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100 Calorie Chocolate Cake

4.98 from 344 votes

A healthy and low fat chocolate cake recipe that tastes so sinful you will never believe it!

100 Calorie Chocolate Cake Recipe

There is NO oil needed for this chocolate cake!

The recipe gets rave reviews every single time I make it… even from people who aren’t normally fans of healthy desserts!

It can definitely hold its own against any high-calorie chocolate cake from a fancy restaurant or cake shop, and no one ever guesses it isn’t full of fat and sugar.

Also Try These Overnight Oats – 15 Recipes

The Best Low Fat Chocolate Cake Recipe

Bonus points: There are no crazy ingredients in this recipe.

No offense to my cauliflower based Healthy Chocolate Cake.

By using yogurt (I like nondairy yogurt) you can cut way back on the fat and empty calories while still retaining all of the moisture and richness of a traditional cake made with oil.

Years of experience have taught me that chocolate tastes much better when some fat is included, and therefore I chose to add a little nut butter to the healthy chocolate cake recipe as well (for allergy-friendly, you can use Sunbutter or Peabutter).

Can you think of a better way to spend one’s birthday (my birthday was this past Saturday) than taste-testing chocolate cakes?

I couldn’t, and so this is exactly what I did!

Anyways, back to the chocolate cake…

Easy Healthy Chocolate Cake

What was your BEST birthday ever?

Although my best birthday was probably my 16th, this past birthday came pretty close. When it started to lightning and pour rain around 8 PM, I was initially worried no one would show up.

But the rain quickly dissipated, and I had an amazing night in downtown DC with around 30 close friends, none of whom I knew a year ago.

It was completely terrifying to start over when I first moved to the area, and I think last Saturday was the first time I realized I finally didn’t feel like an outsider anymore.

P.S. If you need ideas for your next birthday, please feel free to steal my idea of spending the day eating chocolate cake!

Watch the video above for how to make a low calorie chocolate cake

Secretly Healthy 100 Calorie Chocolate Cake (Vegan)
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100 Calorie Chocolate Cake

A healthy and low fat chocolate cake recipe with no eggs, dairy, or oil required.
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Yield 8 – 9 slices
5 from 344 votes


  • 1 cup spelt, white, or gf ap flour
  • 6 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp each: baking soda and salt
  • 3/4 cup granulated sugar of choice or xylitol
  • 1/2 cup mini chocolate chips, optional
  • 1/4 cup yogurt (I like nondairy)
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup almond butter, peanut butter, OR allergy-friendly sub – For a nut-free cake, try my Vegan Chocolate Cake Recipe
  • 2 tsp pure vanilla extract


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F, and grease an 8-in square or round pan. Set aside. In a large bowl, combine the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda, salt, optional chips, and sweetener, and stir very well. (If your nut butter is not stir-able, gently heat it until stir-able.) In a new bowl, whisk together the nut butter, yogurt, water, and vanilla. Pour wet into dry and stir until just combined (don’t over-mix), then pour into the greased pan. Bake 25 minutes or until batter has risen and a toothpick inserted into the center of the cake comes out mostly clean. (I like to take it out when it’s still a little undercooked, let it cool, and then set in the fridge overnight. This prevents overcooking, and the cake will still firm up nicely as it sits.) If you can wait, I highly recommend not taking a taste until the next day… this cake is so much richer and sweeter after sitting for a day. Trust me!
    View Nutrition Facts


For a keto version, make this flourless chocolate Keto Cake Recipe.

Have you made this recipe?

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More Low Calorie Recipes

Blondies and Bars

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Bars

Vegan Girls With Cookies

Cinnamon Sugar Pillow Cookies (vegan recipe)

Vegan Chocolate Bars

Homemade Chocolate Bars

Low Calorie Recipes

Low Calorie Desserts – 10 Recipes

Vegan Breakfast Ebook

More About The Cookbook

Published on September 8, 2014

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. jyo says

    wow looks mouth watering…may i know what is the frosting that you used on this one looks so smooth and yummy …that sticker looks super cool..Happy birthday katie 🙂

  2. Mia (Mia in Germany) says

    Happy belated Birthday 🙂
    I like your highschool birthday tradition as much as this recipe. Maintain it, that’s the things which keep people young. Besides chocolate, that is.
    My birthday’s on July 28th, and the best I ever had was the one when I was on a road trip with my DH through South-West-England and Cornwall.

  3. Leah (goodnight cheese) says

    Hi Katie,

    Looks delish! What is the serving size/number of servings for the recipe? Also, I’m still not sure how you calculate calories – is it with the optional chocolate chips, and/or with or without frosting? 100 calories for a decent-sized piece of frosted chocolate chocolate chip cake seems too good to be true.

    • Alanna says

      See the linked nutritional info — it’s 9 servings, and calculations are usually for the recipe without any optional ingredients. Calories from frosting will vary greatly depending on what recipe and how much you personally use (I know I go heavy on it because I love frosting!).

    • Jerry says

      It IS too good to be true. With the “optional” ingredients (the chocolate chips) and frosting (who eats a dry piece of cake?) one small piece of this “100 calorie” cake actually clocks in at almost 250 calories. Honestly, I find this article to be misleading and more than a bit disingenuous.

      • Jason Sanford says

        The cake is actually perfectly delicious either plain or sprinkled with powdered sugar (or sugar free powdered sugar), also the chocolate chips definitely do not need to be included. So no, not too good to be true 😉

  4. Sara A says

    Hi Katie! I think the birthday sticker suits you quite nicely :-). Belated happy birthday to you!!! I was also born in September but later in the month. I was due around Halloween but apparently decided I was ready to move out into the world sooner than expected. As a result there are no pictures of me before I was a day old. Camera phones were a thing of science fiction in those days!

    Back to the chocolatey goodness, could you please tell me if you have any thoughts on making this into cupcakes? Would you recommend altering the temperature or simply decreasing the baking time? Any other suggestions?

    Thanks so much for all the sweetness you share!

    • Sara A says

      This recipe made one dozen absolutely perfect cupcakes. They were light and fluffy and rose beautifully. I was afraid they would deflate as they cooled, but they stayed nicely puffed up. This was a test batch to make sure I liked them well enough to bring to a baby shower I’m throwing for a friend. I will absolutely be bringing a few batches to the shower and I’m sure they’ll be a great crowd pleaser. In the meantime, my husband and I will be enjoying them over the next few days. Thanks so much, Katie!

