didn’t love it entirely. My taste buds were missing something… Then it hit me and I added one heaped teaspoon of natural cocoa powder, blended again for a few seconds, and there it was. It tasted like liquid chocolate. Mmmm. Thank you for the recipe. <3

  33. Tammela says

    I think tastebuds do actually change/develop as we get older. Like the stereotypical kid, I didn’t like broccoli much when I was younger. I don’t remember there being any foods I absolutely hated, but I certainly had my preferences (still do! But different).

  34. v says

    i used to hate avoes too! now i make guacamole and raw chocolate mousse. it’s crazy. ironically, when i was a kid we had a giant avo tree, but i hated avoes. now that i eat them i have to buy the,

  35. Sarah says

    As for the question about what foods do you love now? Oh so many. Things like hummus and tabouleh, cold beets, onions, lentils, and on and on. My father used to always try to get me to eat onions in a form other than onion rings. Never worked. He passed away when I was 13 and over the years I have tried and loved onions in many different ways. Each time I’d try something new with them, I’d wonder if he was rolling over in his grave. 🙂

  36. Al says

    Hi Katie,
    I absolutely love getting the emails packed with delicious goodies. I love to experiment with deserts (I don’t do it with main meals – that is another story), however I’m a bit afraid to try this avocado smoothie. Let me explain – since I was a little human I have always had avocado as a savoury dish (in salads, on warm toast with tomato and freshly cracked pepper). So the idea of having a sweet avocado is a no no for my rational mind. Not to mention I would be breaking one of my rules – don’t mix sweet with savoury (that means I don’t add pineapple to pizza, sultanas to rice or apple to salads). Uhmm maybe I am not as adventurous as I think I am…
    When is your book coming out?
    I am not a fan of aniseed or big chunks of ginger in food.
    Keep up the superb work 🙂

  37. Erin says

    I am the SAME way! I suddenly can’t stop wanting and craving avocado and guacamole. I want it in and on everything. I seriously just made this, and it was AMAZING. So good! I already “Pinned” it. 😀 Thank you for sharing this and all you do to promote veganism!

    To answer the poster above for my own tastes: no, the vanilla doesn’t take over… just kinda marries with the avocado butteriness and creates a smooth, rounded flavor. Perfect. You could of course use more or less if your taste buds vary. I’m a bitter supertaster, so I have extra “bitter” taste buds, and I have to adjust things all the time.

  38. Debra Pearson says

    I just started liking avocados in the last year or so, and I just hit the double nickel! I love curbing them up in salads or just tomatoes with a nice light Italian dressing, salt and pepper. (I may have to try Cilantro again now… Never liked it either!) Just bought a NutriBullet cuz I like the idea of getting more nutrients in my diet, but I don’t know if it’s because of my stomach problems or tastes getting stranger, but I could not stomach the ones I made with kale or spinach (not much either!)… Even banana, which everyone loves… Can’t hardly stand drinking it (tried freezing them, too, supposed to taste like ice cream?)… Not for me…. I LOVE them fresh… am worried I won’t be able to stand the avovcado in liquid form… Do you REALLY not taste it? (Cuz I can always taste the greens) Thank you…

  39. Sarah says

    Avocado + banana = another wonderful smoothie, with no other sweetener needed. With just those two ingredients, it is almost pudding (my stick blender can handle mixing it …) , add water as needed to thin it to a smoothie. YUM!

  40. trajayjay says

    You’re 27! You seem so youthful.

    Foods I THOUGHT I hated include most vegetables (I would only eat cucumbers and carrots, then I found I could stomach iceberg lettuce, now I can eat a variety of veggies, I don’t think I’ll EVER like kale, tastes like I’m licking carpet). I also thought I hated cheese, mashed potatoes, corn, oranges, spaghetti. I used to hate lunchmeat, then I ate it, but now I don’t I liked rice, boxed macaroni and cheese, breakfast cereal, apples, peanut butter, toast, chicken (not breast), eggs, bacon.

