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Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes To Go

4.99 from 854 votes

With these breakfast oatmeal cupcakes, you cook just once and get a delicious and healthy breakfast for the entire month!

Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes

The simple breakfast oatmeal cupcakes are one of my family’s favorite things to eat on rushed mornings.

I first made the recipe years ago, and we still love them!

My mother often makes a batch for herself and takes them to work so she can have a nutritious breakfast that’s easy to prepare on busy weekdays.

She’ll send me a text message with a screenshot, saying “Guess what I had for breakfast again today!”

Readers also love these Healthy Blueberry Muffins

These wholesome breakfast cupcakes are:

Quick to make

Portable and non messy

Easy to eat at a desk or pack in a lunchbox

Gluten free and vegan friendly

Just throw a couple into your bag, perhaps along with a container of peanut butter and some fresh fruit, and you’re good to go with a balanced breakfast.

My family, a former college roommate, and eight of my friends are all hooked!

Leftover Oatmeal? Make Baked Oats

Above, watch the step-by-step oatmeal cupcake recipe video

Never skip breakfast again.

Cook once, and you don’t have to worry about breakfast for close to a month!

These customizable “breakfast” baked oatmeal cupcakes are great on-the-go fuel for those days when you have zero time in the morning to prepare a big meal.

The recipe can be oil free, and it gives you the option to easily change up the flavor by choosing different spices and add-ins for endless breakfast cupcake variations.

Do you ever skip breakfast? And what do you usually eat on days when sitting down to breakfast just isn’t an option? When I was a teenager, I hated getting up early, so breakfast was often something portable, eaten in the car as I rushed to school.

I never understood how my friends who skipped breakfast could make it through class.  The only times I’ve ever really skipped breakfast were weekends when I was 13 or 14…  because I’d completely sleep through it!

Also make these Vegan Brownies – NO crazy ingredients

On The Go Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcake Recipe

Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcake Flavors

Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Raisin: replace up to half of the mini chocolate chips in the base recipe below with chopped raisins.

Banana Bread: add a half teaspoon of ground cinnamon to the batter, and stir in a handful of crushed walnuts or pecans if desired.

Coconut Cookie Dough: use coconut oil or coconut butter and stir in about a third of a cup of shredded coconut before baking.

Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cup: replace the oil with an equal amount of peanut butter, and throw in a handful of chopped peanuts if you wish.

Oatmeal Breakfast Cups To Go

You can also turn the recipe into Chocolate Chip Breakfast Squares!

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Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes To Go

With these healthy breakfast oatmeal cupcakes, you cook just once and get a delicious breakfast for the entire month.
Cook Time 25 minutes
Total Time 25 minutes
Yield 24 – 25 cupcakes
5 from 854 votes


  • 5 cups rolled oats
  • 2 1/2 cups mashed banana (or this Banana-Free Version)
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 5 tbsp pure maple syrup, agave, or honey OR stevia equivalent amount
  • 2/3 cup mini chocolate chips, optional
  • 2 1/3 cups water (Increase to 2 2/3 cups if using stevia)
  • 1/4 cup oil, nut butter, or additional banana
  • 2 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • optional add-ins: cinnamon, shredded coconut, chopped walnuts, ground flax or chia, wheat germ, raisins, dried fruit, etc.


  • Preheat oven to 380 F, and line 24-25 cupcake tins. In a large mixing bowl, combine all dry ingredients and stir very well. In a separate bowl, combine and stir all wet ingredients (including banana). Mix wet into dry, then pour into the cupcake liners and bake 21 minutes. I also like to then broil for 1-2 minutes, but it’s optional. (If you let them cool overnight, they'll no longer stick to the liners.) These oatmeal cakes can be eaten right away, or they can be frozen and reheated for an instant breakfast on a busy day.
    View Nutrition Facts


Also be sure to try these 4-ingredient Easy Cinnamon Rolls.

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More About The Cookbook

Published on January 2, 2022

Meet Katie

Chocolate Covered Katie is one of the top 25 food websites in America, and Katie has been 
featured on The 
Today Show, CNN, 
Fox, The 
Huffington Post, and 
ABC's 5 O’Clock News. Her favorite food is chocolate, and she believes in eating dessert every single day.

Learn more about Katie

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  1. Eating 4 Balance says

    Your photography is amazing Katie! Simple is definitely better when it comes to taking pictures. I love that first one where you can see all of the chocolate chips.

    I cannot skip breakfast. I wake up most mornings starving. The other day I actually had a horrible stomach ache that ended up being hunger. To those who skip food in the AM, I just don’t understand you! 🙂

    • amy lynn says

      Breakfast is defined pretty much by its name: break fast. If you had dinner at say 8PM and went to bed at midnight, slept 8 hours…. when you wake, it would have been *twelve hours* since your body had any food! So skipping breakfast can really mess with your blood sugar levels (and that can make us very cranky, if you have hypoglycemia you know what i mean!)

      If you can get something gentle in your tummy, even a handful of nuts for protein, it will really make a difference in your day! 🙂 Whole grains are really good too which is why I love Katie’s idea!

      “Oat protein is nearly equivalent in quality to soy protein, which World Health Organization research has shown to be equal to meat, milk, and egg protein. The protein content of the hull-less oat kernel (groat) ranges from 12 to 24%, the highest among cereals”. (from wikipeda)

      • Janice says

        It was sort of a joke/tongue in cheek Amy Lynn. I break my ‘fast’ around 10:30 or 11. To most people that isn’t ‘breakfast’ but more like brunch or lunch. What our bodies need MOST when we wake up is fluids. We are nearly dehydrated after having no fluid intake for 8, 10, 12 hours. In the morning I have a 16 oz water. Solid food intake comes a little later for me. 🙂

        • Vivian says

          Sounds delish! I eat within 1/2 hour of getting up. I also drink about 12 oz of water during the night. Have a glass of water on my nightstand every night. And yes I do go to the bathroom a lot. This recipe sounds great!!!

        • Denise says

          My breakfast is usually 26 oz of V8 tomato juice, followed by a breakfast sandwich at about 9 am this allows me to take my morning meds as soon as i get up.

      • Susan says

        I dont eat until around 1pm most days and I get up on school days at 6:30. Not everyone is a breakfast person. I just cant stomach it.

  2. Sunnie says

    Smartie!!! What a great idea! I would have never thought of this in a million years – thank you for saving me a lifetime (or two! LOL)!

    • Sunnie says

      Oh yeah – I never skip breakfast; my stomach would digest itself, and I’m not so sure I’d still be vegan (or alive!) 😉 Ha-ha…

    • Candie says

      I’m in a freezer group and I was assigned breakfast this month. I happened to come across this recipe and had the basic ingredients. Oats, honey, applesauce, flax seed, walnuts and cranberries.
      I love bananas but I did not use them.
      They are in the oven now…
      I’m so glad you mentioned they freeze well, because that’s the goal of our group…easy, quick foods.

  3. Caitlin says


    I always eat breakfast. I find that even if I’m not hungry when I wake up (which I usually am), if I don’t eat I will be RAVENOUS 1-2 hours later.

  4. Hannah says

    Hi Katie,

    These look great as a snack! Just wondering about a couple of things – first, since they are meant as a ‘portable breakfast’, how come the recipe is for small cupcakes rather than large muffins? I mean, even with some peanut butter and fruit (as you suggest) you’d need about four of these for a normal breakfast, so it just seems like a decent sized muffin would make more sense. I’m curious about your reason for making them so small – is it to reduce the baking time? Second, I’ve never seen a recipe for cupcakes or muffins before that uses water as the main liquid. Is there a particular reason for this,or had you just run out of milk? Sorry but this sparked my curiosity as a fellow baker… Obviously it’s common to use water for bread baking, but it had never occurred to me that one might do it for sweet baked goods – but now that I’ve seen this I’m wondering how much difference the two liquids make. I assume it would be mostly in terms of flavour? If I’ve understood you correctly from some of your previous posts, you tend to experiment quite a lot with a recipe until it’s perfect, so if the use of water is a deliberate choice, would you mind sharing the secret behind why it’s preferable to milk in this recipe? Thanks in advance, and sorry for the long post and all the questions!

    • chocolate-covered katie says

      That’s just how many the recipe makes. They fill the muffin tins completely, so you couldn’t make them any bigger (unless you owned a jumbo muffin tin).

      As for the water, the recipe was adapted from my single-serving boatmeals, which use just a little water. I’ve not tried using milk for the recipe, so I can’t tell you the results of that.

      And as it states in the post (and in the nutrition link), it’s definitely not meant to just have a cupcake and nothing else as breakfast. My roommate brings 2 with her to work, sometimes with an applesauce cup or whatever else she wants. (I never asked what she eats with it at work.) My mom is fine with just two for breakfast. Everyone’s needs are different, and not everyone needs a big breakfast ;).

    • anonymous says

      They look great to me.
      Hannah, I am confused about your comment that you’d need to eat four cupcakes for a normal breakfast. Four cupcakes plus the peanut butter and fruit that Katie recommended would be like a 700 calorie breakfast! Unless you are an extreme athlete, I think that is a little big for an everyday breakfast.

      • Jason Jones says

        Actually 700 calories for breakfast is about right. If your eating 2000 calories a day you want the majority of those calories to be between breakfast and lunch with fewer calories at your dinner meal. Due to the fact you will be relaxing and shutting down for sleep shortly after.

        • Anonymous says

          Jason – 2000 calories is recommended intake for average man (making 700 cal breakfast reasonable). For average woman it’s 1200, which means fewer cupcakes! 😉

          • Rebecca says

            I would say this amount is for weight-loss, and the average would be more like 1,600 calories…but of course calorie needs will vary from person to person.

          • Anne Marie says

            I agree that everyone’s caloric needs are different. 700 calories of the right calories would not be too many, but that amount of food may be too dense for the average stomach to hold comfortably.

            I can’t recommend The Calorie Myth book enough for those who are curious about how much they should be consuming.

            Anonymous: your calculations are a bit skewed. ANY woman should be able to eat far more than 1200 calories without weight gain. If this isn’t true for you, there are larger issues going on with your hormone balance. Refer to the book I mentioned!

            Please, take care of your bodies, ladies. 🙂

    • Ilana says

      as a kosher and vegan baker I’ve often substituted water for milk in recipes – never really saw much of a difference although I could imagine that milk would add a higher fat content to the recipe and therefore add some moisture, but I’ve never really been one to have milk in the house so almost any time a recipe calls for milk in the mix I use water – vegan mills are also an alternative if I have them on hand.

      • Hannah says

        Katie, thanks for your reply.

        Anonymous, I think you’ll find that most professional (if that’s what you mean by “extreme”) athletes need to eat far more than that to sustain their training. Personally I’m not an athlete, in fact I do barely any exercise at all, and I have around 500-600 calories for breakfast, sometimes more.

        Ilana, that’s interesting to know, thank you!

        • Tracy says

          I am curious as to what you eat the rest of the day. I am 5’4″, 37 yrs old and weigh about 130 and am hardly active at all. The MAX calories per day I can eat and not continuously gain weight is about 1500-1600. Their are BMR calculations you can do. The amount it “costs” me just to run my body systems is 1347.4 and for little to no exercise to MAINTAIN my weight is MAX 1616 calories. I have been skipping breakfast to save calories so I am trying to figure out how others do it. How do you eat a breakfast that big with little exercise and maintain a healthy weight… do you eat smaller meals later, no snacks, advice is appreciated? Thanks!

          • Missy says

            I’m 5’5 and 120 pounds, and I eat at least 700 kcal at breakfast. I think my average daily intake is about 2200~2500 kcal. I’ve been eating this way for about 8 months and haven’t gained any weight (and I don’t exercise a lot, I mean, I ride my bike every once in a while and do yoga two times a week).
            So that means that if you’re eating the right foods (high carb, low fat, no oil, minimum refined foods), you can eat however much you want without gaining any weight.
            There’s no need to count calories (we’re the only animals doing that, right?).
            I hope you read this comment and start searching and investigating about what I just wrote.
            I wish you the best.

    • Kay says

      One thing that perhaps Jaime doesn’t realize is that these “cupcakes” are very dense. There is no egg and no leavening agent (baking powder or soda) in them, so they don’t have a cake/cupcake/bread texture. They’re like hockey pucks. That’s not to put them down, but just a couple is a lot when you’re talking about pretty much solid oatmeal. Remember, there are FIVE cups of oatmeal in this recipe to make just 24 cupcakes. That’s a lot.

      As for my own experience making these, I just made them with bananas and golden raisins. They’re pretty darned good. I used three tablespoons of brown sugar for sweetening. Another thing — I made half in paper baking cups and half in foil cups. They’re sticking to the paper cups like a bugger, but they don’t stick at all to the foil ones.