  5. Eilish Brazell says

    Katie, you have no idea how much of a lifesaver this is. My 16th is coming on Thursday! I’m recovering from anorexia, and the thought of a “real” cake terrifies me. This way, I can indulge in a slice and not feel so guilty! Thank you!

  6. Stacey says

    Happy late birthday Ms. Katie! I hope you had a wonderful birthday that was filled with much happiness and hopefully with some chocolate goodness :). I’ve introduced my whole family and my friends to your website so some of the views, shares, and pins your getting may be my fault! A 100 calorie serving of chocolate cake that looks that good?! Yep, my life is complete <3. Please keep on sharing the goodies (even the non-chocolate/non-dessert ones too)!!!

  7. Heather @ Shards of Lavender says

    Happy Birthday, Katie! It sounds as if your day was lots of fun with your newest friends. Did you really wear the sticker out to eat?:) My birthday was Thursday and was one of the best because I spent it with my family and my husband surprised me with tickets to see Alton Brown Live in November. This cake looks amazingly moist and healthy. I’ll have to try it soon!

  8. Hailey says

    Oooh, the cake looks yummy. Happy birthday!!! My birthday is in February; this past year on my 15th birthday we had a rare snow day so I didn’t have to go to class. I enjoyed that. 🙂

  9. Missy says

    My 40th birthday was yesterday and my best birthday ever was a few years back when I saw the show Rock of Ages on my birthday. Or it could be my 20th birthday when I had my gallbladder removed – IDK. 😉

  10. Becca says

    This looks amazing! Would it be possible to use agave instead of the sugar and almond flour instead of the flours listed?

  11. Liz says

    This might be my favorite recipe of all the ones you’ve ever posted! I had all the ingredients so had no excuse not to make it. I couldn’t wait the extra day and had to sneak a taste. Okay so I snuck a whole piece and will go back for more after dinner. SO GOOD!

  12. Bret says

    This cake looks and sounds amazing…I can’t wait to try!! Happy belated birthday Katie!!! Been following your site for a while now and just want to say I’m glad to hear DC is treating you well 🙂

    P.S. Justin is spot on…you are gorgeous!!! But if you move, come back to Texas 😉

  13. Ellie H. says

    My 16th birthday was a day before yours (the 5th)! It may have been my best one yet, as a local restaurant paid for my mom and I’s lunch and dessert on my birthday as a “Happy Birthday!” gift! 🙂
    I also loved my birthday when I was in elementary school, as I would always have fun parties with friends to celebrate! I would also always get to bring a treat to class on my birthday!!!

  14. Charles B says

    Happy Birthday Katie. Thanks as always for sharing your wonderful creations.

    My birthday is at the end of this month. Will be on vacation in a rented condo, so I’m not sure I’ll have the supplies to make my own cake. Will have to try something.

  15. Jules @ WolfItDown says

    Who needs oil when you’ve got yogurt and nut butter? This looks fantastically creamy 😀

    Happy belated birthday 😀 Stickers on the forehead is needed sometimes to stay sane…somehow that made more sense when I thought about it. Ahhh reminds me of years back in school when we’d stick the stickers you get on some fruits on each other, hoping they wouldn’t notice, haha 😛 x

  16. Tammy says

    Happy birthday Katie! Just wondering your thoughts on using gf nutri blend flour for this recipe? Do you think this would be the same as using Bobs gf flour? Thanks.

  17. Leslie says

    Oh this makes me smile! I just started a low carb diet but I can eat low calorie cheats. Hehe. SCORE! Thank you for sharing!!

  18. Betsy says

    I’m not vegan so I made this with greek yogurt instead and it came out great! I used 1/4 cup of chocolate chips which helped sweeten since I didn’t wait a day as recommended but I didn’t find them necessary. Great recipe just like all the others I’ve tried 🙂

  19. Elissa says

    So yummy!!!! This popped up on my blog feed this morning, and I have been thinking about it all day:) Ahh! Birthday; December 5. Close enough to Christmas that all your gifts come in Christmas wrapping paper, and say something like, ‘Happy Birthday/Christmas!’

  20. Erika says

    So if it’s only 100 calories that means I can eat it everyday… right? This looks like a great recipe. I’ll definitely try it out on the next chocolate cake appropriate occassion that rolls around.

  21. Vickie M says

    Happy birthday Katie! I’m glad you had so much fun!! One birthday of mine that sticks out is my 17th, when my Dad brought me out for my first railroad special: we grabbed pipes and scraped them along the railroad, and all the road blocks nearby went down, blocking traffic even though there was no train.

    It’s the little things. Haha.

    My birthday is this Friday, and this yummy-looking recipe will definitely make a delicious (and probably short-lived) appearance! Thanks for posting it!

  22. Ruth says

    I think I’ll have to keep your idea in mind about the whole eating chocolate cake the whole day on my birthday-which is the 4th of July. Personally, chocolate cake is one of my favorites. ^-^
    Happy belated birthday, Katie! 😀

  23. Miriam says

    I made this today, it was frikkin delicious.
    Note: I used regular natural youghurt and crunchy peanutbutter.

    Question: I tried using a sweetener instead of regular sugar (never baked with sweetener before), but when weighing it obviously weighs less, so I traded it for regular sugar halfway in to get the right amount. So I think it became a bit sweeter than it was supposed to.
    So to my question: for all of you guys who use (artifical) sweeteners; how do you measure out when weighing it?!

    PS: I used a scale to measure up the ingredients, because where I’m from we don’t use “cups” as a measuring unit (i.e. I have no clue how much 3/4 cup is!) so I thank you with all my heart for always mentioning how many grams you are supposed to have in a paranthesis, Katie. (K)

    • Mia w says

      5 stars
      Hi. I make This recipe all the time. It takes me 12 minutes to mix together & 22-24 to bake in high altitude. I use a scale as well when baking but not in this recipe. I do use monkfruit sugar and add 3/4 cup. You should be able to google how many oz of sugar in 3/4 cup and it should be the same. You may need to convert. I use The scale when making a triple cake or a double round for friends but not for this recipe. For this one, I use A 9 inch round because I only Have a glass 8×8 & I dont Like glass pans for cake. My metal 9 inch round is perfect and easy every time.