    Now, I’m willing to eat an array of foods, no matter how unappetizing they look.

  41. Justin says

    I make something similar to this myself and it’s tasty! I’ve heard that your body changes drastically every 7 years (including your brain and taste buds!) so you might be on the cusp of that! i know i used to hate peanut butter…what was i thinking?…but now i love it

  42. Bobbi says

    So funny! I was just talking to someone at the farmer’s market about this today. I can’t stand Cilantro, tastes like soap to me. Apparently that’s a genetic quirk? But the woman at the olive oil booth said she recently started liking it after years! I hope I do…I’m kind of sad that I can’t taste what everyone says they’re in love with!

  43. Carlyn says

    I don’t like avocados but I’m giving them a chance. I have been drinking avocado smoothies at Vietnamese restaurants. I like the creaminess of the avocado which I think is perfect for smoothies. I haven’t tried eating an avocado on its own yet.

  44. Karina says

    Like your good self I use to detest the cilantro(used to make me retch) herb, it’s a different story now thought!:-)

    Avocados have always been a faithful friend and often crave them; love the sound of your avocado smoothie, Katie!

  45. Nicole D says

    Your list of unliked foods that suddenly became favorites is very similar to mine! I still don’t love mustard or raw onions, but over the past few years I started loving things like avocados and such, I think taste-buds really do change (or pregnancy hormones have had a hand:)! Maybe you’ve got a Mexican food fetish hitting! Either way, its great to be able to explore new food options. And I still wonder how I used to not like some of these things!

  46. Kristen says

    I’ve heard your taste buds change every 7 years! Welcome to the avocado-lovin’ world! Looking forward to more avocado filled recipes!

  47. Keryn says

    Tried the avocado smoothie. Surprisingly quite a neutral taste but a great way to use up a glut of avocados. I can see I need to purchase a Cuisinart ice cream maker and make the avocado frozen yogurt. Not sure what all this will do to the losing weight plan – I am hopeless at reducing my serving sizes! Thanks for the recipes.

  48. Myrnie says

    Try putting in a bit of lime juice, for a Brazilian-style smoothie. My husband lived there, and avocado is considered something for sweet treats, they think we’re nuts for using it in savory things like guacamole. (Of course, they make corn ice cream too.) They call this vitamina. It’s one of my favorites!

  49. laura says

    yummy! I make this all the time for breakfast, but i replace the vanilla extra with vanilla protein powder and add some spinach, keeps me full forever!

  50. Carissa says

    Supposedly your taste buds change every 7 years, I used to not like Cilantro and now I do. Im still working on the mushroom and veggie tree(Broccoli and Cauliflower) thing. Im going to have to try this, it seems interesting!

  51. Debra Peterson says

    “Can tastebuds really change after 27 years of life?” Absolutely! I HATED chocolate, until I went through menopause–then I ate those huge containers of chocolate covered raisins from Costco, many, many of them!! Now I’m through with all that, and back to my healthier choices, and lost 30 pounds. Now I’m addicted to my Vitamix!

  52. Lara says

    This was nothing short of heavenly. I used coconut milk, stevia & a really good vanilla extract which contains the vanilla beans. I made double last night & saved half in a sealed jar in the fridge. I had that one for breakfast this morning and it was even better plus kept me full and energized for hours. Also I love what avocado does for my skin.

    Katie please make a chocolate avocado pudding or other thing. I know there are a lot out there already but I am sure you would perfect it!

  53. Amy says

    This recipe was so good! I used way less milk, but I loved it. The aftertaste seriously tasted like COOKIE DOUGH, b/c of the vanilla and salt I think. Thanks for the recipe!

  54. Taylor says

    THIS RECIPE WAS TERRIBLE!! the vanilla flavor was WAY too strong, the minute amount of salt really took over and it tasted like bitter vanilla salt. abhorrent.