      Very good recipe — thanks.

  5. jaime @ sweet road says

    This is such a perfect idea! I’ve been so busy lately just running around all over the place and it can be hard to make sure that I’m eating healthy, energizing foods that are easy to eat on the go. I’ve been doing a lot of containers with beans, quinoa, and veggies, but that requires utensils and a steady place to sit and eat. I get tired of granola bars, so this homemade option looks so fresh and yummy!

  6. Maya says

    Looks great! I am a lover of gooey things, like fresh oatmeal. I believe that you share my love of gooey vs dry foods, and I was just wondering if these were something that you liked personally or they have just been popular with others? Or do the gooey tastebuds prefer regular oatmeal? These would be great for convenience sake, I’m just not sure that I would like them baked vs regular!

      • Maya says

        Haha- I just know that sometimes you post things that readers will like, though they may not personally be your favorite is all 🙂 Thanks!

  7. Danielle says

    I’m been searching for about a week now on this same thing. I’m denfinely going to try yours but I’m a little confuzed but another post. Do you put them in mini cupcake liner or regular size?

  8. trajayjay says

    i don’t think i’ve met any school age kid who eats breakfast. maybe i just do because i’m so voracious in the morning. i do a little exercise, and after going nearly 8 hours without anything, i guess its a little normal to want some food. i think breakfast is important because it’ll turn off crazy cravings for a while, and it keeps the metabolism up, which is why i cringe when i hear so many teens don’t do it.

  9. Kayla says

    I only eat breakfast on weekends. And I don’t often have lunch. Dinner is an every day except Wednesday occurrence. Oh the joys of eating disorders. I love your recipes though because I know they’re healthy.. So they feel more safe. Often on my breakfast eating days I will make something of yours if I’m feeling good that day.

  10. Amy McCann says

    When I ate horrible and thought I would always just have an extra couple pounds, I ate a very small breakfast and often times skipped. HORRIBLE!! Now, i realize how bad that is for me. I have to eat a big breakfast and each meal gets a little smaller throughout the day. Then i feel great! Opposite I eat a huge dinner and feel junky. I know I am my own worst enemy so i really have to be purposeful!! I can’t wait to try this recipe! Maybe my oatmeal (for breakfast) hating children will like it this way! WOO HOO!

    • Dawn says

      Eating disorders are bad, however, somewhere in your mind you must know eating breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

  11. Mea Culpa says


      • Chocolate-Covered Katie says


        I actually agree as well. I don’t like this one at all for my site. Unfortunately, when I was playing around with different fonts, I did something to make my blog crash (still no clue what), and now I’m reluctant to risk it by trying again.

        However, the entire site will be redesigned soon, so it’s a moot point in the end.

    • Lynda says

      What a totally rude and inappropriate comment. It looks like you missed the class in life on how to interact with people (among other things). Don’t read her blog if this is the type of comment you want to write…nobody needs to hear that.

    • Carrie says

      Rude and does absolutely nothing to contribute to the topic at hand. It’s a font, for goodness sake. If you are unhappy about it, no one is making you read this blog, close your browser.

    • Trish @ MyBigFatBundt says

      Don’t feed the fire, folks. 🙂 Mea Culpa isn’t going to come back and actually respond to any of these comments…she probably won’t even come back and read them. Because that’s what cowards do. Leave nasty, hateful comments and then don’t come back to read the backlash because they aren’t emotionally nor mentally equipped to handle it. There’s nothing wrong with the effing font. The recipe looks delicious. I laugh at everyone who says ‘I’m this-and-that baker’…why are you using water v. milk…or ‘I’m a baker and it makes no difference’…whine, whine, whine. What is up with the complaining over freaking baked oatmeal cups? OMG. I’m a professional pastry chef, in case anyone give’s a rat’s you-know-what, and I think these look awesome. Wouldn’t mind having something like this in the bakery actually. I created our ‘angel’ line which is gluten-free, vegan, diabetic-friendly, etc. type of goodies. This would be the perfect answer to the devil line’s gluttonous pig, which is a brioche dough (nothing wrong with that…), covered in maple glaze and bacon. I’m actually going to run this by the owner. Thanks always, Katie, for the inspiration and wonderful no-nonsense recipes. Wish we could load the whiners and haters up on a bus, drive it to a bridge, and put a rock on the gas pedal…

      • Anonymous says

        Hello, is the “angel line” you speak of available for purchase through the Internet? Or do you have a blog with some shared recipes? I’m really interested in trying it. Thx YM

      • Jq says

        Not sure why you are laughing at people asking questions about water or milk or people who state they are a baker….then you state you are a professional. You did the same thing and I would have not thought twice until you are making fun of someone else defining themselves as a baker.

        Hypocrites really are an unaware breed.

    • Anonymous says

      Is it really necessary to cuss on a blog like this? I have kids around looking over my shoulder as I’m sure many others do. I mean, I don’t like it either. Please try to have a little more respect for others, and for yourself. Talking that way just devalues you. And if you must, save it for someone who tolerates it. Thanks in advance.

  12. Nicole says

    I love your blog! I’ve actually really enjoyed the non-sweet posts (like the last one) you’ve done as well, and I’d love to see more vegan dinner recipes from ya!

    • Tara says

      Would love that as well. As much as I love desserts, I can’t live on chocolate alone ;). Your savory recipes never fail to be big hits in our household.

  13. Amanda Cowan says

    i keep some pumpkin oatmeal baked squares in the freezer and if I KNOW that I’m going to be rushed in the mornings I’ll thaw one out and then either eat it cold in the am or zap it if I want it warm. If things come up and I am just rush rush rush.. then I grab fruit and some kind of bread, probably with nut butter of some sort on it. Depending on how rushed, I might blend up a smoothie too. But lucky for me those rushed mornings don’t happen very often because breakfast is the MOST fun meal of the day for me. All those varieties of oatmeals, fruits, etc. I love it so much that I often declare breakfast for dinner or breakfast for lunch. My little girls love those days! And NO way would I skip! Part of what keeps my eating in line and healthy for the day is eating breakfast in the morning and getting off to a good start.

  14. Christy says

    Hi Katie! Great post. This is super easy to make gluten free, throw in my car and eat after my Zumba class when I need a little boost. 🙂 Yay for breakfast!

  15. The Life of Clare says

    I love breakfast and rarely miss it, but have been starting work at 7am for the last week and have found a bowl of muesli hard to swallow at that time. These sound wonderful. I’d love to add grated apple too! Maybe even so,e roughly chopping almonds or walnuts.

  16. Lauren says

    This is a BRILLIANT idea, I love it and will definitely be making! Perfectly portioned, customisable, portable and pretty make-ahead breakfasts. Thank you for thinking of these of things for those of us who care about health and taste.

  17. Dana Baby says

    Hi Katie! This is my first comment to your blog, despite the fact that I drool over your creations daily. I’m just curious about the stevia in the recipe. I generally eat my oatmeal unsweetened and I feel like the banana would add a good amount of sweetness. Is the stevia optional? If I omit it, would I need to adjust any of the other measurements?


  18. beccah larsen says

    These look great to make…if I wanted to use brown sugar insteas of the stevia or liquid sweetener how much do you think I should use? Thanks!!

  19. Nikki @ The Road to Less Cake says

    They look super tasty.

    I never skip breakfast now. I used to when I was a teenager. If I don’t have breakfast I’m likely to have a migraine attack later in the day.

  20. Allison @ Life's a Bowl says

    I have to start the day on a sweet note and eat breakfast or else I turn into a hangry girl 😛 Cupcakes for breakfast are definitely a sweet way to start the day!

  21. Laura Miller says

    I literally cannot skip breakfast(or any other meal) or I will pass out. Usually I grab one of these protein/fiber bars from my school’s breakfast line. They are made with oats, so I suppose these are kind of close. :).

    Do you happen to know if steel cut oats would work? That’s all we’ve got!

    • Lynda says

      I think you would have to soak them first or they will be too chewy..I wouldn’t advise using those. I’ve experiemented with a similar recipe and sometimes have even blended the oats in my magic bullet for a softer texture. Hope that helps.

    • Hillary M says

      I used steel cut oats to make these, and it worked fine. However, I made the mixture and then had to refrigerate it for a bit because I ran out of time for baking (had to pick up my kiddos at school). That said, I only use steel cut oats and find they work well in pretty much any baked oat recipe.

  22. alyssa booko says

    hey kate
    wanted to take a minute to tell you the crustless pumpkin pie is a WINNER!!!! great for folks on a low carb diet that want a treat at thanxgiving and christmas.
    God Bless

  23. Jaime says

    These sound great! Would pumpkin be ok to substitute for the bananas? I have tons of canned pumpkin and my kids eat all the bananas before they can get ripe.

    • Alanna says

      It definitely works! I made a variation of this yesterday with pumpkin puree in place of the banana, maple syrup for my sweetener, and I included the “optional” mini chocolate chips (also used Canola oil). I think without the chips I would have wanted more sweetener like Katie suggested, but the flavor and texture were great! Thanks, Katie, for another yummy oatmeal recipe!

      • Nina says

        Thank you, Alanna, for posting after you have actually made them, rather than imagining how good they would be….very helpful. Convinced me to try them.

        • KK says

          I agree. Too many of the comments on this site are from people who haven’t tried the recipes. I found these “cupcakes” to be too wet. I am a good cook and was skeptical of the water content from just looking at the recipe. I’d suggest cutting the water.

    • Jas says

      Emilie, you are a GENIUS!!! It would be delicious in like a banana blizzard smoothie, kind of like broken up ‘choc chip cookies’ maybe? YUM!!!

  24. Frankie says

    This sounds amazing! I could NEVER skip breakfast, and I’m in high school! On the weekends, I usually make baked oatmeal and on the school days I prep my breakfast the night before to ensure I will eat a healthy, yummy breakfast. My brain needs it! Lately I’ve been blending a lot of CCK “banana bread in a bowl” and “gingerbread cereal pudding,” putting it in the fridge overnight, and nomming in the morning.

  25. Sandra says

    Just made a batch of these and I couldn’t wait until breakfast to sample the first one. Very yummy! I added dark chocolate chips, cranberries, pecans and coconut.

  26. Alanna says

    Love this idea! I’ve been quadrupling the boatmeal recipes and baking in mini loaf pans to freeze ahead, and normally eat 1/2 of one for breakfast in the mornings. I almost never wake up hungry, but since I know it’s not good to skip breakfast I make myself eat something small (as if I need to be coerced into eating banana boatmeal!) and then have a snack mid-morning. If I know it’ll be a while until lunch, I top with PB so it’s more filling. The cupcake idea sounds great, though!

  27. Karen says

    I’m also interested in using honey for this receipe. Also, what might be a good substitution for the rolled oats? We are eating more Paleo and I’m wondering about what type of nuts and how to prepare them.

  28. Maria says

    Oh Katie, I have been making these for months using your boatmeal recipe as the base. They are a HUGE hit with my family!

  29. Ana says

    I never skip breakfast, but I usually don’t eat it until about an hour after I wake up when I get to work. And it’s never really traditional breakfast food.

    YOU KNOW WHAT WOULD BE AMAZING (caps locks completely necessary to show my excitement)??? Carrot cake oatmeal cupcakes!!! I try to eat veggies at every single meal and that might be a fun new way to do that. 🙂

  30. anonymous says

    these are awesome! made them tonight substituted 5 tablespoons of honey for the stevia and added a 1/2 tsp cinnamon…i can’t wait for morning so i can eat more!!

  31. Joey@joeology says

    Great Recipe! I am a nurse and head into work at about 4:30- 5:00 most mornings. I HATE an empty stomach but, it’s hard to eat that early. These will be good to grab and enjoy a little later in the morning. A much healthier choice than some of the things I usually find myself swallowing in a hurry. Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

  32. Joanne @ A Nicer Choice says

    I have GOT to make these. I bet they would make a great snack for the kids too.

    I always skip breakfast and just drink lots of coffee. No wonder I used to feel rubbish. Now I always try to have a good breakfast, usually oats or tofu scramble

  33. Lauren @ Oatmeal after Spinning says

    How adorable (and genius)!! I love these and will DEFINITELY be making them. Whenever I have to take breakfast to go, it’s usually some overnight oats in a jar, but these are probably just as filling.
    I never, ever skip breakfast. It’s my most favorite meal of the day!

  34. Louise says


    These cupcakes look great. I was wondering if you would consider doing a vegan breakfast cupcake/muffin using All Bran? I have been looking for a recipe that uses it so it has about 7g fibre per cupcake but can’t find any with more than 5. Just an idea I thought I would put out there.