  24. Lauren says

    Happy Birthday! I love the idea of cake tasting on your birthday! Or any tasting really 🙂 the last 2 years I’ve done wine tastings for my birthday 😉

  25. Tessa says

    Happy birthday Katie! This looks so good 🙂
    I’m a huge fan of your blog (how could I not be) and a little while ago I made the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies, and they were absolutely AMAZING. Really, my dad isn’t always such a big fan of my healthier recipes for delicious thinks like cookies, but he really liked them, and I saw him eating a few when he thought no one saw it. 😉 I also made cupcakes made of chickpea batter (also an idea stolen from you) and again, he liked it. My brother did too(He is always the brave person to try everything, haha poor lad)! He loves treats, ’cause which 14-year old doesn’t, and he is really enthusiastic about my healthier variations on stuff.

    After all, I would just like to say you are so brave and sweet(because of the personal post you did a little while ago) and I just think you are a hell of a woman, a really sweet and genius person who makes the best recipes in the world!

    Thank you and I hope your enjoyed your birthday 🙂

    Love, Tessa (The Netherlands)

  26. Jolynn says

    First of all, Happy Belated Birthday! This cake looks incredible, I will definitely have to try it. 😀
    I have a request though, how about soft baked oatmeal? Like the Nature Valley ones, mate with more creative flavors? Just an idea!

  27. Susie says

    Happy belated birthday, Katie! This cake looks great, but my oven is broken. Is there a easy but effective method to convert a conventional oven cake recipe to a microwave cake recipe?

    My favorite recipe of yours is the Ultimate Chocolate Fudge Pie, which you also posted to celebrate your birthday. It truly is the ultimate pie–and I love it because it’s no bake.

  28. Erin says

    Happy Birthday! I have you on my favorites bar. Everytime I get the hankerin’ for something sweet I just click on your site and can’t wait to experiment! Tonight I am trying this chocolate cake with the peanut butter icing. I am using almond flour for the cake. And I am using organic plain greek yogurt for the icing b/c I don’t have silken tofu. Here we go! Thanks for all you do! Its inspiring!

    • Lily says

      The cake does contain fat from the peanut butter and yogurt. Yogurt bacteria is good bacteria for your stomach if the yogurt is not spoiled. Same with cheese, the holes in cheese? Made with bacteria. But if the food is not spoiled you obviously shouldn’t use it. But good bacteria is good for your stomach and baking it won’t ruin it or anything. I don’t think vegan milk would work because it is to thin. Maybe bake it for longer at a lower temp?

      • Unofficial CCK Helper says

        Actually, Katie DOES use vegan milk for this cake (and for all of her recipes). The yogurt she uses does have fat as well. The brands she uses are listed in parenthesis in the ingredient list where it says yogurt.

  29. Heather Mason says

    That cake looks amazing, I can’t believe there is no oil and no added fat. I definitely need to try this.

    My best birthday was probably my 16th as well. We had giant blow up sumo wrestling suits to tackle each other in, it was pretty awesome. Happy belated birthday Katie!

  30. EVA says

    June 26th, man! I really haven’t had any amazing birthdays. Something ALWAYS seems to come up, especially on my milestones. On my 10th birthday, I had to go to my cousin’s wedding, and I’m not even close with her; on my 16th, I was dead sick because my dad gave me his vicious cold. Next year is my 20th, and while I have zero close friends, I’m going to make it something special!

    And happy belated to ya!

  31. Summer says

    If anyone has made this with whole wheat flour, does it taste whole wheat-ish of that makes sense haha or does it taste normal? Because I am not a huge fan of the whole wheat taste but I also know white flour is bad for you so I just don’t know, or maybe pay flour would work?? Help!

    • Anna says

      I personally don’t like the taste of whole wheat flour baked goods. I find them too dense. She does list whole wheat pastry flour as an option. It’s lighter than whole wheat flour. I would either use that or spelt flour.

  32. Larry says

    Katie, I read your blog and just drool over your reciepes.
    I must say you look beautiful with that Birthday sticker on your forehead. Hey have to be crazy right?
    Happy Belated Birthday.
    Keep up the great blog you have and for your little insight about you.

  33. Mary Rose Dougherty says

    Hi Katie,

    Love your website!
    I cook for a woman who has diabetes. She loves your chocolate tofu pie.
    Question: do you have any experience using rice syrup in recipes?

    Mary Rose

  34. Alexis says

    This recipe is amazing! I have made it a few times now and I used coconut yogurt rather than soy and it was great. I frosted it with chocolate ganache which is similar to your 5 minute truffle recipe.
    I made this for work and it disappeared in 2 mins. Unfortunately someone with a nut allergy ate some but they were okay after an antihistamine!

  35. Anna says

    This cake is fantastic! I used spelt flour, coconut milk yogurt and almond butter. I frosted it with coconut milk whipped cream. Mmmm, fabulous! 🙂 Thanks so much for the recipe!

  36. Brenda Tracy says

    I just made the 100 calorie chocolate cake with reeses pieces frosting!! It is DELICIOUS!!! I can’t believe it is so moist. Your blog said wait and eat the next day but my husband & I could not help ourselves. We ate while still warm…. Can’t imagine how good it will be tomorrow!!! This recipe is a keeper. Thank you for sharing! Having so much fun with all your recipes but I had to post about this favorite.

  37. Barbara says

    Hi Katie,

    Love this cake! What chocolate frosting did you use on your cake in the photos?
    Thanks. Made the cake for my husband’s Birthday tomorrow….wanna frost it like yours.

  38. Kelsey says

    Can’t wait to try this! What do you think about subbing coffee for the water? I always did this in traditional recipes and it brought out the chocolate flavor beautifully, but would it be the same principle in a non butter based cake?

  39. Annie says

    This is so simple and good! I made it yesterday and I used (lo-fat) almond flour and whey protein powder (chocolate) 50/50, and instead of sugar I used banana. Perfect way to start new week! 🙂

  40. Reemaz says

    I made this for breakfast (I used oat flour and I reduced all ingredients by half)! It turned out more like a brownie. One of the awesomest chocolate-y stuff I have ever tasted! Thanks to you Katie I have a new favorite recipe!