  55. Ruksanna says

    Thanks for the recipe. I’ve been meaning to try out an avocado smoothie recipe fpr a while and found a spare one today – I halved the maple syrup but it still tasted amazing, filled me up to 🙂

  56. Deeksha says

    Hey, If u’re n Indian n a vegetarian there’s no way u can escape veggies as a child. Most is our mums will drown the taste of actual veggie with spice overload. Anyways, avocados are fairly new to India n r considered exotic. I had ripe n v expensive avo sitting on my counter threatening to go bad. So I googled n tried ur recipe with some modifications. Used half avo, some milk n honey ! It wasn’t mind blowing but good n had loads of potential n quickest breakfast ever. The best part is my snobby hubby saw d potential too! Thanks

  57. Jenelle says

    I just tried your avocado smoothie. It was pretty delish. I added vanilla protein powder to make it more of a meal. I found your blog on a google search. I bookmarked it so I can come back and try some more of your ideas. Thanks 🙂

  58. Julie says

    This looked so tempting I had to try. I used coconut milk. I thought I would add some protein with a half cup plain, non-fat greek yogurt and used a handful of frozen strawberries instead of ice cubes. You are right about the avocado having little taste – just pure creaminess! Absolutely yum!

  59. Sonya says

    I think that it’s more common for people’s taste buds to change when they get older, than for them not to change. Kids are more sensitive to bitter or sour tastes, which probably is a protective thing survival-wise. I hated almost all fruits and vegetables as a kid, and now love them, as well as quite a lot of other things. In terms of serving “secret” ingredients to guests, you never know exactly what they think, because a polite guest will never tell you if something doesn’t taste quite as good as they are used to. I personally would never tell someone that; I will praise their cooking whether I like it or not.

  60. Molly says

    I just tried the avocado smoothie with one cup of mango nectar and it was amazing. It actually compliments the avocado flavor.

  61. Dana says

    My daughter & I just tried this with Golden Syrup since that is what we had on hand. It tastes a lot like a vanilla milkshake. Yummy! Thanks for the recipe.

  62. Carly says

    Just made this! Great recipe but next time I am leaving out the salt! I used almond milk for the milk of choice and agave nectar for sweetener! Thanks 🙂

  63. Cintia says

    My father has made this recipe ever since I can remember. Growing up as a kid in Brazil, avocados were pretty much everywhere. He remembers his father making this smoothie from the avocado tree that they had beside their house. Probably one of my favorite recipes!!! It’s nice to see it on the web for others to enjoy! 🙂

  64. Randall Nichols says

    Was thinking that by substituting Dark Chocolate Almond milk you could omit the sweetener, the vanilla and the salt. Caloric content would be increased, but then again so would the fiber and the minerals. Anyway, it’s something that I am going to look into. Thanks for the idea.

  65. Laura says

    Hi! I’m so happy to see an avocado smoothie recipe on your site! I have to say that my favorite version of this is avo-coco-banana! Some coconut milk or coconut cream, avocado, banana, and another thinner milk (almond, soy, etc.), with a little tiny bit of agave or honey and the wee-est pinch of salt is amazing. 🙂 Even better with frozen banana!

  66. Deb Favero says

    Great recipe Katie! Today I added about 10 (maybe 15) fresh basil leaves to the mix. I followed Myrnie’s suggestion to add lime, using 1/2 the zest and the juice of 1 medium. I must admit I always kick the salt up to 1/2 t too. Love the flavor.

    I was surprised this smoothie was so low in calories when I viewed your nutritional info. I thought the avocado alone would be higher in calories than those posted for the entire smoothie. Avocado caloric contents vary by source but range from 160-190 calories for 1/2 large avocado. Also, it would be helpful if the ingredients used in the calculation were mentioned when alternates are given in the recipe. Another option might be to simply state that the first one is always used when a recipe choice is listed.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      She had more info about how the recipe nutrition facts are calculated on her Recipe FAQ page at the top of the blog. Hope that helps!