    I made these with frozen berries and white chocolate just now and from the looks of my family they won’t last the week 🙂

  35. Amber @ Slim Pickin's Kitchen says

    These looks amazeballs, and I can’t wait to make them. I love super quick breakfasts b/c I’m so impatient! I used to not really eat breakfast, but now I’d die without it. Love it so much!

  36. jodye @ chocolate and chou fleur says

    These look great! I made something similar a long while ago and forgot to write down a recipe, but I do remember that I added vanilla extract and it tasted just like cookie dough. I’ll have to make your recipe soon!

  37. Ann says

    Just made these! Divided the recipe by 5 (because I only have a toaster oven), and de-veganized them.

    I added: 25g vanilla protein powder, 1 egg + 25g egg whites, 1tbsp psyllium husks, 1tsp cinnamon, and 25g raisins.

    Other than that I followed the recipe. Ended up w/ 6 muffins with the nutritional stats listed below. Great recipe! Thanks!

    Calories 131, Total Fat 3.3g, Sat. Fat 1.4g, Cholest. 41.2mg, Sodium 134.9mg, Carb. 19g, Fiber 3.3g, Sugars 3.8g, Protein 7.5g

  38. heidi says

    These look fantastic. I don’t ever skip breakfast, it’s my favorite meal, but I would gladly add these to my list of things I eat in the morning. Thanks for the recipe.

  39. Kaylyn says


    Made these last night with gluten free Only Oats (quick oats), a butt load of cinnamon, and a little less coconut oil (I figured the quick oats would make it bind quite a bit) and they tasted great! I also cut the recipe in half and then used extra large muffin tins, yielding 6 big yummy oatmeal boats (Calories per muffin: 335). Awesome recipe, I’m definitely going to make this again!

  40. Erica {Coffee & Quinoa} says

    Love this! I really like to make multiple individual-sized portions of baked oatmeal and eat them all week. And if I made them like this, maybe I could force one on my boyfriend as he runs out the door in the morning! Great idea Katie 🙂

  41. Sylvia says

    Another brilliant breakfast, cheers doll! Just a quick question. Do these stick to the muffin liners? Everything I make sticks to the muffin liners and then I loose half the muffin!

  42. Anonymous says

    Hi Katie,

    These look great! Do you think that the recipe could be cut in half to make 12 muffins instead of 24? (As good as they look, I don’t have enough freezer space to store that many muffins.) Thanks!

  43. Michelle says

    I just made these.. they are very good! I added some flaxseed to mine…. also great for my toddler! He is happily munching on one right now 🙂

  44. 6mccanns says

    I just took these out of the oven!! I had to bake them a little longer but they are yummy! I added seeds, cinnamon and dried cranberries. I would have added coconut shred but I was out (travesty for sure!). We (1 husband and 4 kiddos and me) are going sugar free for January. I decided stevia was approved though. We usually have granola for our Wednesday breakfast so this was perfect! I even ate the uncooked dough while waiting. THANK YOU!

  45. Cindy G says

    Hi Katie! I love your recipes!!! I make your chocolate peanut butter cup baked oatmeal all the time! I never thought to make it in cupcake liners for on the go. I’ll probably try it that way. I’m also going to try this recipe but I’ll sub peanut butter for the oil. Thanks for the great recipes as always! 😉

      • AmyBel says

        I’m also eager to know about the peanut butter, but the original comment was over a year ago, so I’m kind of doubting that I’ll find out. 🙁

  46. Angela S says

    After seeing the picture of you and your sister, I have to ask…are you twins? The two of you are gorgeous! Also, I cant wait to try this recipe.

  47. Ronda says

    I’m definitely making these this week for my 5 year old. She has a hard time getting moving in the morning before school and is often eating on the way out the door!
    I’m planning to use milk instead of water and will let you know how they turn out.

  48. Herbivore Triathlete says

    I love baked oatmeal! I usually make mine in small canning jars for on the go purposes, but using cupcake liners and a muffin tin seems even better!

    This resipe seems pretty versatile and I could probably change it up quite a bit with different spices, berries, etc.

    Thanks Katie for another great recipe.

  49. Cally says

    I made these last night and they were so good! Even my husband liked them. I added shredded coconut and used vegetable oil. These may become a staple in our house.

  50. Kristall says

    Hi Katie, long time reader first time commenter. These look wonderful! I have to say though, I am absolutely ASTOUNDED at the ridiculous questions people feel the need to post here. Has no one ever heard of Google???? For goodness sake, experiment a bit people. Katie isn’t going to have made 60 variations to see if it works. Figure it out for yourself. I eye’rolled so much when reading the comments of this post I just had to say something.

    Keep up the awesome work, Katie. My husband and I certainly appreciate it! (Also, I have 2 dogs that look remarkably like Batman! What mix is he?)

    • Anonymous says

      Ahh thank you for posting that! I thought I was the only one who eye rolled through the ridiculous comments lol. 🙂

      • Carrie says

        Haha have either of you blogged before? My guess is no. The comments may seem ridiculous, but that’s part of what makes blogging what it is. First of all, something may seem like a silly comment to us, but perhaps the person is from another part of the world where these ingredients aren’t as common. Plus, they’d rather hear an answer from a human, and not the internet. Secondly, asking questions is mutually beneficial since the blogger learns what their readers are like and can cater future posts to answer such questions. And often, they realize that they made a mistake in their own post! While individual comments may irritate a blogger from time to time, if they get irritated by people asking questions in general they are in the wrong profession!

        • T says

          I understand what you’re saying, Carrie, but even people in other countries should know how to google. Or a lot of the questions on here are things the questioners would know the answers to if they actually took the time to read the post thoroughly to make sure their questions haven’t been answered there. So many times (not just on this blog), I see people asking questions that have specifically been answered in the post.

          • Carrie says

            It just seems like people don’t have anything better to do than read every comment on a blog and judge the commenters…It’s really not that big of a deal people!

        • Kristall says

          I read a large amount of baking and cooking blogs and CCK’s comment section stands out due to the large amount of inane questions compared to other blogs. Most blogs are filled with “I made these last night, they were wonderful” and progress into “I made these last night but they didn’t brown properly. Do you think I should use a different type of sugar or increase the heat?” CCK’s on the other hand are mostly, “Will skim milk work in this?” “Can you please give me the calorie count for this?” “I demand to know why you would suggest pairing this dessert with [insert healthy pairing here] when that’s clearly not enough [insert nutrient here] and you are anorexic.” It seems like the majority of these commentors rely solely on Katie for their baking education which is rather silly. Google is an excellent resource for questions like “How does baking soda work?” not to mention the numerous nutrition calculators out there. Understanding the fundamentals of the products you are using is common sense and essential when baking. Relying solely on Katie’s wonderful blog show’s an extreme codependence and obvious lack of basic research skills.

          In simpler words, I am frustrated with the people who comment who cannot look anything up for themselves. I feel bad for Katie who gets inundated with comments most baking bloggers don’t usually have to deal with.

        • Trish @ MyBigFatBundt says

          Carrie, I don’t think you understand the kinds of comments Kate’s blog seems to be getting lately. Lots of consistent whining, why this and why that…as another commenter mentioned, most people post a simple ‘These were great!’…or ‘They just didn’t turn out for me’, with the occasional question is fine. I follow an INSANE amount of blogs alone with posting on my own occasionally, and it would drive me MAD to had to deal with the kinds of questions and comments Katie receives in comparison to other blogs. And I DO blog. Here’s the thing. I don’t CATER to everyone. Don’t like a certain blog? Simple. Don’t read it. Go elsewhere. Not a trillion questions…and ‘I demand you design your blog posts around ME, because the world obviously revolves around ME.’ That’s the nature of many of these readers’ comments and questions.

      • Michelle says

        I for one like most of the questions as a lot of times it will give me ideas of other things I can use in it. don’t like it really it’s simple just scroll past.

  51. Jennifer @ Peanut Butter and Peppers says

    Love breakfast! Favorite meal of the day! I love oatmeal cupcakes! I make these all the time and they freeze so well!!

  52. Nicole says

    Have you ever tried to make this with voluminous oats, just leaving out some of the liquid when actually baking? It seems like this would make even MORE muffins (double?!). I may give it a try but was just curious if you already did when experimenting. Thanks!

  53. Alex Katzen says

    Yeah I never skip breakfast either or I get so hungry by mid morning. When I’m in a hurry, (which is most days, let’s be honest) I take a spoon and eat crunchy peanut butter out of the jar for breakfast! 🙂

  54. Nicole says

    These looked so delicious so I decided to dig in my freezer and find some bananas. Instead of using oil I used natural applesauce. I am super excited to see how they turn out!! 🙂

  55. Sarah says

    So I just finished making these. I used 3 cup quick oats 2 cups steal cut oats 2scoops vanilla protein powder. 1 1/3 cup water and 5 tbp maple syrup. They are awsome! !! Thanks for the recipe. Love your site.

  56. Nicole says

    I love the original cookie dough baked oatmeal from your site and make it often…especially for cardio days. These are a great addition…now I can have the same amazing boatmeal but in portable size!!! I’m so excited to try these:). My kids love the boatmeal so they will be happy about these for sure! Thank you!!!!

  57. Kellie says

    Could regular sugar be used and if so how much? They look delicious and I would really like to try them but I do not use Stevia.

  58. Kellie says

    I just saw some posts that honey would work. I had posted a little earlier that I do not use Stevia. I would use honey but how much?

  59. Sha says

    How funny that you posted this when I’m thick in the middle of a dilemma over what to do with the abundant oats in my pantry – granola for the millionth time or something else! Not that I was tired of granola…I could never be! But I was wondering if there was something else I could do with it and voila! This is especially awesome because it’s portable and because I eat my weekday breakfast at work, portable is good! Thank you! More exclamation marks! 😉

    On weekdays I never skip breakfast. My fuse would be even shorter without it. Haha. On weekends I tend to sleep through breakfast, but on days when I’m up early I indulge in a full breakfast – toast, eggs, beans…sometimes breakfast pizza! And because I’m Asian I sometimes have noodles! It’s great! I love weekend breakfast time. Hehe.

  60. alyssa booko says

    hey katie
    made the oatmeal cupcakes today. i did half a recipe and following are the variations i used. i added 1 tbl vanilla protein powder, 2 tbl flax, 3 tbl pecans, mini chips you suggested, 1 tbl shreaded coconut, and i used unsweetened applesauce instead of banana cause i am not a huge banana fan. they came out great. i am gonna figure 150 cal per cupcake??? not sure about the calories is all. but they are moist and yummy and i love the fact that the flax and protein powder add the omega’s and protein for a good breakfast punch. i am gonna try eating with some almond butter spread on top and a side of blueberries. you have a great gift katie. when is your cookbook coming out????? 🙂 lemme know what you think about calories, i filled each cup to overflowing. thanx for all you do. i praise God for you.

  61. Judith says

    Love the recipe. My husband and I whipped up a batch after work to take as a snack at my squash league games tonight and they were a huge hit! People asked for the recipe and commented very favourably. Thank you so much for posting this.

  62. Kyra (Scribbles & Sprinkles) says

    Looks good! Maybe you can microwave them too in microwavable cases(personally, I’m all for the microwave although many would disagree with me, lol.) Once again, you’ve introduced a fantastic recipe! Thank you for this!

  63. Emmie says

    For the liquid sweetener option, do you reduce the liquid to 1 1/3 cups or 2 1/3 cups? Reducing the liquid by a whole cup and a third seems like a lot for just 5T of extra liquid…

  64. Emmie says

    For the liquid sweetener option, do you reduce the water to 1 1/3 cups or 2 1/3 cups? Reducing the water by a whole cup and a third seems like a lot for just 5T of extra liquid…

  65. Jess Versteeg says

    I just made them and they’re delish. I removed 1c oats and replaced it with 1/2 quinoa, a few scoops of protein powder and 1/4c ground flax. I put in maybe 1/2c coconut flakes and some dark chocolate chips. REALLY GREAT.

  66. Suzi says

    I made these last night and they are awesome! I didn’t have any bananas so I used unsweetened natural apple sauce. I also added shredded unsweetened coconut, and bob red mills apple bits, as well as 2 tablespoons of cinnamon. I ate two last night after making them and then had another two for breakfast this morning. As always CCK to the rescue! These are Boss!

  67. mary says

    I’m not seeing the print button – help please! Looks yum and I try not to miss breakfast – sets me up for a bad day of eating if I do. Thnaks!

  68. Khaleef @ Fat Guy, Skinny Wallet says

    This is such a great idea! I definitely want to try this and maybe add ground flax or chia seeds.

    Technically, I always skip breakfast, but that is because I don’t eat until 12 noon (I’m using an intermittent fasting protocol). 😉

  69. Kelley says

    Katie – made this tonight and it came out great! Thank you so much – going to send some in my son’s lunchbox tomorrow. I really appreciate your recipes that can easily be made gluten free. I have a feeling we are going to be making this one often!