  41. L.O. says

    Hi Katie! I’m a big fan of your blog! Do you have a vanilla version of this recipe? Is there something I can replace with the peanut butter?

  42. Anne says

    I’m not a big chocolate fan but I do crave it on a few occasions. I came across this recipe and decided to try it. I ran out of Xylitol so I used the rest of my Xylitol and some coconut palm sugar. I taste tested the batter before putting it in the oven and did not like it. In any case, I went ahead and baked it and frosted it as per the instructions. The instructions are spot on and I gotta say the taste is fantastic! My husband tried it out and he liked it as well. The consistency is moist and mushy. I’m so happy it’s only 100 calories because we will definitely be finishing the entire batch! Try this recipe; you will love it! Thanks Katie!

    • iLoveMyGoats says

      Rebecca…nut butters are vegan. They are called ‘butter’ because they are ground nuts to which a little oil is sometimes added to make them creamy. They don’t contain dairy

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Not really sure what you are asking here. This recipe and most of her others also list all purpose white flour as an option.

  43. Jackie says

    So… this is a tricky one! I ran the ingredients through Livestrong and came up with a 220+ calorie-per-slice cake. Then I realized, ah… no real sugar. So I edited out my coconut sugar and still came up with a lot more calories. Hmm. Next, I realized, ah ha! The chocolate chips are not included in the estimate (as they are an optional ingredient). So, with no chips, and using 3/4 cup Swerve, I hit exactly 100 calories per slice, as you did. I made this with your banana PB frosting–amazing! I didn’t have any peanut butter (story of my life!) so I mixed bananas and coconut oil with PB2 and came up with something fluffy, peanut buttery and banana-y, and still only about 40 calories per tablespoon. And this was a DELICIOUS cake! And a decently sized portion, too! Probably the first real cake I’ve eaten in a year. Wish I didn’t have to count calories, but the last time I tried NOT counting calories, I tried Paleo, and gained 10 pounds in six months. But anyhoo, anyone who makes this needs to be aware that if you use any kind of calorie-containing sugar and the chocolate chips, you’re going to end up with more calories than 100 per slice. And frosting adds more calories, of course. Important to those of us who count every calorie.

  44. Lucy says

    Hi Katie, just wondering if I could make this in a loaf tin? I’m making a cake for an assessment at school and want it to be piano shaped! By the way I have made Sugar Free Cookie Pie and Peanut Butter Pie in the past and they were totally delicious, so I’m sure this one will taste amazing too. 🙂

  45. Sam says

    I paired this cake with your banana-split chocolate butter and omg I looove it! It made my morning magical. After finding your website, I’ve found that healthy eating isn’t quite so hard any more 🙂 Thank you for your recipes!

  46. mntngal100 says

    Great cake! Didn’t have yogurt. so used sour cream instead. Also, baking powder, instead of baking soda, & coconut sugar for the sugar. Used the cauliflower chocolate cake frosting & worked great. Husband said it was like a very rich brownie. Thanks for a great recipe!

  47. Taylor says

    This looks fab but just wondering if I am calculating this wrong- how is this cake 100 calories? 1/4 cup of nut butter itself is well over 100, was just wondering if I am calculating this wrong or if this recipe yields more than “one” cake (hehe).

    Needless to say- excited to try this!

  48. iLoveMyGoats says

    Yes, oil is still needed because the peanut butter or almond butter you use in the recipe contains oil!! Nuts, and nut butters, contain oil. You do save some on calories though, since 1/4 c of peanut butter contains less fat grams than the same amount of oil.

  49. leah says

    Don’t get me wrong, I love your recipes. Let’s be real though. There is oil in this recipe from the peanut butter or whatever nut butter is used. If it didn’t have oil, in other words fat, then it would taste like cardboard. What concetns me is the whole diet mentality. Why feed into that dysfunctional, unhealthy way of thinking? Fat is not bad for you if it’s a good fat so why try and appeal to people’s fear about eating fat and getting fat? Just call it what it is…a marketing technique to get the attention of those who
    are drawn to any recipe that is touted as being low calorie because they’re more obsessed with their weight than with health. People should be more concerned with the sugar…that’s what makes people fat.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      If you have her cookbook, try the Chocolate Obsession Cake. It uses oil and not nut butter, and it is FANTASTIC!

  50. Annie says

    I’m a flight attendant in training, living in a hotel for two months and trying to eat healthy and fit in my uniform. Do you have some healthy/low cal delicious microwave recipes that I can make?

  51. Shabaritha says

    Wow!!! can’t wait to try the 100 Calorie chocolate cake. Can I use regular butter since my kids cannot do nut butters or the sun butter? Thanks for sharing such delish recipes.

  52. Shula says

    Would the 100 calorie chocolate cake work with “Stevia in the Raw” which is theoretically equal in volume to sugar? I tried it for cookies and it was awful, so I am hesitant to try again to directly substitute for the sugar and don’t have any xylitol on hand.

  53. Clare Lanaux says

    Hi Katie,

    We love this recipe and are including it in a healthy Valentine’s Day guide for our users. With your permission, we would like to repost your picture with a brief description and link back to your blog for the recipe. If you’d like anything else included, please let me know!



  54. Anni says

    Finally got round to making this and it turned out absolutely great. I did underbake it a little, as you said, but did not have the patience to wait until tomorrow and I was instantly rewarded! This cake is quick, easy, fudgy, not too sweet with just a slight hint of peanuts- I love it. Thank you for the great recipe!

  55. vasudha says


    Would jif peanut butter work well in this recipe? Awaiting your reply eagerly..
    My kids finished two weeks of kindergarten and I wanted to make them a treat to celebrate.!!!

  56. Maria says

    Hi! This sounds awesome! I HAVE TO do gluten free. When you say Bob’s GF flour, do you mean his cup-for-cup (WITH the xanthan gum) or his GF flour blend (WITHOUT the xanthan gum)? Based on my experience, if someone is using any flour blend , you will NEED to add xanthan or guar gum to the recipe. If you are using a cup-for-cup brand, you do not need to add it. CHECK INGREDIENTS to see if a gum is or isn’t included. Some new to GF bakers may not realize that. They can look up to verify, but if your blend does NOT already contain a gum, you NEED to add 1/4 to 1/2 tsp for each cup of flour in the recipe.