  67. Kath says

    My husband and I fell in love with avocado smoothies when we lived in Indonesia. There, they often blend in chocolate or coconut (chocolate in the sweetened condensed form). It brings back memories of surfing and enjoying great (and super spicy) food.
    I craved olives during pregnancy (I couldn’t stand them before), and now really enjoy (not crave, but appreciate) a flavourful Kalamata any day. Both of my small kiddies love them too. 🙂

  68. Gina says


    This was delicious! I added half a frozen banana to mine and reduced the maple syrup by 1tbsp, so glad to have this recipe to add to my smoothie rotation! Can’t wait to try the frozen yogurt, too!!

  69. Rachel says

    Ooh, this is so good! I was bracing myself going into it, but the smoothie tastes a lot like a milk shake! Note: I only used 3/4 cup of regular milk with the 1/2 avocado. Though I think my avocado was smaller.

  70. Shannon says

    I think you can learn to like most things if you very slowly try to acquire a taste. I hated olives, but then I started with eating one Kalamata olive off my Greek salad, then two, then all of them, plus the ones off my husband’s. Also put sliced black olives on pizza… Now i can eat green olives straight from the jar?

  71. Richard Moore says

    This is exactly how I make a healthy milk punch, exact I add 1/4 cup Greek yogurt, 1/4 silken tofu (learned this from you!), 1 date, and 3 shots of Brandy. Add milk to desired consistency. Pour over ice. Top with nutmeg. Yum.

  72. Mary-Rose McMullin says

    This sounds yummy! I craved avacado when my iron levels were low– avacado is a good source of iron. Now I still like them but don’t crave them.

  73. jillsusanne says

    Added a touch of cocoa powder at the end for a chocolate milkshake – wow…delicious!! I loved the vanilla as well but my hubby is a chocolate fan so I thought it was worth a try. Thanks for the great recipe! 🙂

  74. shari nelson says

    I am so trying this soon. I have a huge avocado tree in my backyard.
    Thank you for sharing x

    Shari x |

  75. Michele Inclan says

    Definitely going to try this recipe soon! At age 30, after 2 kids, I suddenly discovered I LOVE avocado after feeding it to my baby girl, who also loves it!

  76. Edita says

    This smoothie became one of our favorite breakfasts. It is really unbelievable what a nice, creamy and silky texture gives the avocado to this drink. Thank you so much for posting this so-easy-to- make and delicious recipe.

  77. Richard Moore says

    I make variations of this all the time. I often cut back on the avocado to 1/4 and add 1/2 a banana instead. I almost always add 1 date, vanilla protein powder, and either almond extract or almond butter as well. And if I want to use this to create a healthy Sunday Brunch Brandy Milk Punch, I always add a little nutmeg and brandy too. 🙂

  78. Tiffany Almazan says

    Thanks for the recipe! I’m excited to try an avocado smoothie to get some healthy fat in me in the morning.
    I used to HATE avocados, guacamole, cheesecake, broccoli and brussel sprouts. They are are now delicious! After drinking a lot of green juice, food started to taste better and I fell in love with veggies. The only thing I really still hate is eggs.

  79. Michelle says

    Just made this for my momma and I, let me just tell you that we were blown away with the taste and texture! Before vegan, we used to get avocado smoothies with boba in downtown and I can easily say this tasted WAY better! Better than any avo smoothie we’ve ever had! AND we saved $10 total by just making it at home! Thank you Katie for this beautiful recipe!

  80. Elle says

    5 stars
    I don’t like Avocados, but the fats they contain are good for you. Thank you for this recipe. It’s easy, good for you, and tastes great. 🙂

  81. Carissa Concecion says

    5 stars
    Just made this because I was in the mood for a little something sweet and refreshing after dinner.

    Super delicious!!!

  82. Gina says

    5 stars
    Your recipe calls for using the milk of your choice. What milk did you use to bring the calories to 71 per serving?