  70. Ananda says

    This looks WONDERFUL!! I’m definitely one of the must-eat-breakfast types, but my school thinks otherwise. I guess it’s a mix of that and me not being a morning person.. For the most part I’ll go all day without eating until dinner because I don’t have the time to make a breakfast/lunch to-go in the morning. I’ll definitely have to try this one!!

  71. Bek @ Crave says

    As a kid I went through a phase of not eating brekky cuz I wasn’t hungry, but now I always do. My brekkies weren’t balanced at all like they are now and usually it was just toast.

  72. Mallory says

    In case anyone is curious, I used the Weight Watchers recipe builder to get the points+ on this recipe.

    With 1/4 cup + 1 Tbsp olive oil and chocolate chips: 4 PP
    With 1/4 cup applesauce and chocolate chips: 3 PP
    With 1/4 cup applesauce and no chocolate chips: 2 PP

    The points+ values remain the same if 1/4 cup extra of banana is used in place of applesauce or oil.

    Hope this helps someone else!

  73. Linda says

    Hi Katie ~ this is my first happy post and plan to make these oatmeal cupcakes!
    I use Now Stevia powder from a bottle. I can’t find anywhere on the internet that tells me
    *how many teaspoons of stevia are in a packet so I can measure accurately.
    *Is the packet you recommend pure stevia?

  74. Ally says

    Hi Katie!
    Love this post! I am craving zucchini walnut bread any ideas of a single serving?
    I just made your poka dot banana bread and healthy cookies are a huge favorite of my family! Thank you for all your inspiration and delicious recipes!!!
    Can’t wait for your cookbook!!!!!! When is it coming??????
    All the best!

    • Chocolate-Covered Katie says

      Thanks, Ally! I actually do have a recipe for zucchini bread in the cookbook… well, it’s chocolate zucchini bread ;). I will play around with it and try to make a regular (non-chocolate) version for the blog sometime!

      The cookbook is coming out in 2014. I will definitely post more info when I know! 🙂

  75. Ashley says

    These are completely awesome, Katie!! I made a batch Thursday night, but I subbed applesauce for the banana (everyone in my house is just a much bigger fan of apple). I love them! They are especially awesome with a little peanut butter, which is how I ate mine. A new breakfast staple in my house! 🙂

  76. Andrea says

    Not good at all. Even my husband, who is the oatmeal fan, refused to eat another one. They are like gummy bowls of oatmeal baked into a cupcake. I guess if you are looking to eat a bowl of oatmeal while you commute, this is your lucky day. Also they take WAAAY more than 20 minutes to bake. And yes, my oven is accurate, I have a fairly new pro range.

    • T says

      What a snotty comment. Did it ever occur to you that maybe you did something wrong making them? Cause other people, including me, have made them, yes in 20 minutes, and they turned out delicious. Oh wait no you didn’t do anything wrong because you and your oven are perfect.

      • Gina says

        I don’t understand why someone not liking a recipe is snotty? I’ve seen comments like that before, and on another site that I’ve liked most of the recipes, I didn’t like one, and got all kinds of backlash about how my taste buds weren’t “evolved” enough to like healthy food. Huh? I just don’t get that. I read commrnts for opinions, and what good is an opinion unless it is honest? I did not find the comment snotty, and I like honest opinions so you know if you want to try something or not. It wasn’t an attack on Katie or her blog or anything else. She just didn’t like this, for goodness sakes. People have different tastes, and just because it is not the same as your own does not make it wrong or “snotty”!

    • Alanna says

      My oven is new, too, but every one is still just a bit different. Mine were a little soft on the bottom after 20 min. + 5 min. broiling, but I just baked a little longer and they still came out fine. If you don’t like a particular recipe it’s okay, but it seems unfair to blame differences in oven performance on Katie.

  77. Janel says

    I love to send muffins with my daughter to daycare for breakfast and these looked perfect! I didn’t have any bananas, but I did have some canned pumpkin, so in it went! I upped the sweetener (a combo of agave and maple syrup because I ran out of agave…I was not very prepared! haha). I added some cinnamon (to up the pumpkin-pie-ish flavor), diced prunes (for the kiddo…they taste just like raisins when baked in muffins!), and shredded carrots because I am forever trying to sneak veggies into this kid! (She is 17 mos and very picky!) I am always looking for convenient things for myself to bring to work for breakfast too, and I think these will be perfect! They actually made way more than 24 for me, so I will have a huge stock in the freezer! Oh, I also used instant oats (because that’s all I had) and they came out great! I love your blog! (I made myself a chocolate frosting shot last night for dessert!) Thanks for another great recipe! 🙂

  78. Erica says

    How long do you think these will stay good without freezing them? Also, if I do freeze them, how long do you suggest in the microwave to thaw them out?

  79. Marie-Anne says

    Hi Katie, I made these this morning and they’re fantastic! I didn’t have any bananas so I used pineapple instead (blended it smooth and used the juice as the sweetener instead of stevia), added raisins (instead of chocolate) and a touch of ground clove. My fiance didn’t realize that I had made them for our breakfasts and ended up eating half the batch before I had a chance to shoo him off. Thanks for the terrific idea!

    • PJ says

      How much pineapple juice did you use for the sweetener, or did you mix it with one of the other sweetener ideas?

  80. Sonja says

    Katie, I made this recipes this morning. The whole time I was mixing it together I had to resist the urge to add an But, I stuck to the basic recipe and didn’t add any choc. Chips, nut, or such – except I used unsweetened apple sauce instead of oil.. I was a little concerned at first, but after the first muffin, I knew the recipe was a keeper! My husband was very cautious in testing them, but he agreed they were “pretty good”. Next time I’ll add chopped walnuts and dried cranberries! Thanks Katie 🙂

  81. Sasha says

    I NEVER skip breakfast! It would be almost impossible considering I usually wake up hungry!

    And these look awesome! I would have to substitute the banana (ew) with maybe applesauce or pumpkin puree but thats not a problem. These would definitely make a great portable breakfast for busy mornings or 1 would be a great healthy snack during the day (probably how I will eat them most).

    I’ll be trying these soon!

  82. Wendy says

    I made these with vanilla protein powder for my husband and he’s in love! 🙂

    I took out the chocolate chips and added a tablespoon of cinnamon, since he’s on a strict diet for his exercise program.

  83. Wendy says

    Oh, and they’re great microwaved for about 20 seconds. Then I put Nutella on top and it gets warm and melts. Yum!!!

  84. Anonymous says

    Hi Katie, ~Here’s a repost ~
    Hoping someone can help me with these 2 questions.
    I use Now Stevia powder from a bottle. I can’t find anywhere on the internet that tells me
    *how many teaspoons of stevia are in a packet so I can measure accurately.
    *Is the packet you recommend pure stevia?
    Thanks so much. Cheers!

  85. vicki says

    I have a similar recipe I modified to make “Oatmeal on the Go” muffins for my kids who have tons of allergies. My recipe makes a cakier looking muffin but still only uses oats/oat flour, let me know if you’re interested! Happy to share…

  86. Brittany@twosaucysisters says

    Julie and I made these the other day, and they are fabulous! Perfect for packing into lunches when we know we’re going to be on campus for an entire day, and they are great for a pre-workout snack if we get the munchies close to practice time. Instead of using coconut oil, we used peanut butter and they turned out quite well! 🙂 thanks for the recipe!

  87. Miranda says

    These are SO good, I had to comment! I made mine with walnuts and shredded coconut and am ABSOLUTELY addicted…..they’re so satisfying, tasty and convenient, and fill me right up!! AND I feel great about the whole grains!!! LIFE CHANGING 🙂

  88. Michelle says

    Hot out of the oven and I can’t wait to try them. I’m also going to try them with applesauce for my mom who is allergic to bananas. I love your site and am always sharing with anyone who will listen. Thanks!

  89. Nikki says

    You have the most amazing recipes! I especially love the ones with oats. I”m always looking for new ways to eat my oatmeal and make breakfast items more interesting. Thank you for being so awesome! 🙂

  90. Janina Locascio says


    I made a similar recipe to this this morning, except I used almond milk as the base liquid for the recipe. Threw in some other ingredients like Chia Seeds & flax, just because I am sick and am trying to pack in as much extra nutrition as possible! I will let you know how they turn out because I saw in an earlier post that someone asked about why you chose to use water over milk.

    By the way, keep up the good work on the recipes and on your blog. I am about 6 months into my blog, so I still have a long way to go to build readership and content. I’ve been following you for about a year now and love what you have to say. I never realized how much criticism is out there in the blogging community, but I commend you for continuing to do what you love! I always have to remind myself that there will be always be differing opinions on what looks good, tastes good, and what is good to read – so I really respect your ability to push all of that aside and just do what you love.


  91. Katie says

    Making these as we speak, can’t wait to try them! Did have a question though, how do you recommend reheating if frozen? I figure I’ll eat half this week for breakfast but I know there will be leftovers!

    • Alanna says

      I always just move one from the freezer to the fridge at night, and then there’s one thawed and waiting for me in the morning. 🙂 But if you forget, maybe try 2 1/2 – 3 minutes on defrost? I think that’s what worked for me before.

  92. Nikki says

    Hi Katie 🙂

    I just wanted to let you know that I used quick oats and they turned out just fine! Delicious! Thank you for sharing your recipes! You’re really helping me maintain my New Years resolution!!!

  93. Marilee says

    This was a new kind of recipe for me. I love the smell of the coconut oil ( why is it hard?). I put it together the same way I make oatmeal cake…pour the measured boiling water over the oatmeal while putting the rest together. I’m not sure if it changed the texture but I did get three doz. muffins. I didnt want to buy sugar substitute so I added 1/3 cup brown sugar and two heaping teaspoons of cinnamon and a handful of Craisins. Very good!

  94. Sue says

    Just made these the other day and we both loved them. Changed things a bit this time – used Agave instead of packets. And different nuts, fruits, and they are still great. I don’t think we will get tired of these for awhile since I can play around with the insides 😉

  95. Tammy says

    I made these muffins, they are great but I like my oatmeal a little sweeter. When I’m eating at home I put a little dab of butter & a Tbsp of maple syrup on top, microwave & they are like eating cake! Next time I make them I will just add extra sweetener & chocolate chips! Thanks for all the great recipes!

  96. Chelsea says

    Hello, Thanks for your recipies, I love these, they make my mornings so much easier. I’ve noticed that you use the NuNaturals Stevia packs in quite a few recipies, and I’m just wondering how much stevia that works out too. I have a jar of stevia, and have to measure it with a spoon and I never know how much to use so usually stick with the liquid sweetener options but would like to try using stevia.

  97. Alaina says

    Katie! I’ve made a couple of your recipes, but this is my FAVORITE. I love oatmeal for breakfast, and these are dense, delicious, filling and PERFECT (especially with some peanut butter as “frosting” ;)). I used unsweetened vanilla almond milk instead of water and 2 tbsp agave syrup. YUM! I froze most, and left a couple on the counter to tempt me until the next day’s breakfast. Thank you.

    ps, All I had to do was tell people about this at work, and they all wanted the recipe!

  98. ElizaJane2013 says

    These are in the oven right now! 🙂 I added walnuts and dried cranberries along with the chocolate chips. I also used a mixture of bananas and apple sauce. My sweetener of choice was maple syrup. The batter tasted so good! Thank you so much for the recipe. I have an 8 o’clock biology class and needed something easy to take with me.

  99. Jenna says

    Katie, I live in a rather complicated household between 3 vegetarians of various levels, one of whom is also gf, a gf with very sensitive celiac, someone who doesn’t eat vegetables etc. Your blog has so many great ideas and last night we made this recipe. They were so tasty and quite easy. We put in a bit more chocolate than you list, so I don’t know how healthy they were, but people had them for breakfast. Our house is not good at breakfast and we hope these tasty little cakes will help with that. Thank you for your fabulous recipes.

  100. Pamela Hope says

    Since coconut is a solid, do you melt it down to use in this recipe. Or do you measure it out and use it in solid form?

  101. KJ says

    Katie, I made a half-batch of these yesterday. I was a little worried that I wouldn’t like them, and I worried that if I didn’t like them, I’d be forced to throw them out.

    I had two for breakfast with my tea this morning.

    They were OUTRAGEOUSLY good! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I still have a ton of bananas (bought 11 ripe bananas from the “damaged” fruit area for $1.49!) and plan to make the rest of the batch tonight & freeze.

    Thanks for sharing!

  102. Jamie says

    Hi Katie!

    Thankyou for the awesome recipe! Just took these out of the oven and they smell fantastic! Quick question and I apologize if this is a repeat question but once frozen, how long do you usually reheat these for?