    Looking forward to trying this!

    Maria :o)

  57. Judy says

    I made the 100 Calorie Chocolate Cake. YUM! I used the Krusteaz gluten free flour mix. It is the best mix I have tried and I have tried quite a few. I will be making these again. Thank you for the recipe!

  58. Andreia says

    Hello, I am loving your recipes and I want to try them out, but in Portugal there is no Bob’s gf flour, neither the ww pastry flour. What are these exactly and how can I substitute them in your recipes. Can I use any gluten free flour or whole wheat flour? Thank you =)

  59. ana carol says

    Hi! I’m just obsessed with that cake that i couldn’t resist and posted it on my blog too! tks for all inspiration! =)

  60. Aislinn says

    This was a really good recipe! I used more yogurt instead of adding nut butter and substituted the sugar with applesauce to make it even less caloric. It came out very moist and chocolatey. Thank you for sharing!

  61. Aislinn says

    Excellent recipe! I substituted the almond butter for more yogurt and the sugar with applesauce. Now I can eat it with even less calories!

  62. Katie Riches says

    Could you use normal butter instead of almond butter? Or just extra yogurt? I don’t have any nut butter!

  63. Leora says

    Just mixed up the batter and popped it in the oven! Naturally I had to sneak some of the batter into my mouth, it almost reminded me of Reese’s cups( I used pb). I can’t wait to taste it. My fiancé and I are fairly health conscious and I can’t wait to surprise him with this cake. Thanks so much! 🙂

  64. Nicole says

    can anyone recommend a xylitol brand that’s not made in China? I was using Now Foods but recently noticed its a product of China 🙁

  65. Dori says

    5 stars
    I made this last night. The frosting didn’t work out well so I made a ganache out of it. My son (a chocolate connoisseur like his mom) loved it! It was moist and tasty!

  66. Imp Hughes says

    5 stars
    I just discovered your website and it’s scrumptious! I adore the way you write, your sunny disposition puts a smile on my face! Tonight I tried this recipe and it turned out beautifully, so yummy and great to know that it’s not full of rubbish!

    Anyway I just wanted to send a huge thank you from over here in the UK for this recipe and I look forward to trying out many more!

    Imogen (Imi) from Totnes, Devon, England

  67. Becky says

    Is the cake 100 calories when using granulated sugar or when using xylitol? They both have different calorie counts and therefore the one you choose to use with have a different calorie content overall. I checked in the nutrition page and it didn’t say. Thanks!

    • A H says

      Try it, as long as you’re OK if the result isn’t what you expected. And let us know how it works, if you do experiment.

  68. Alexsandra says

    This cake is to die for! I love it! I’ve made it a couple times now, with different sweetners and flours, and both times it was perfect! I don’t even use any frosting for it. Thank you!

  69. Frank says

    I like the look of this cake but have a question about the nutrition info…. you say 1.1gm of sugar per portion yet you have 140gm sugar in the ingredients so looks at least 14gm sugar for each of the nine pieces.

  70. Dani says

    Hi Katie 🙂
    Thank you for this brilliant recipe. I used whatever was at hand so this cake was by no means vegan – i used dairy yogurt and butter. But, the point is it turned out so well! I added some coffee powder to the wet ingredients because I think it accentuates the chocolate flavour. No one guessed the recipe was light on fat and egg-free! Definitely recommend.
    Also, would you have any suggestions for cutting out some of the sugar/ how to substitute with honey?
    Have a beautiful day xx

  71. Ginette says

    What! You don’t like Fudgy Chocolate Beet Cake with Chocolate Avocado Frosting by Coffee & Quinoa?????? LOL This looks really good, I’m about to try it! Thanks!

  72. Vanessa says

    Well done Katie! This recipe was amazing. Came out perfectly and tasted delicious! Had it with some all natural ice cream.

  73. Amanda S says

    Hi Katie! I recognize this post is from a while back so I’m not sure if you’ll see my comment. However, I was wondering if you think this cake would hold being layered. My mom is on a new diet because of her health and can no longer have our traditional Mint Christmas Tree Cake. So I’ve set out to surprise her with a healthy version that she will be able to have. This recipe looks great! I’m just hoping it won’t fall apart if I tried to layer it. What are your thoughts?

  74. caroline says

    thanks a lot for adding the measures in grams
    it helps a lot saves time and I’m sure not making any mistake converting :))
    I am so trying this chocolate cake!

  75. Leela says

    Fantastic recipe all around! I subbed half the xylitol for erthyritol and it made the densest, moistest, most PERFECT sugar-free brownies I’ve ever had, what a fortunate accident! My only regret is leaving out the chocolate chips. If I had used all xylitol, it would have turned out to be cake. So chocolatey and rich!

    • Jason Sanford says

      I think you would need a splenda baking blend to replace the bulk, instead of just the powder. Be sure to report back if you try it!

  76. Tom Wilkinson says

    This cake looks great. When i put it in the weight watchers recipe calculator it comes out to 7 smart points a slice based on your 9 slice serving size. That is using white sugar though. It also does not include icing.

  77. Heather Geryol says

    Delicious Kakie! Made it last night. It is a little on the “Dark” chocolate side. I can make it a bit differently next time. I used Oat flour ( made from steel cut oats that I blended ) I used 1.5 cups. And used Cacao instead of cocoa and added more stevia. I had to add extra water since it was really thick. What should the consistency be if I want it a bit more moist? I used a Cacao and stevia frosting that I made from scratch. I didnt know how long the avocado frosting would last or else I would of made that. My cake made 12 slices.

    • Jason Sanford says

      Hmmm you replaced the sugar with stevia? It would definitely be more moist and better textured with the full amount of sugar the recipe calls for so I would recommend that.

  78. Kerstin Rogers says

    Hi Katie,

    I’ve made this cake a couple of times now, once with a hazelnut butter and once with peanug butter. Both times it was absolutely delicious, but it was very dense both times too. I’m not complaining, as I enjoyed eating it so much, I am actually planning on making it again this week. I was just wondering if that has ever happened to you. I have substituted self raising flour for the pastry flour/spelt as that is all I had at home – maybe that is the reason.
    Thank you so much for this recipe – it’s an absolute life saver, as I’ve now got the perfect recipe for making a healthy and delicious treat for myself now

    • Jason Sanford says

      Unfortunately different flours can have very different effects on results, which is why Katie always stresses that she can only vouch for a flour she’s tried. She just would have no way of knowing how substituting a different flour (or making ANY substitutes to a recipe) would turn out, because she hasn’t tried it. Of course you are always free to experiment, but that is the risk!