  83. Mary-Rose McMullin says

    When I suddenly started craving avacados (which are a great source of iron), it was when my hemoglobin was low. My body knew what it needed! I do like them now, but I don’t crave them.

  84. Hanneke says

    5 stars
    I really love this smoothie, have been making it for breakfast now.
    Tried 1 cup of milk and 1/2 cup of yogurt. It’s really good!! Even thicker, you should try it!

  85. Luis Fernandes says

    Nice smooth, i think that this post will enhance the mornings of everyone that try this recipe, its very good and i feel very energized! i find a very good book that have a lot of vegan recipes and it’s a good price.

  86. Renee Woodward says

    Oh my…soooo good!! I used Vanilla Soymilk and omitted the vanilla extract. I could not taste the avocado at all. It was delicious!!

  87. Mitchellx4 says

    OMG!!! I just want to say I made this one type and my mind was blown… I always used to think you had to use bananas for smoothies, but girl was I wrong. Even my husband who is not a big fan of avocados, drinks this almost everyday before going to the gym. This and the Thin mints are my favorite keto recipes… Thank you so much

  88. Juliana says

    I guess I may have a bit more of an avocado sensitivity since I did get some of the flavor, but I added a banana and that seemed to help. Definitely drinkable and very creamy.

  89. isabella says

    250 g of almond flour(the one ur link took me too specifically) has 85 carbs, divided by 10 servings is 8.5 carbs per serving in flour alone :/ just made this recipe divided by 4, so (10/4=)2.5 servings and got two tiny(fluffy and not bad!) pancakes. so 2.5(serving size of my tiny pancakes)*8.5(carbs in flour per serving) = 21.25 carbs 🙁 so all my carbs for the day. i was very sad to discover this. not a keto recipe just a low carb for those who really need a pancake. also ur capping on nutrition facts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  90. Jarrod Pollard says

    Hello! I just made this and it is fantastic! It tastes just like a regular milkshake but without all the extra fat, sugar, calories and offers the health benefits of avocado. I will definitely be making this again.

  91. Elizabeth says

    What an incredibly peculiar selling point – this avocado shake doesn’t taste like avocado! And if you like this, I also have a pumpkin pie that doesn’t taste like pumpkin, and a banana bread that doesn’t taste like banana! The recipe did look somewhat similar to what I remembered from my hippie chick avocado-shake early 20s, and duly warned that it didn’t have much avocado flavor, I cut the milk to 1 cup, upped the avocado to ~3/4 and, because 2 tbs sugar sounded super sweet, gave it just a quick squirt of honey. Blended with milk powder and ice (cannot find regular milk anywhere these days 🙁 ), I got a creamy treat much like what I remember so fondly. Thanks, Katie, for the apt description and good jumping-off point recipe 🙂

  92. Denice Duellman says

    Exercises that encourage muscle strength, endurance and endurance are also comprised in the rowing machine. It focuses maintaining position and core energy. These exercises may play an important part in rehabilitation and training.

  93. Velma D. Meek says

    Thank yoi Katie, I made the brownies and avacado smoothie. They are fabulous. I am on keto and have been looking for new things to try and satisfy my cravings. These two recipes are Great, thanks Velma

  94. Pooja Agarwal says

    The recipe was really good, I absolutely loved the finished product, it was tasting like a vanilla ice cream. I probably can have it everyday. Healthy too. Thank you

  95. Mari says

    Another gem from Katie. I made an avocado, (canned) coconut milk, mango, pineapple, peach smoothie with a touch of pure Monk fruit for sweetener. Smooth, creamy, tropical, delicious! And so easy on the GI tract! What’s not to love?!