  103. Paula says

    Hi K-
    Stumbled across your website while looking for a way to slow-cook steel cut oats. I am so inspired by your recipes, using healthy things to make yummy things. We are a family that loves sugar, and I love that you provide recipes with low-sugar, no sugar and sugar substitutes!

    It was great fun reading through your blogs. Thanks for sharing your food philosophy; you are my food “soul-sister!” Keep up the great work!

  104. Dana says

    Katie these are sooooo yummy! I changed it up a bit, cutting the recipe in half, and I had some pureed pumpkin to use up so I subbed that for the banana, and I did 4 tsp of stevia. Added pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon and 1/2 c. raisins, and had to add a small handful of chocolate chips. I am so looking forward to breakfast in the morning. thanks for the great recipe!

  105. Casey Copeland says

    Hi Katie,

    I am a teenage boy, and I am really into eating healthy food. I am in sophmore year at highschool, and every day at school people are eating chips and cookies and poptarts so sometimes I feel like Im the ONLY healthy person out there. Its nice to know there are many more healthy people. I am gratefull for a chance to eat healthy and your site has the greatest tasting things ive ever had! I love every recipe Ive ever tried from your site. Its so great to have a quick yummy snack to make whenever Im hungry, and that way I can still be healthy. Your Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes are amazing. I have them all the time! I also really like your oatmeal recipes. I just wanted to say thankyou so much for all the yummy recipes! KEEP IT UP! 😀

  106. Susan says

    I just made these last night and took two for my breakfast this morning for work. They were wonderful with my tea! Here I thought I was so clever, I substituted pumpkin for the banana and I see that another person already thought of that fabulous idea!! I think this is already one of my favorite versatile, go-to recipes – I want to try it with applesauce, like yet another creative cook here has done, and maybe even cooked sweet potato. It seems that oatmeal is very forgiving and will cook up in a zillion different ways – this one is very easy and makes for a good healthy breakfast on the go! Thank you Katie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  107. Melissa says

    I have 5 boys under the age of 8 and I made these for breakfast this morning and my boys LOVED them! I just wanted to note: This recipe calls for 1/4c plus 1 tbsp oil. For simplicity sake, 1/4 cup plus 1 tbsp = 1/3 cup. Might just be easier to write 1/3 cup in the future 🙂 Love this blog, love your recipes, I use them frequently. Keep up the good work.

  108. Cheryl says

    Just made these this morning, but cut the recipe in half. Yum!!! They are a perfect way to start the morning! I subbed milk for water (usually how I make my oatmeal) and had a little too much liquid (didn’t cut back the amount you said since I used maple syrup as a sweetener – noticed that after the fact) so I added about 1/2 c dried unsweetened coconut. Worked perfect to make 12 full muffins. Definitely keeping this recipe – thank you!! 🙂

  109. The hip hostess says

    I made these this morning. Added 2/3 cup mini choc chips, 1/3 cup unsweetened coconut and 2 Tbs chia seeds. In my regular size muffin pan they only made 16 so the calories are higher (about 170 per muffin). They are delish! So excited to have these for on-the-go breakfast for me and my toddler all week. Really, really satisfying. Thanks for such a great recipe! Using water is smart way to save calories, though my almond milk is only 40 cal per cup so I may try to sub that in the next batch. Thanks again!

  110. Gracie says

    Thank you for the wonderful recipe Katie! 🙂

    I’d been looking at similar recipes for the last week and couldn’t decide which one, so I used yours as my base recipe. I only had one banana which only measured a half a cup. So I used applesauce to equal the 2 1/2 cups. I wanted extra fiber so I added 1/4 cup flax seeds. I used the coconut oil.. YUM! I sweetened with honey. And decided for extra protein to add some greek yogurt ( Cherry flavored) about half a cup. I added 1/2 cup sweetened coconut. I like things sweet! They baked up and when I ate one hot they reminded me of a bowl of oatmeal in a muffin form. For me they still weren’t sweet enough so I sprinkled them with a little brown sugar and cinnamon and stuck them under the broiler for a couple of minutes. I think they came out great.

    I’m not sure how your recipe turns out since this was a bit different. BUT in answer to a question I saw way earlier about someone needing 4 to fill them up… these turned out to be very dense muffins and two filled me up. Also, they don’t rise so it would be difficult to make really large muffins. Thats just my two cents. I’m working on figuring out my calories, protein and fiber content right now. 🙂 I will be making them again! And would definitely use more bananas. THANK YOU!!!

  111. Gracie says

    okay.. I did the best I could on figuring the calories etc. on the muffins I made with the editions. My recipe has about 150 calories per muffin, 6 grams fat, 4 grams protein and 4 grams fiber. It is a lot of calories and fat if you eat more than one.. a lot of that came from the addition of coconut, nuts and flax seed. I forgot in the above additions I also added a couple of tablespoons of walnuts. That also ran up the fat and calories. I added these things for the addition of fiber and protein. For me it’s worth the added fat and calories.

  112. Madison says

    I’m addicted to these! They’re perfect for me, since I’m always too tired to make a healthy breakfast in the morning, and last me 2 weeks! I subbed honey for the liquid sweetener, and added 2 scoops of chocolate peanut butter protein powder, and they turned out great.

  113. Kelly J. R. says

    My husband and I have been enjoying these all week for breakfast. We both leave home very early in the morning so these are great to bring to work.

    I didn’t have enough banana so I substituted the difference with non-fat plain yogurt. Obviously, they’re no longer vegan if you do this but the results were very good. I used pure maple syrup instead of the stevia (and reduced the water) and I used 1/2 C. of dark choc. chips and 1/2 C. of peanut butter chips. I also added 1/2 tsp. cinnamon. Yum! Thanks for the recipe!

  114. Gabriel says

    This recipe is awesome. I actually discovered, by accident I think, that using 6 cups of oatmeal works pretty well. It makes more muffins and still comes out well.

  115. Vicky says

    Thank you for another great recipe Katie!! I made 1/2 a batch today (low on oats – LOL), and they are wonderful. To answer some previous posters’ water vs milk question, I did use almond milk with no problems. I also used all applesauce (don’t like bananas, weird, I know!), added 1t cinnamon, some flax meal, and stuck a couple (2) fresh, frozen raspberries into each one. Nice balance of tart and sweet!

  116. Janice H. says

    I was wondering if the nutrition facts (calorie count) includes the optional chocolate chips?

  117. Nancy says

    I live alone so like making single-serving stuff, but so many of the delicious looking recipes are multi-serving. So I’ve been experimenting with cutting/converting your recipes into smaller portions, some successfully, and some… well… not 🙂 But THESE turned out SO good that I thought I’d share for anyone who’s looking for a lower calorie, single serving option, it’s about 180 calories and tasted amazing!

    1/4 cups rolled oats (*75 calories)
    2 Tbsp over-ripe mashed banana (*25 calories)
    1/16 tsp salt (thats a hard one! I just eyeballed it and filled my 1/8 tsp halfway! *0 calories)
    1/2 tsp plus 1/4 tsp tbsp liquid sweetener (I used sugar free maple syrup – it came out close to *5 calories)
    1 Tbsp water (*0 calories)
    2 and 1/4 tsp oil (*75 calories)
    1/8 tsp pure vanilla extract (*0 calories)

    Perfect! Thanks!

  118. stephanie says

    I love the way oatmeal smells, and I love oatmeal cookies, but I can not eat oatmeal as a hot cereal. Do these kind of taste granola bar like? i’m thinking my oatmeal cereal thing is because of the consistency.. I have tried it a bunch of different ways.

  119. Julie says

    Hi Katie,

    Just tried this recipe and I’m curious about the coconut oil. I used vegetable oil because I’m concerned about saturated. Were your nutritional value calculations done with coconut or vegetable oil? Thanks!!

  120. Therezia says

    I make a couple of changes to the recipe but bake these for strenuous outdoor activities. They are my fuel food. I soak rolled oats overnight and bake at a lower temp for a longer period to make them dense. I take a few of these along with a few energy balls (like fudge babies but with maca powder and goji berries). I have to be on mostly grain-free diet (I do not react to GF oats and corn). I nearly cried when I baked ‘Eggy breakfast bread’. I got to make and eat a sandwich for the first time in a long time. Thank you so much, Katie.

  121. Abigail says

    I’ve been vegan for about four years now and during that time, I drastically reduced the amount of desserts and baked goods I was eating in an attempt to eat healthier (plus it’s difficult to bake in a dorm room 😛 ).

    I just discovered your blog and I wanted to say thanks so much for all your work! I’ve already baked several of your recipes and I’m very thankful to have healthier options 🙂

  122. Nata says

    There is a way to scale down the ingredients for 6 or 5 oatmeal cupcakes? anyone can help me, I don´t know a lot about baking.

  123. Natasha says

    I’m continuously amazed at how you manage to produce healthy delicious sweet recipes.
    It’s crazy. I actually trust that these taste good; because so far every recipe has. Look forward to making them this week. Thank you so much.

  124. Tonia says

    Thanks for recipe I eat oatmeal every morning never can tirefrom it. I make it with many variations so this recipe just makes life so much smoother. Wonder what I can use the xtra time on! Thx I curious to try steel cut oats I bet the texture will be nice

  125. Audrey says

    These turned out really good! I was worried they would stick to the paper, but they didn’t. I used maple syrup and coconut oil. Mine came out to about 130 calories each (for a half a recipe). I added craisins and coconut in some and chocolate chips in others. A great on-the-go breakfast. My 18-month old loved them, too.

  126. Laura says

    I’m never hungry first thing in the morning, but my daughters always are. So if we have to be somewhere early, since food isn’t naturally on my mind, it can be difficult for me to remember to pull something together for them to eat and they often end up with a baggie of dry cereal and a cup of milk in the car. Oops! This is a wonderful alternative that I can have ready-to-go. Thank you!

  127. Dutch says

    Katie, I’ve always loved oatmeal, but YOU have taken my favorite and raised it to fantastic levels. I’ve tried several and liked them ALL..Thank you so much for all your efforts, and easy concise recipes to follow. Any accolades or commendation/s you receive are greatly deserved!

  128. Regina @ Fit4Mom says

    These are great!! I have my second batch in the oven now (I only have 1 cupcake pan!). I’m so excited to have another on the go breakfast option for my toddler and I. They were still a little gooey and stuck to the liners really bad though, did I need to bake them longer? Or are they meant to be a little gooey still? I did broil them like you said and I really like that it gives the top a little crisp! I’ve tried several recipes of yours over the past few months and they’re always a big hit (lemon bars, pumpkin/chocolate cake, everything bars, blondies, ect). Thank you for all of your hard work!

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      Thanks for trying them! I’m not sure about the gooey part… mine are never gooey. If you don’t want them to stick to the liners, you could always skip the liners and simply bake in greased cupcake tins instead :).

      • Regina @ Fit4Mom says

        Yeah, sorry! Meant to come back and comment… once they cooled a little more they weren’t sticking as bad. I guess I was just impatient and hungry, I’m sure you can relate. 😉 I also made the new oatmeal bake with mango (I added part banana since I didn’t have enough mango) that you posted yesterday for breakfast and it was a big hit with my husband and toddler! Thank you!!

  129. Kara says

    I made these tonight and they taste great! The only problem is that they stick to the wrappers terribly…turns out I forgot to add the oil! At least I’ll know for next time 🙂

  130. Sweetie says

    I really enjoy your blog, Katie. These muffins are wonderful! I love that they use water instead of milk. Every time I make a batch, people rave about how delicious they are. I’ve added maple syrup, honey and/or a little brown sugar. My favorite was using chopped almond bark instead if chocolate chips. They were incredible! I can’t wait to experiment more!

    • Sweetie says

      P.S. I’ve never used the liner papers. I just bake them in a non-stick muffin tin. I still spray the bottom of each tin before baking. I don’t even know if that’s necessary, but I’m too scared to try otherwise!

  131. Janelle says

    I am pretty famous for not checking to make sure I have all of the ingredients before baking… no over ripe banana, or applesauce. So I used a can of pumpkin. It was good, but if you have a sweet tooth, double the sweetener.

  132. AJ says

    Hi Katie,

    I just made a batch of these to have around for rushed mornings. I don’t have a muffin tin, so I cut the recipe in 1/2 and baked the dough in a small bread pan. I also had some pepitas (squash/pumpkin seeds) to use up, so I tossed in 1/2 cup along with the optional chocolate chips. The “breakfast bread”, if you will, turned out deliciously wonderful. Thanks for another great recipe!

  133. Anonymous says

    Made these with 3/4 cup chia seeds, turned out great. I let the chia seeds soak in the mashed banana and water for a while before stirring everything else together.