  79. marcelline says

    I have tried a lot of healthy chocolate cake recipes and this one is definitely the best. The texture is perfect and it is so easy to make. Thank you !

  80. Marloes Crietee says

    I so love this cake! I‘ve made it a couple of times now, and it comes out so moist and chocolately every time, incredible. I am not vegan, so I use heavy sour cream (35 % fat) or greek joghurt, so maybe it’s not 100 calorie, but what the heck. It’s so good. Once I made it as a sandwichcake, with an orange marmelade filling. Good combination. Thanks for this recipe Katie.

    • Jason Sanford says

      I don’t think so. Coconut flour cant’ really be subbed in recipes in a 1 to 1 ratio because it soaks up liquid.

  81. Zandra says

    So I needed a 9×13 for a birthday cake & doubled the recipe. The cake turned out PERFECT! I used the spelt flour as suggested and organic turbinado sugar. It was baked evenly, and had a great rise to it. I lined the bottom with baking parchment paper since she suggested putting it in the fridge overnight, I wanted it to pop out of the pan the next morning (which it did!). I only used half the amount of chocolate chips to keep the sugar content down, it still tasted great and was sweet enough that the kids gobbled it up!

  82. Mahala says

    Completely and utterly disappointed that the nutrional info is an absolute LIE. Next time you make a cake with nutrition you should state all the ingredients and not have us choose stuff out of thin air. I made this cake, it looks wonderful. But after adding up all the stuff I had to just pick out myself, its way over 200 calories for 73g.

    • Jason Sanford says

      I’m really not sure what you mean… It would be impossible for Katie to provide nutrition facts for every single variation of the recipe using every possible combination of ingredients. Using the basic recipe (not including optional ingredients, as is standard for nutrition labels), her calculations are correct.

  83. Linda Ann says

    Let me start by saying it was delicious. But after further investigation i think the 100 calorie name is a little decieving.
    I calculated the calories myself and I am assuming you didnt include the chocolate chips when doing this (as you put optional next to them)
    Otherwise the serving is so small its ridiculous.
    I only used 1/3 cup choc chips in my calculations and 1/2 sugar half natvia and i got to 1900 calories for the whole cake which means you get 1/19 of a piece of cake for 100 calories.
    But I am going to tweak it a little more and hopefully it will still taste as amazing as it did before.
    I will try replacing the butter with apple sauce and use more sweetener less sugar.

    but thanks for the inspiration

  84. Han says

    I made this cake yesterday and it is really delicious- maybe too delicious! I used a simple chocolate buttercream frosting recipe to go with it and my family absolutely love it. This will be my go to chocolate cake from now on. Thanks Katie! Your recipes are really great.

  85. Bella says

    Tried this cake and it was so soft,moist and very tasty . Thanks for this best recipe. Second time I used whole wheat instead of maida and 16 dates +6 Tbs brown sugar for sweetness. The cake was tasty, fudgy and brownie like.

  86. Robyn Roknipour says

    HI Katie,
    Can whole wheat pastry flour be subbed out with the spelt flour? Also any swaps on the yogurt? I’m wondering if I could just omit it? What is the purpose of the yogurt? Tnks in advance 🙂

  87. Rebecca says

    I did some alterations to this recipe, since I didn’t have all the listed ingredients.. 🙂
    I subbed this:
    1 cup all purpose flour –> almond meal
    3/4 cup granulated sugar of choice –> 3 tbsp + 6 tsp stevia powder
    2 tsp pure vanilla extract –> vanilla powder
    Results: the batter was a bit too salty, so I added a squeeze of agave & raspberries!
    And the cake was soo good! 🙂

  88. Radhika says

    Waiting to
    Try this recipe. Instead of vegan yogurt can I use nut milk
    With vinegar? Please let me know as I do not get vegan yogurt here.


  89. Katemh says

    AMAZING taste for the ingredients used. 1/4 almond butter as the only fat? Excellent. I even scaled the sugar back to 2/3C and it was great, sprinkled 2T mini chocolate chips on top but no additions/frostings are necessary really, tastes like a true chocolate cake as is.

  90. Belinda Boisson says


    So I used the ingredients below and entered it into my recipe builder with 9 servings and got 185 per slice. Please explain how you only got 95.

    Thank you.

    0.50 tsp, Leavening agents, baking soda
    0.50 tsp, Salt
    0.50 cup(s), Special Dark Chocolate Chips
    0.25 cup, Yogurt- Greek 0%
    0.75 cup (8 fl oz), Water
    0.25 cup(s), Almond Butter
    2 tsp, Pure Vanilla Extract
    6 Tbsp, Dark Chocolate Cocoa Powder
    1 cup, Spelt white
    1/2 cup truvia Baking Blend

    • Monica says

      This tasted too good to be true so I also manually (not online calculator) added up the ingredients. I used 1/2 cup granulated Stevia + 1/4 cup sugar for the sugars. Used reduced fat peanut butter. I did use the the chocolate chips but omitted them when adding up the calories because they are listed as optional. Total without chips is 1124 or 125 calories when cut into 9 pc. With the chips the total per serving goes up to 187 cal.

  91. Carly says

    Hi Katie. This is a delicious cake, but the calorie count is misleading. With chocolate chips, according to MyFitnessPal, this clocks in at 202 calories per slice without any frosting. I’m counting calories, and I can certainly make room for a treat like this, but on a 1400-calorie diet, 100 calories makes a huge difference. I’d suggest updating the title of the recipe to be 200-calorie cake!