  96. Mari says

    5 stars
    Yummy! Try it with 1 c frozen blueberries, 2 T raw cacao, 1 small frozen banana. I don’t mind avocado, but you can’t taste it at all – this is so chocolatey! The banana is all the sweetness I needed – no added sweetener required for me. 🙂

  97. Marge Teilhaber says

    5 stars! Doubled the recipe and the other half is in a stainless steel glass for tomorrow. It’s filling.
    I added:
    1: 1 scoop Sun Warrior & 1 scoop collagen protein powder, both unflavored
    2: a lot of small frozen banana chunks, probably about one banana
    3: about 2T chopped dates
    4: a few T coconut cream

    Good way to use those powders and hopefully keep the few pounds I’ve recently been on a mission to gain.

  98. Sue L says

    I love an avo smoothie and I stack it with a lot of goodies.
    I use protein fortified soy milk and add a tablespoon or two of nutritional yeast and a whole egg. Also a good handful of crunchy kale.
    It makes an amazing lunch and I don’t need anything else till dinner.
    Highly recommended!!

  99. Daisy Stanley says

    5 stars
    I make mine with ice cubes condensed milk and avocado of course and some milk. Then blend it up. I add sweet chocolate syrup and I drizzle that all around the sides of the cup and then I poor my avocado shake in put the lid on and add a shake straw and sip away and enjoy! 😉

  100. Hannah says

    5 stars
    This was so delicious I never would have believed there was avocado in the smoothie if I hadn’t been the one to make it!

  101. S says

    5 stars
    This avocado smoothie was surprising! I could swear there is no avocado except the color gives it away. Great recipe!

  102. Rick Domine says

    5 stars
    I made this for the first time tonight and followed the recipe as-is, though using frozen diced avocados which if you’ve never tried them they’re surprisingly indistinguishable from fresh and I did toss in 3 coconut milk ice cubes and sweetened it all with about three tbsp of honey. OMG it’s wonderful. Many years ago I had an avocado coconut bubble tea at a Japanese market which also was wonderful, but I didn’t expect this one to turn out so good. I’m now anxiously awaiting my roomie to get home from work so I can shove one in his face, without any disclosure, and see what he thinks. But, for me, LOVE IT!

    One caveat, I made it with 2% milk and thus it’s VERY RICH. I like it but I think some folks might feel like they’re drinking melted butter or gelato (that’s not a bad idea actually) mainly because of the avocado but enhanced by the milk. I’d suggest skim milk if using milk but maybe mixing half coconut water and half milk would make it a little less velvety decadent and more beverage like. I began eating mine with a spoon until it warmed up and got a little thinner.

  103. Jami says

    5 stars
    I made this for the 1st time today & followed the recipe exactly & it came out perfect, so creamy & delicious. Will definitely be making this again. Thanks so much for sharing>

  104. Perry says

    5 stars
    I don’t sweeten mine. I add a few berries, full fat coconut milk, and macadamia milk. It’s delicious! Thanks for the idea.

  105. Anita Burroughs says

    5 stars
    Absolutely delicious and so filling. I added a banana, and used sweetened condensed milk instead of honey or maple syrup. This one is a keeper for sure.

  106. Lynn says


    Whenever I print out your recipes, the photo never prints. Even with the “RECIPE IMAGE” box checked, I never get the thumbnail of the image on any printed recipe.

    Does anyone else have this problem? I have tried multiple browsers and printers.

    Can you please see about this? I want (and neeeeed!) your beautiful photos on my saved recipes!

    Thank you!

  107. Lee miller says

    5 stars
    Love all of your recipes but can not understand how this recipe can only be 71 calories when an avocado alone is 100 for 1/2 and even using I.5 cups of almond milk adds an additional 45 calories and that’s without the maple syrup. Am I missing something?

  108. Gail Norton says

    5 stars
    Hi Katie I’m going to pin alot of your recipes and I wanted to know if you could have a jump to recipe button?

  109. Elsie says

    5 stars
    Hi Katie,
    What is the equivalent or recommended quantity of frozen avocado? I buy mine in bags of frozen cubed.
    Thank you for all of your amazing content! I have your app and you have your own YouTube folder with me. Such a fan and so are my little nieces.

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