  134. Bluidshay says

    A friend and I were poking our heads into this site after her vegan friend made black bean brownies that the bean-phobic children devoured in seconds. Originally we were going for the white bean cookie pie, but happened upon these as well. Our kids are on the go and together all weekend at a campground, so this looks like a great healthy pack-and-go fiber-filled treat. It’s my homework to make it. Will post kid reviews next weekend. So happy to have been referred to this blog!

  135. Rachel says

    I just want to say thank you for sharing all your amazing hard work and creativity with us. We just made, and love, your Baked Oatmeal Cupcakes To Go! I have developed chemical sensitivity and am very sick. I have been trying to change mine and my 4-year-old son’s diet and finding something healthy was maddening! A friend told me about your site and I am forever grateful.

    Thanks again for your kindness,
    Rachel, a forever grateful mom in MO

  136. Jennifer says

    Thanks! I’ll definitely make sure my bananas are very ripe next time. I sprinkled some craisins on the top of a couple of them and that helped 🙂

  137. bluidshay says

    OK, so these were a big hit overall. My 6 year old is currently in a disagreement with bananas so she didn’t love them, but my junk food fanatic 10 year old and my friend’s super ultra extra picky 3 year old loved them. So did I. I did almost burn the house down broiling them, but let’s not go there, heh heh. I did them with chocolate chips but I am low on chips today so I’m going the raisin and cranberry route for half the batch. Adding cinnamon too. And since I just made flourless oatmeal cookies, I may try to food process some of the oats for a variety on consistency. Yum, Katie! Thanks!

  138. Nuri says

    Hey:) I love the idea and can’t wait to try them out!!! Can you maybe tell me another way of measuring the stevia? Because where I live we don’t have the nunaturals packets, so I can’t measure it that way:) Thank you!!!!:)

  139. Leya says

    Thank you for the recipe! These are delicious and addicting! I now make these all the time! Great on the go and healthy too!

  140. Daria says

    I just have to tell you, I make these all the time and they’re so delicious and versatile. But my favorite new add-in is frozen raspberries in the center of the muffin! I spoon half the cupcake’s worth of batter in, put a few (2-4) frozen raspberries (still frozen) in the center, and then spoon the rest of the batter on top. It’s like a raspberry filling inside – soooo yummy!

  141. Roxane says

    Hey there!

    I just used this as a basic recipe for my first try at baked oatmeal. So, I used both bananas and apple sauce (as I didn’t had enough ripe bananas), and added flax seeds and cinnamon to it. Great starter! I used 1/4 cup per cupcake.

    I divided it to make several flavours. I made 10 with one ripe mango (20g per portion- 102 cal each) , 10 with one pear (27g per portion – 104 cal each), 4 with dried apricots (10g per portion – 113 cal each), 4 with dried figs (10g per portion, 115 cal) and finally 4 with raisins and dried cranberries (101 cal each). I put the fresh fruits in the bottom, as you suggest with your pineapple baked oatmeal recipe. Looks and tastes amazing!

    As a waitress, I have to say these will make the perfect healthy and kick snack on the job!!


  142. Love2Cook says

    My four year old daughter and I made these exactly 25 minutes ago….oh my my…they are yummy! I must admit that I “think” we may have added too many chocolate chips because I can’t wrap my brain around these being healthy because they are SO good! Mine won’t come out of the cupcake wrapper as beautifully as yours look on the pictures. I added some extras like sunflower seeds, coconut, raisins, as you suggested and my oh my. Thanks for this healthy recipe even though I think I bombed it with my chocolate chips!

  143. Lisa says

    I just made these and they are excellent! I didn’t have enough banana, so I used half banana and half canned pumpkin. I used maple syrup for the sweetener, and added a few tablespoons of ground flax seeds. I made some with chocolate chips, some with walnuts and some with frozen blueberries. They turned out perfectly!

  144. cindi setzer says

    OMG! My kids loved this! They fought with their dad over them and begged for more. Just made another batch and they ate half before I could freeze them this time. I have made the different each time but used agave for both. I am going to make several more batches all different like almond joy, maplewalnut, peanut butter banana, they asked for banana bread style. The possibilities are endless.

  145. Jennifer T. says

    After reading the comments, I wasn’t sure if this recipe would be what I was looking for. I was hoping for something I could grab quickly and take in the car with me. I followed the recipe fairly close except adding 1/2 tsp cinnamon. I used my grocery store’s brand of stevia packets and canola oil. The “batter” was really liquid-y, not just loose but downright soupy. It filled 24 paper liners. I had to bake it for twice the recommended time and pulled it out because the bits of oats were starting to burn. Fresh out of the oven, the cakes are like a mushy rice pudding consistency and pretty difficult to peel out of the liners. The next morning I was able to peel them out fairly whole and they were just moist instead of gooey in the middle. If it were not for the chocolate chips, they would be so bland with just a hint of banana. They are definitely better warmed up. I’m on the fence about making these again. I think if I added more sweetener and scaled back the water these might do the trick for us. It’s a good concept but the texture and taste didn’t make them a winner! Hope my 2 cents helps someone else!

  146. Brittney says

    I feel so stupid asking this question but here it goes. I typically don’t like using bananas in my baking (weird and inconvenient, I know) so I’ve tried subbing in applesauce as the substitution suggested. Here comes the stupid part. Am I supposed to add the same amount of applesauce as I would use bananas (2 and a half cups)? I swear I cook and bake frequently so I’m not a complete novice, but I’m afraid to use that much applesauce because it seems like it would be so watery and I don’t want to waste ingredients! Thanks for your help!

  147. Bryony says

    Made these last night for my boyfriend to try and stop him skipping breakfast in favour for those horrible overly sugary up&go drinks… Still yet to hear from him BUT I have had 2 and love them, I think I added too much liquid as mine were a little too moist for my liking so will cut down on the amount of water by 1/2 a cup next time. totally making them again – love your recipes! I also added shredded coconut, super tasty.

  148. Rebecca says

    I made these a few days ago and they were delicious! They didn’t look as pretty as those in your photos, though. I did make some changes, too:

    – mixed banana and applesauce, since I didn’t have enough banana.
    – cut out the sugar completely.
    – added frozen blueberries and chocolate chips, instead of just chocolate chips.

    Also, I baked a few sans-cupcake liners, and put them on parchment paper instead like cookies, and they turned out like muffin tops! Yum! I’ll definitely be making these again 🙂

  149. Sam says

    Oh. My. Gosh. I made these last night (cut the recipe by 2/5, because that’s all I had for applesauce), and they were to die for! My boyfriend ate 4! I didn’t add any chocolate chips, but subbed the banana for cinnamon applesauce and used honey for the sweetener. I added a little (okay, maybe a lot) of brown sugar and topped with cinnamon-sugar mixture and they are just unreal! I can’t wait to try more and more variations! I think these will be a breakfast staple for a LONG time!

    • Sam says

      Just made them again, this time a full batch, and used canned pumpkin, added the 2/3 cup of chocolate chips and did everything else according to your recipe, except sprinkled a little light brown sugar on top. Again, awesome! I feel like you couldn’t mess these up! Thank you so much!

  150. Ada says

    Hi there,
    I am posting your recipe & my experience baking on my blog. However, mine turned out a bit dry and flavor-less. I did follow the recipe pretty closely, but of course I added shredded coconut and had 2 cups of over-ripe bananas (3 bananas only mashed into 2 cups). The salt was also detectable through the sugar, so I am a bit confused as to why they turned out so poorly. (I knew I was never a cook, or baker in any case!)

    Let me know what your thoughts are.


    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Hi Ada. You may want to check out the “Troubleshoot” section for some possible solutions. You can find this at the top of Katie’s blog; just click on the “FAQ” section, then the “Recipes FAQ,” and scroll down to the troubleshoot comments.

  151. Tony says

    These are also the perfect pre workout snack or a great lunch bag item for a snack during the day. There will be a batch of these in my freezer this weekend! Thanks.

  152. Samantha Kemp says

    I made these yesterday using stevia and 3 large mashed bananas. I added the vanilla pod and regular supermarket oats. I used raw coconut oil and baked them for about 28 mins in the end and they are lovely. I did mini bites for the kids lunch boxes and mega bites for me and dad. Thanks Katie. Going to make the oatmeal bake today with my daughter.

  153. Peggy says

    Just made these…some with chocolate chips and PB, some with PB and maple syrup and some with walnuts and cinnamon. Cooking now! Hope they are a hit!

  154. Sharon McLain says

    OK, where is the button to print just the recipe??? I have got to try this. My hubby is a diabetic and a heart patient—and sometimes he skips breakfast just because he wants to. With this, he would get his sweet treat, and not get all the chemical, fats, sodium, and sugar he shouldn’t have.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      What I do is high-light the recipe itself, right-click and hit copy. Then I open a new Word document and hit Paste. Then I save this new document. I give it a name and save it in a recipe file I’ve set up for Katie’s recipes. It’s easy to print from that point.

  155. Lydia says

    I made a half batch today so they wouldn’t go to waste just in case I didn’t like them. Now I wish I made the full batch. The are AMAZING!! My husband loves them too!! Thanks for the recipe.

  156. Michelle says

    I made these for the first time ans I added two scoops of lite vanilla protein powder as well as coconut, shaved carrots and raisins. Additionally I substittited carrot puree instead of banana. I have no experience with this recipe previously but I’m satisfied with the results. They are not sweet but are satisfying.

  157. Ayman says

    this is my first time to see your site thanks to stumbleupon
    i love it because it talks about healthy dessert
    i will try this recipe thank you

  158. Linda says

    This looks wonderful. I use mashed prunes found in the baking isle to substitute the oil. It is made for just this purpose and does not effect taste or texture at all. Going to make these this weekend! Your recipes rock!

  159. Sam says

    I was wondering just what the inside consistancy is supposed to be like, My Daughter found this recipe and we made them but I have a new oven that I think isn’t working as hot as it should… they were undone inside…even after extended cooking. I would love some input into this, like I said they were a good flavor just wasn’t sure if the inside texture was supposed to be like it is…thanks…..

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      I would say they have somewhat of a muffin texture. Not hard and crispy, but soft. Not completely undone inside though, more like the texture of a soft cakey granola bar.

  160. Katie says

    These came out great! Moist but stick together well. I kept a few in the fridge and froze the rest so I have easy and delicious breakfast!

  161. Ari says

    I am going to make these today (if I can find my muffin tin). We’re expecting a new baby and I heard eating lots of oats is a great way to increase milk production in nursing mothers. Also with a brand new baby around I’m not going to have a lot of time to cook. Plus my husband is always looking for donuts or scones in the morning I’d feel much better if he was reaching for one of these instead.

    Thank you! 🙂

  162. Trisha says

    So, silly question. I love the idea of making these because I absolutely cannot go without breakfast (not to mention second breakfast) so it’d be great to have a backup on those super early days. My question is, once the cupcakes are frozen, how do you heat them up in an easy-on-the-go sort of way?

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      You can just take them from the freezer the night before and thaw on the counter. Or microwave or put in a toaster oven.

  163. Cierra says

    Great recipe 😀
    Didn’t have enough banana, so substituted the rest of the banana for applesauce, and it turned out quite yummy. Also added cinnamon and almonds in half of the batch, which made it taste even better. Made the mistake of skipping on the oil in place for extra applesauce, and it they stuck to much to the cupcake holders.
    Only complaint is that it was hard not to to “taste” one from each batch, so ate a few too many.
    Made exactly 24.

  164. Brittanie Gilliam- Stewart says

    I was just wondering if the size cupcake tins would be the regular size? These sound fantastic but are hoping they are the regular size and not the mini cupcake tins.


  165. Shawne says

    Ooops, I sent my question before I was done typing. If I substitute pumpkin, do I use the same amount as mashed bananas?

  166. Emily says

    Hi Katie!

    These look great! I was just wondering if you can substitute the banana for anything? I have some banana haters in my house (crazy, I know!).


  167. Denise says

    Oh Katie, these look so delicious. The recipe would be easy, and I have all the ingredients on hand. I’m going to have to make some of these.

  168. Amie says

    As a soon to be mum of twins (with a brand new frezzer sparkling up the kitchen) your web site was one of the first i visted for quick meal ideas. these are going to be great to grab out between feeding’s! Thanks Katie as always.

  169. shams zain says

    hi katie 😀
    first of all .. thanks for existing 😀 ur recipes are amazing
    my question is .. can i substitute the banana or the apple sauce? would eggs work instead?
    salutes from Egypt 😀

  170. Liz4fitness says

    I successfully added one scoop whey isolate protein and completely omitted all oil for 1/2 cup non fat fage Greek yogurt. I DID decrease oat amount to 3.5 cups, used two over ripe bananas and subbed 1 cup (may need more) unsweetened almond milk for the water. Sent to my sons class for snack! It looked divine!! Thank you!