    • Jason Sanford says

      Hi Carly, the chocolate chips are optional so not counted in nutrition facts. You can leave them out and it will still be delicious 🙂

  92. Nia says

    Found this recipe as I searched for a good low-calorie chocolate cake since my husband and I just started counting calories.
    I tried it with a few modifications: 2 large eggs in place of nut butter (to reduce total calories and fat– we’re not vegan) and Truvia rather than sugar/xylitol. I also accidentally used about 2x as much cacao. By my calculation, this all led to 1 slice= 79 calories. I topped with a low-calorie frosting I made by combining skinny Truwhip with fat free no sugar Jello chocolate pudding mix; also sprinkled mini chocolate chips on top. This brings you up to 109 calories/slice.
    The cake came out a little dense compared to your regular store-bought chocolate cake; I was reminded of the difference in taste/texture of whole wheat bread vs. white bread. Pretty tasty and practically guilt-free. The intensity of the chocolate flavor makes me think of Oreos. It’s disappearing quickly, and we will definitely make it again.
    I want to make a plug for spelt flour, because I hadn’t used it before I tried this recipe. I didn’t know spelt has about 2x as much protein and 6x as much dietary fiber as regular white flour, as well as higher levels of other nutrients. Seems worth the small trade-off in taste and texture! I appreciate Katie including that in the original recipe, because I wouldn’t have tried that otherwise.
    In conclusion, highly recommend, especially if you are trying to eat healthy or dieting, or just love chocolate.

    • rrnnsyrmf says

      this version of the cake sounds good (im vegetarian not vegan) so re adding eggs is a better option (also i just dont like nut butters)

    • Monica says

      I love your modifications! Going to try it that way next time.
      We’re not vegan either, so the eggs (or an egg and some egg white) to sub for the high cal peanut butter sounds good to me!

  93. Csilla says

    Hi Katie! Just wanted to say a big thanks 🙂 I had a massive craving for some chocolate but without all the empty calories… I came across your recipe and got super excited as I had all the ingredients at home (especially now during curfew I wouldn`t have been able to go out). I added some chopped up walnuts for some crunch. It`s delicious! Exactly what I was looking for. I`ve saved the recipe, definitely not the last time I`ve baked it. Love these simple yet nutritious treat recipes. Thank you 🙂

  94. elle says

    Hi, I really want to make this cake but I have a nut allergy. What can I use instead of the almond or peanut butter??

  95. Juliana says

    This is wonderful and really addressed my chocolate cake cravings. As per other comments, it’s denser than store bought cake. To me, it felt like a cross between a cake and a brownie. I used white whole wheat flour and peanut butter then all other ingredients following the quantities in the recipe, except for this: I ran out of Swerve (sugar substitute), so instead I used 1/3 Swerve and 2/3 unsweetened applesauce. I topped it with one of Katie’s frostings (1/4 cup peanut butter, 2 tbs cocoa, 4 tsp maple syrup + additional Swerve, 1/2 cup milk, 3/4 tbs vanilla extract mixed in a small food processor). Total of 10 slices with 198 calories per slice. I’ve been counting calories, so this is a really nice treat that I can indulge without blowing quickly through my daily calorie budget! Also interesting: I thought it would taste like peanut butter, which I was hoping for. It doesn’t, but it’s still delicious and super rich. I’ll be baking this again in the future!

  96. Christine Wright says

    I used cup for cup gluten free flour in this recipe and the texture was perfect – moist, fluffy, and rich. I had to bake for 7 minutes longer than called for but that is not unusual for gluten free flour (gf flour usually takes longer to bake). The flavor is good but is not what I expected from chocolate cake. This cake tastes like Reese’s peanut butter cups. I *did* use peanut butter for the nut butter portion of the cake. Is there a way to make this cake tastes only like chocolate cake and not like chocolate nut cake? I love how the cake is only 100 calories per slice (the recipe makes a total of 9 slices, am I correct?)

    • CCK Media Team says

      Hi! Just use almond butter. Oil also works, but then of course it wouldn’t be oil free. So almond or cashew butter are the best bet. To be honest, I like it with nondairy yogurt or banana subbed for the peanut butter too, but not everyone will like that 🙂

  97. Irene Batini says

    The 100 Calorie chocolate cake was AMAZING! I left out the choc chips, but added 1/4 cup of hazlenut spread. Absoloute delicious. Thank you for all your amazing recipes.

    Irene Batini, Perth, Western Australia

  98. megan says

    I calculated the calories and am confused by how its only 100 because I calculated over 500 with the sugar alone, just a tad confused. No complaints though it was amazing xx

  99. Alison says

    I’ve just made this chocolate cake with the plan to make mint frosting for a choc mint cake. But I’m not sure that will work now because the cake smells of peanutbutter. For regular frosting it would be fine but I worry the peanutbutter will add juuust enough flavor to interfere! It’s my own fault for using crunchy peanutbutter. I haven’t tasted the cake yet bc I was going to frost it and serve. Maybe the delicious choc-peanut smell will turn into just a choc flavour.
    I do love the easy ingredients tho and will make this again. Maybe I’ll try egg instead of peanutbutter like someone else did. Thx

  100. Andrea K says

    I made this for my 60th. bday and while it was good, it was gummy not light probably from the peanut butter. I am wondering if adding an egg would lighten it up. I used coconut sugar which is healthier and organic natural peanut butter. very dense and rich. I prefer lighter cakes but the frosting was easy, quick and spread well

  101. Valérie says

    Really good even with various gf flours (quinoa or rice). Very moist and super easy to make. Looks more like a brownie though at least with gf flour. Good for the whole family!

  102. Laura says

    I’ve been looking for healthier desserts since I’m recovering from open-heart surgery. I tried this cake and it’s definitely a keeper. It’s so light and moist, hard to believe there’s so little fat. My family loved it!

  103. Erica De Preter says

    I loved this I made it as a dessert with Christmas dinner and me and my grandmother ate half the cake (oops 🤣😅) and my mom loved it to i swapped the sugar with 1/4+1/8cup stevia and it worked out perfect! I’m gonna make it again for sure.

  104. Cris says

    These reviews do not lie, this cake is super satisfying and DELICIOUS! Didn’t have yogurt so I subbed almond milk – totally fine. Made in 2 small ramekins for individual servings rather than 8×8 pan and cooked for 20min (cut all ingredients to 40%).

  105. Javi says

    I followed the recipe exactly, and ended up with such a thick mixture it was impossible? So I added more water and some black coffee.

    I also worked out the calories and it comes out at 212 calories per slice without frosting, so think the title is misleading.

    Cooked in 20 mins.

    Tasty. Stodgy and dense which I like! Satisfied my craving for gooey chocolate 🙂

    • CCK Media Team says

      Hi, what specific ingredients did you use? Also, nutrition facts are correct as long as optional ingredients aren’t included. So glad it turned out well!