  171. Amy says

    These look delicious! What would be a good substitute for bananas? I saw you suggested apple sauce but I have a sensitivity to most fruits. Any other suggestions/substitutes? Thanks!

  172. Emily says

    Can I substitute coconut butter for the oil? I’d like to get a coconut flavor going to try to mask the banana taste (my oldest son doesn’t like anything banana!)

  173. Sunje says

    Tried them this morning, but I used unsweetened apple sauce instead of the mashed banana and did half of the recipe. They are soooo good! Thanks for sharing your ideas! Oh and I put chocolate chips in mine 🙂

  174. Melany says

    I love this idea. Is there anything I can substitute for the banana? I’m not a fan of bananas. My family is however. If nothing else I will be making it for them. Just thought I’d ask. 🙂

  175. shirl says

    These are so great. I make half the recipe which makes a perfect dozen. I added raspberries and mini choc chips once, a cup of peeled and chopped apple once, and a cup of blueberries once. My college daughter loves the grab and run ease!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      You can hi-light just the recipe itself and right-click “copy;” then open a new Word document and right-click “paste.” You can then name the file, save it to a CCK recipe folder, and print it.

  176. Beverly says

    These look good. I have 2 questions, though. Do you use regular-sized cupcake tins or the mini cupcake tins? And , are quick oats the same thing as rolled oats? Thanks.

  177. Jaime says

    For oil you can usually substitute applesauce for it or 1/2 oil and then 1/2 applesauce. I’ve done it in cookies, cakes, brownies and cupcakes and usually works great. I’ll have to let you know how it works in these.

  178. Erin says

    I prefer using the baking blend of Truvia when cooking. How much do you think I should add to equal 5 packets of Stevia?

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      There’s no quick print with links at present. What you can do is hi-light just the recipe itself and right-click “copy;” then open a new Word document and right-click “paste.” You can then name the file, save it to a CCK recipe folder, and print it.

  179. Susan Tovey Taylor says

    How much sugar or honey would you use it not using the “fake” sugar?
    Have you tried these with brown sugar or honey?
    They seem really easy to have on hand!

  180. Carol says

    How much honey would I use for my sweetner? Would that also change liquid amount? One last question….regular oatmeal or quick oatmeal? Thanks!!!

  181. Shayna says

    You could also substitute applesauce for the oil. My mom always did that for boxed cakes when I was younger and I still do that. I also think it makes it taste better.

  182. Deanna says

    I’m going to make these today with local honey vs the sugar substitute, coconut oil, cinnamon, half batch with shredded coconut and the other mini chocolate chips, and I’m going to add some protein powder from visalus. I’ll let you know how they turn out. I’m excited to make these today!

  183. Judy says

    I’m not a great cook. Please help me out. First of all these look great and I can’t wait to make them. First question: rolled oats? Is that like the kind that cook for one minute? Question 2: can I use regular sugar? Does it have to be liquid? Thanks!!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      They are not the same. Just google rolled oats to see what they are.
      If using reg sugar, just heat it first to a liquid.

    • Milanya says

      Yes, you can use granulated sugar. One packet of Stevia is equivalent to two teaspoons of sugar, so for this recipe you’d use ten teaspooons.

  184. Nadra Auch says

    My kids ate these “cupcakes” up!!! I didn’t have ripe bananas, so I used applesauce. I also don’t like stevia, so I used honey….just kept adding until it tasted good in the bowl! Fantastic!!! We only had quick cook oats on hand and it turned out good! thanks!

    • Gwendolyn Epley says

      You just answered the comment I posted. I want to substitute applesauce for the banana. Did you use the same amount of applesauce as the recipe called for banana?

  185. Gwendolyn Epley says

    I’m not really a fan of banana or banana flavor in my baked goods. Have you ever substituted applesauce for the banana? If so, would it be the same amount of applesauce as mashed up banana?

  186. MJ Ingram says

    Sounds yummy! Will keep mashed bananas, but I always substitute applesauce (or plain yogurt) for oil in ANY recipe!

  187. Kelly Holder says

    JUST made these, and I love them! Definitely going to be something I make to keep on hand. And, thanks for putting the WW point value in there. 🙂 I’ve found if I don’t have to think about or decide what to eat, I have more success with weight loss. Thanks!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      I would melt the sugar until it is liquid, then proceed with the directions in the recipe when using liquid sweetener.

  188. Mommyof2 says

    I made these tonight for our week. They are great! Added pecans and used a little regular sugar instead of the fake stuff. Question?: do you need to refrigerate? I plan on eating them all week for all of us and didn’t know if I don’t freeze do we need to keep in fridge? Thanks for sharing!! Love to find healthy hearty recipes my kids will love! My 5 year old said next time I should make them with craisins in place of the chocolate chips. Also thought raisins and cinnamon would be a great version…ever tried it?

  189. Squeak says

    I simply cannot eat breakfast before 10:30 or later. I actually get nauseous if I do. Been like that my whole life.

  190. Hattie Hawkins says

    Thank you so much for these. I have been looking for a dual purpose snack that is small enough for my hubby to eat–he is not a breakfast eater, but this would be something. And that I can have after I workout, when I am starving, and don’t want to wait. But I don’t want to hit the drive through either=) Bonus, since they are in liners, my daughter will think they are a treat. What a total win!!!! I have some vanilla protein powder that I am going to try using with maple syrup. I realize this will change the calories, but has added benefits for me=)

    Thanks Again!!!

  191. Evelyn Wohlwend says

    Sounds tasty. Since I use Truvia, how much would I use to equal the amount of
    sweetener packages listed in the ingredients?

  192. Carrie says

    Made these to take to work as a mid morning snack. Very good, but a little too banana-ee for me so next time I’ll be using the apple sauce. That being said, I wanted to be sure that I would use the same amount of apple sauce as I did banana? Thanks!!

      • Carrie says

        I did, which is where I saw the apple sauce substitution, but it didn’t specify amount so on I was wanting to verify it was a equal substitution since apple sauce is more liquidy then mashed bananas.

  193. Erika says

    These look fantastic! Any idea what to use if you’re allergic to bananas? Applesauce maybe? And cut back a little on the liquid? Would love your ideas!

  194. milanya says

    Can you just use granulated sugar or brown sugar? I don’t use artificial sweeteners, but maple syrup sounds like a little much.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      If you wanted to do that, I would just heat the sugar first so it’s a liquid and then use it as it says in the directions for a liquid sweetener.

  195. emily says

    mmm, these look good. but please don’t recommend the use of vegetable oil– it has a high amount of omega 6 fatty acids, which many people are already eating far too many of. vegetable and corn oil ought to be avoided like the plague!

  196. Megan says

    Ok – here’s my only question – when you freeze them, how does reheating work? I’ve seen similar “to-go” recipes for little quiches in cupcake tins also and they say that they freeze and reheat well, but never spell out how to do that. Do you take it out of the freezer and put it directly in the micro, and if so, for how long? Or, do you defrost first?


    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      You can re-heat in the microwave or conventional oven. If microwave, use the defrost option and let it re-heat gradually for a few minutes. If conventional oven, cover with tin foil and re-heat for up to fifteen minutes at about 300 degrees.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      You can hi-light just the recipe itself and right-click “copy;” then open a new Word document and right-click “paste.” You can then name the file, save it to a CCK recipe folder, and print it.

  197. Kristi says

    Katie, these look delicious, and I’m planning to make them this week adding ViSalus Vi Shape Shake mix. I’ll let you know how they turn out! Thanks for the great recipe!

  198. Janet says

    I live in Colorado at 7,000 feet. Do you (or your readers) have any suggestions for baking the breakfast cupcakes at high altitude? Thanks.

    • Tori says

      I’m also from Colorado. I simply used the recipe as written, and it turned out fine– assumedly because there’s no flour or leavening agent, which are generally what you have to play with in high-altitude cooking.

  199. Lisa says


    I realize these recipes are geared toward healthy eating, which is refreshing. I just wondered what other sweeteners you can use. I’m not familiar with NuNatures and wondered if good old fashioned sugar can be used? Or even brown sugar?

  200. Tonya says

    Hi! Recipe sounds so good…but I was wondering how much sugar you would use in place of the 5 packets?? I realize this is a healthy recipe, but just curious as to the sugar amt if I wanted to use white sugar instead. Thanks!!

  201. sue Berry says

    Just a quick question. Love the taste of cupcakes but not sure if they are suppossed to be gooey or more done like cupcakes. Thanks

  202. Billie says

    What can I use instead of the mushed bananas. I hate bananas and every time someone says it doesn’t taste like bananas it always does. These look sooooo yummy so what can I switch???

  203. Sara C. says

    I’ve got 2 daughters who don’t need to worry about calories. If I were to use white sugar, how much would I use? (basically, what is the sugar to stevia conversion?)

  204. Jean says

    Would love to make these, but I am allergic to artificial sweeteners of all kinds. What would be the amount of regular white sugar to use instead?

  205. Anonymous says

    Ill bet these would be great with a little peanut butter too. I suffer from terrible migraines and can’t use artificial sweeteners so ill I’ve to play around with the amount of real sugar to be used. Not a fan of maple syrup so can’t use that as my sweetener. Can’t wait to try this recipe. I struggle with getting sick of my same breakfast options all the time (pb toast or Greek yogurt or granola are my go-to breakfasts bc they are easy to eat at my desk at work!)

  206. Vicky says

    These look delicious!! Have you ever made them with white or brown sugar?? All other sweeteners just don’t agree with me……….give me a stomach ache. I just use regular sugars and try not to overindulge.

  207. Gloria says

    This is a great, easy and adaptable recipe. I made the chocolate chip, cinnamon-raisin and mango (special request from one of my kids). Next time I’m going to try coconut, orange and choc. chip for an ambrosia flavor.
    Thanks so much for a lower sugar option that kids love!

  208. Meghan says

    Just made these with a few subs, because I didn’t have enough banana.
    Half ripe banana/ half pumpkin
    3 tbsp honey for sweetener
    Only 2 cups water
    1/4 cup applesauce instead of oil
    Dash of Cinnamon/cloves/nutmeg
    6 tbsp choc chips/6 tbsp butterscotch
    AMAZING!! Works out to about 122 calories a cupcake.
    Thanks for this recipe 🙂

  209. Marti Hawkins says

    Maybe a stupid question but are these Oatmeal cupcakes baked in mini or regular muffin tins ? Thank You, they look so good …:)

  210. Carol says

    Love the idea of the oatmeal breakfast muffins. Kids will love them. Always looking for something for them, they are tired of cearal and eggs, so hard to please. These will help.

  211. Angela says

    Most mornings I usually eat on the run so these are a much better option than a cereal bar. Once I am at work our lab is always busy I never really know when I might get a break, so eating one of these in the mornings would last until I can take a break. Great idea.

  212. Lori says

    I make baked oatmeal when I have time in the morning so these will be a great substitute! I used 3 c. Quick rolled oats and 2 cups quick steel cut oats. I also used applesauce for part of the banana and 3T. Splenda. They turned out delicious! I baked them about 30 minutes. Thanks!

    • Tiffany says

      I have yet to try them (although I’m looking forward to it), but her link for substitution says applesauce and just add maybe a little extra sweetener. I don’t like bananas cause I’m kinda picky sometimes, so applesauce is the way I’m going to go!

  213. Lorie says

    These look yummy! Do you cook the rolled oats before mixing all of the ingredients together or do you mix them uncooked??

  214. ornursefloyd says

    I’m wondering how much “regular” sugar to substitute as I don’t use artificial sweeteners. Any ideas?? Thanks in advance.

    • Chocolate Covered Katie says

      Same amount. Just heat it first to a liquid, then proceed as if it was a liquid sweetener in the recipe. (Also, stevia is completely natural, not artificial. I just wanted to clarify that, as I don’t use artificial sweeteners in the recipes :).)

  215. Vickie Watson says

    Can’t wait to try this recipe. I love oatmeal for breakfast but don’t always have time to eat at home. These little babies will be coming to work with me. Love your blog I will definitely be following you on pinterest.

  216. Nikkii Baker says

    Hi Katie!

    What a great recipe! A friend from Arizona (I’m in Melbourne, Australia) posted this on her facebook page, and I immediately grabbed it! I’ve credited you and this website on my Health Mindfulness fb page.

    I opted for shredded coconut, coarsely chopped dried apricots, cinnamon, coconut oil, pure maple syrup and coarsely chopped toasted walnuts. Yummylicious! I’m so looking forward to breakfast tomorrow morning!

    Good health and good cheer to you and yours in 2014!