  106. Cara says

    Thank you for this recipe! I just made it using Simpla as the sweetener, and it is delicious! Not too sweet, which I like. I love how moist the yogurt and nut butter made it too.

  107. Irene says

    I dont know what i did wrong my batter was thick added some more water which ended up as a disaster cake, it wouldnt cook in the middle. I used self raising floor was that the culprit for this to go wrong. ?

  108. Michael Wilkinson says

    Shouldn’t it be called 800-900 calorie cake? If it can be cut into 8-9 slices at 95 calories each then calling this a 100 calorie cake would be incorrect. It should at least be called 100 calorie cake slices.

  109. Dianne k says

    I belong to weight watchers. I cannot eat or drink artificial sweeteners. I made this cake and it is delicious but it is not 3 points on weight watchers if you use sugar mini chocolate chips. I used the recipe
    Builder in weight watchers and it was high points unless you significantly lowered the sugar and the mini chocolate chips. To the people who use the mini chocolate chips and artificial sweeteners it would be 4 points. The only way I can get it down to four is to reduce the sugar to 1/4 cup and reduce the mini chips to 1/4 cup and I’m not so sure what it would do the wonderful taste. If you have any suggestions I’m opened to hearing about it. Remember I can’t do any artificial sweeteners and that includes plant based like Stevia, etc. Thank you

    • CCK Media Team says

      Hi, sorry for the confusion! This is a much older recipe so it’s showing the old Points Plus, not Smart Points. All of Katie’s newer recipes have Smart Points, but unfortunately she hasn’t been able to get to the 100+ of the older ones yet to change them. Hopefully someday!

  110. Grammy says

    Made this cake today and …. YUM! It really hit the spot for my chocolate craving. Used AP flour and white sugar, and added choc chips. Baked it 25 min in round pan. Couldn’t wait to let it sit overnight! Had a piece while still a little warm ( who could wait?!) n it was amazing! Choc chips still gooey. Perfectly moist and chocolatey. Good thing it makes a small cake …. I could eat the whole thing myself! Will make this next time I get a choc craving. Thanks!

  111. Kath says

    Wow! This looks AMAZING! Definitely on my list of “ok…gotta have chocolate, and gotta have it NOW recipes!” 🙂 (Please, though… remembering that there are folks who may be looking for new ideas and recipes, as well as for those of us who may be not so familiar to today’s acronyms, would you be so kind as to “spell out” what “GF AP” and stuff like that is? Yeah…I did ask the ol’ Google machine, but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure it out prior to that! LOL!) (PS: For those who, like me were in the dark, I found “Gluten Free; All Purpose”)

  112. Brady says

    Hey! Do you think this would work with erythritol sugar substitute, pb2’s powdered peanut butter, and cassava flour?

  113. Vicki says

    5 stars
    It looks scrumptious but I notice the picture shows frosting and there is no mention of frosting in the recipe. I guess to keep it to 100 calories, you can’t have frosting?

  114. ZN says

    I’m trying to lose weight and get chocolate cravings at times and need to eat chocolate. However if I force myself to not have chocolate then I end up eating all the chocolate in the house. So I seen this recipe and would like to try. What is the yogurt for and what can I substitute it for? Eggs etc. Also instead of sugar can I use date paste????

  115. Kim says

    I’ve made this cake it’s absolutely outstanding! However can I use this recipe without the Coco? Adding just chocolate chips?

  116. Ginger Cane says

    Only 3 stars because I made the recipe and added up all the ingredients in my fitness pal and this is 200 calorie chocolate cake. NOT 100 calories. That is double the calories advertised. But it was good cake.

  117. Minna says

    Hi, did you use regular or dutch-processed cocoa? In my country, we usually use dutch-processed for baking, but i have regular cocoa too, if it tastes better.

  118. Paula Shanno says

    What about the icing on the cake? You didn’t include that. And does the icing add additional calories? Would love to know. Thanks!

    • CCK Media Team says

      We often use the two interchangeably. As long as you are only subbing it for unsweetened cocoa powder (not dutch cocoa), it should be fine in recipes that call for cocoa.

  119. Jasmine Garrett says

    5 stars

    Would you happen to know how many calories would be cut by using zero calorie sweetener instead of sugar? I’m counting calories vigilantly at the moment.

    I made this on my ship (I work as a merchant marine) and my guys LOVED it.

  120. Frances says

    5 stars
    Very good! Strange does taste better the next day? It’s still good on day 1 !
    I substituted mayo for yogurt and will try substituting sour cream next time…my yogurt had spoiled.
    Yes I’m making it again now
    Will think about making it twice for birthday cake!

  121. Liiketilat Vantaa says

    5 stars
    Thank you for sharing the recipe. This is a great option for those who want to satisfy their sweet tooth while watching their calorie intake. I appreciate you taking the time to share this delicious and guilt-free dessert idea with us.

  122. Regina Littral says

    5 stars
    Thus cake totally surprised me. It was SO moist and chocolatey! Hard to believe it’s only 100 calories. I didn’t have yogurt, so substituted whole milk. It turned out to be the best “from scratch” cake I’ve ever made. This recipe is definitely a keeper.

  123. Alison says

    5 stars
    This cake is lovely but when I entered all the ingredients into my calorie app it’s more like 200calories a piece not 100.

  124. Eileen says

    5 stars
    I was searching the internet for a low calorie chocolate cake and found this one and I am so glad I did. I am in the UK so I had to do some conversions from Cups to grams and I put less sweetener in as I don’t like cakes too sweet. The cake was moist and so chocolaty and very quick to make. I served it with fruit and ice cream and it was fabulous, my husband and son in law loved it. I will be making it again.

  125. Cheryl says

    5 stars
    Like every single one of your recipes, sinfully good! There is one thing I would change though. While I’m a huge fan of chocolate and PB, somehow the peanut butter taste threw me off. Next time I might try almond butter or a little oil and applesauce or yogurt.

  126. Catherine Mee says

    5 stars
    Very tasty. I used brown sugar 1/2 cup not 3/4 cup, also coffee instead of water and added almond slices. Very easy and tasty using almond butter.

4.98 from 344 votes (328 ratings without comment)

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