  217. Brittany says

    I’m just curious as to whether or not you or one of your readers has tried this with quick oats? I know as of your nutrition facts post no one had. I have everything to makes these except I have quick oats instead of rolled and I don’t want to run to the store for just one thing. Also, has anyone tried dry fruit? My favorite instant oatmeal is the strawberries and cream, so I thought about adjusting the dry ingredients amounts so that I could add powdered milk and dried strawberries.

  218. LafayetteMom says

    We used 1 1/2 C banana, 1C homemade applesauce, and only 1 tbsp. agave syrup, then added 3 C pecan pieces. Yum!

  219. Rita says

    Someone asked to place hives on our farmland over the spring and summer. As a result we got quite a bit of fresh honey from him. Do you think the honey would work as a sweetner?

  220. Sara Esther Crispe says

    Hi, this is my first time on your site and just tried these out. I only had a cup of mashed bananas so I halved the recipe, used grapeseed oil, added ground flax and put in an 8×11 tin as I didn’t have a cupcake one…and cooked for less time as it was half. Result is delicious but actually a bit too sweet (I used 3 stevia packets which may have been the problem). I am also not sure if they are intended to be as chewy as mine are or if I should have cooked them longer. They are DELICIOUS though. Thank you!

  221. olive says

    So I tweaked this a bit and ended up doing

    5 cups quick oats, 1cup Cinnamon apple sause, 3/4 cup strawberry whey protein,
    7teaspoons splenda, 1teaspoon salt, 2 cups water, 1 cup walnuts, 1cup white chocolate chips and 1 tablespoon coconut oil.

    Turned out great and the reduction of the sugar from the bananas And addition of the whey protein allows for a lights drizzle of a basic powdered sugar frosting.

  222. Tiffany says

    Just curious as to how you would store them (whether in the fridge or if they would be okay to sit out in an airtight container)? And any idea what the shelf life on them would be without freezing them? My husband is in the military and deployed overseas, and I think this would be a good treat to send him and the rest of his section. It doesn’t look like there’s really any ingredients that would go bad if left out for a while (such as eggs, milk, etc), but it generally is about a 2 week transit time to get to him. Do you think they would be fine since they probably wouldn’t stick around long once they got there? I’m by no means a baker of any sort but like to try new things, so opinions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks 🙂

  223. Courtney says

    I’ve been wanting to make these soo bad. I went to the grocery store to pick up bananas…and they didn’t have a single yellow or over ripe banana! Applesauce isn’t my thing so I’m just sitting here sad about my green bananas 🙁

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Read the comment from Betsy, a few comments below this, for some information regarding the use of regular sugar.

  224. PattiH says

    I made these substituting unsweetened applesauce for the bananas and raisins for the choc chips. I also used cinnamon and sugar for the sweetener. They are wonderful…thank you for sharing!

    • Betsy says

      Read the packaging of Stevia, it should have an equivalency listed for regular sugar. Then just use that much regular instead.

    • Milanya says

      I looked the last time I went shopping. According to the Stevia label I looked at in the store, one packet of Stevia = two teaspoons of sugar.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      The recipe directs you to click on the “View Nutrition Facts” link below the recipe to read about substitution notes.

  225. Kylie says

    I was wondering what you would recommend as a substitute for banana if someone likes me who is allergic to them?
    Striving newlywed wife,

    • Tori says

      I made these with applesauce last night and they turned out really well. I used unsweetened and cut way back on the sweetener, but I don’t have much of a sweet-tooth… I would taste and adjust accordingly.

  226. Elise says

    Hi Katie,
    Just a question about your Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes. We don’t use Stevia, but we do use Splenda, so I wondered if the amount of Stevia you use for these cupcakes would be the same if I use Splenda?

  227. kathyberken says

    These look great and nutritious. I might just skip the sweetener completely if i’m using very ripe bananas. i might add chopped dried fruit instead of chocolate chips. Maybe some almonds, too.
    I am 64 and have always, all of my life, had a hard time eating breakfast. I’m never hungry until about 3 hours after I wake up. It doesn’t matter when I go to bed or when/what I’ve eaten the night before. I’ve always been like this. But when I have to go somewhere that I can’t eat, then i force myself to have something. Yogurt works best. I have been told often, as you can imagine, that breakfast is the most important meal. I just wish I was hungry earlier. I don’t know how I made it through high school without eating until lunchtime. In college I forced myself to eat (cottage cheese and fruit) before I left for class, however. So, here’s one person who would love to wake up starving so I could jump right in and eat these fabulous muffins!

  228. Janice says

    Has anyone tried making these without the liners? I was wondering if they would stick to the muffin tin if I sprayed it first?

  229. Sandra says

    Often make a similar muffin using Museli instead of oatmeal and sometimes use grated apple in place of banana…..they don’t last long!

  230. Becky says

    I just made these because they seemed like a good breakfast idea for my kids (which includes picky 2 year old triplets) One of my trips has an egg allergy so I’m always looking for yummy recipes that he can eat! They tasted wonderful but they stuck to my cupcake liners so I had to scrape off quite a bit. I baked for almost 30 min but they still stuck on the bottom. Do you think I had too much liquid? I used 2 1/2 cups banana baby food because my bananas weren’t ripe enough. I added 2 1/3 cup water. And I didn’t use all my wet ingredients because it seemed very wet. I’d say there was about a cup left over. Thoughts? I’d like to make them again but want them to turn out a little easier to eat. Thanks!!

  231. JP says

    I was just wondering if these had to be refridgerated or froze immediately or will they be ok on the cabinet for a couple days?

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      They’ll last well in the fridge for a few days. If you freeze, they’ll last longer and are easy and quick to defrost.

  232. Laura says

    I made this recipe, using honey as the liquid sweetener. We didn’t have bananas, so I substituted what we had- three apples, one orange, the zest of the orange, and added a rounded 1/2 tsp of cinnamon and coconut. We put the apples, orange, orange zest, honey and cinnamon in the food processor to get it smooth. The rest was the same as the recipe. We’re all going nuts over the results! The apples added sweetness and the orange zest added zip. We’ll be writing this one down and using it for years to come, I’m sure!

  233. Hillary L. says

    I just made these and they are awesome!!! Thanks for the recipe! I couldn’t find on here how many calories are in each? I’m guessing about 200. But worth it! 🙂

  234. Danielle says

    These look amazing and so easy for a fast breakfast. Quick question. If you weren’t going to freeze them, how would you store them to keep them fresh? Also, how long do you think they would last without freezing them.
    Thanks! Can’t wait to make them

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Just put them in a sealable container (there are lots of them: Rubbermaid, Tupperware, Glad, Pyrex, whatever), something that has a good seal. They should last a day or two this way, even longer if you store them in the fridge.

  235. Shirley Rodnitzky says

    Katie, I am going to make these for grandchildren. How much of the optional ingredients can be added to the recipe without causing them to be too dry? Half cup, fourth of a cup”……? Say if I want to add the chocolate, coconut, and raisins? Thanks.

  236. Pam says

    This sounds great, but I wonder if you have a recommendation of something else I can use in place of the mashed bananas? I just have a real aversion to them… 😉

  237. Ali says

    I was wondering if anyone has made these with quick oats yet and had success/if anything in the recipe needs to be changed when using them? I want to make these so badly but quick oats are all I have. :-/ Also, I was curious how to go about heating them in the morning. Just from frozen to microwave? I have seen your posts before but this is the first one I am actually going to try. I am so excited!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      You can defrost in the microwave, using the defrost button. Should be ready in a few minutes. If conventional oven, cover with tin foil and heat at about 300 degrees for up to 15 minutes.

  238. Yessika says

    Yum! I’d love to try these. Do you think substituting pumpkin for banana and maple syrup for the Stevia would turn out well? (Also, I’ll do raisins instead of chocolate chips and throw in some pecans.) Thanks for the suggestion to use coconut oil — I have that in my pantry and haven’t quite figured out all the uses for it yet.

  239. Peggy says

    Mine are in the oven as I write this! So excited to try these. I am diabetic so I watch closely what I’m eating. I typically have oatmeal every morning with a little fruit but some mornings it’s hard to stop to eat a bowl of it as I am rushing to get ready for work while also trying to get my daughter & husband out the door. More often then I would like I end up grabbing some whole grain toast with a little peanut butter. This is going to be even more convenient and works within my guidelines! Thank you for sharing this recipe :o)

  240. Emily says

    These are awesome! I skipped the choco chips simply because I didn’t have any, added cinnamon and they are totally amazing! Also I used half milk and half water because we like our oatmeal made w milk and it worked perfectly. Yummy chewy texture with delish flavour. Now I can’t wait to try other variations! Maybe pureed pumpkin (instead of mashed banana) and pumpkin pie spice w raisins?

  241. Panda423 says

    I was wondering what I could substitute for the banana, if anything? I couldn’t find the “nutrition link” you said to refer to. Thanks in advance!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      In the second line of the recipe itself, it says “For all substitution notes on this recipe, see nutrition link below.” This link, which is right below the recipe, says “View Nutrition Facts.”

  242. Sara says

    Just made these in regular size and mini muffin tins… With blueberries and pecans and whatever oatmeal I had on hand… Half regular, half quick oats…subbed 1/2 milk because I like milk in my regular oatmeal. They are DELICIOUS and the minis will be great for my kids for breakfast with fruit on the side. Thank you for a lifetime recipe that can be easily adjusted for those who like variety in a healthy portable breakfast!! The broiling tip was great because it adds a bit more flavor and firmness, while the inside stays just like real oatmeal!

  243. Betsy says

    I regularly sub applesauce for oil in baking recipes, including when I make whole wheat pancakes, and it works great. I’d definitely add some flax for the added nutritional value, too!

  244. Jennifer says

    Has anyone tried adding protein powder? If so, what changes did you make to the recipe to make it work well?


  245. Angela says

    This recipe looks awesome and just what I was trying to find…except for the banana. I have an extreme allergy to bananas. Wondering if anyone has used applesauce in place of the banana and how did it turn out? Or any other subs that I can use in place of the banana?

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      The recipe says to click on the “View Nutritional Facts” link, below the recipe, for substitution notes.

  246. Heather Eslinger says

    These are in the oven as we speak! I added Arbonne Essentials Vegan vanilla protein and the first trial cupcake was amazing! Also added cinnamon and used agave. They seem a tad “mushy” on the inside, but I would expect that for baked oatmeal. And of course I added the chocolate chips (Enjoy life brand, so a little less guilt).

  247. Jill says

    I want to make these now and have them on hand to eat for breakfast during the week. How do I store them? Do I have to freeze them?

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Fridge or freezer, in a sealable container. You can re-heat in the microwave or in a conventional oven. If frozen: in the microwave, use the defrost option and let it re-heat gradually for a few minutes; if conventional oven, cover with tin foil and re-heat for up to fifteen minutes at about 300 degrees.

  248. Baerbel says

    Can I use apple sauce instead of bananas? If so, is it the same amount as the banana? This sounds really good and healthy.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      The recipe says to click on the “View Nutritional Facts” link, below the recipe, for substitution notes.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      The recipe says to click on the “View Nutritional Facts” link, below the recipe, for substitution notes.

  249. mommylynn says

    i just tried these and mine dont look nearly as moist as your…did you let your oats ‘soak’ after mixing with the wet ingredients before baking? or should my batter have been way more soupy? mine was not runny i had to scoop batter into muffin liners with an ice cream scoop…any input would be most helpful…

  250. Melody Thorp says

    you need to include calorie -protein – carb etc. count on your recipes. It would make my life and that of many other folks lives a lot easier. some of us have to keep track of these numbers daily due to health challenges. Please consider how helpful this type of information is to folks. thank you

  251. Sue Hutson says

    I will try these for a no cook breakfast for backpacking trips – small and easy to pack, satisfying, not too sweet and extra nutrition adding raisins and nuts, skipping the chocolate chips for me. And I can have several as I will be hiking off the calories!

  252. Sarah says

    This looks like a great idea to me, but I cannot stand banana. A whiff of the flavor and I can’t eat it. Any ideas for what to sub in place of the banana?

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      For Misha & Sarah–The recipe says to click on the “View Nutritional Facts” link, below the recipe, for substitution notes. You can also check some of the comments from other readers who don’t like bananas to see what creative ideas they’ve come up with.

  253. Jen says

    Made ’em today. Used agave syrup and unsweetened coconut version. Full size choco chips in half the batch. Still not very sweet, maybe because I couldn’t get overripe bananas, so I sprinkled a wee bit of brown sugar on each and broiled. It surprisingly takes an entire bunch of bananas to make this! Made 29 muffins. They taste like someone took a bowl of oatmeal (a really good one), and turned it semi-solid. Nice. Thanks.

  254. Kindra says

    I made these using unsweetened apple sauce instead of oil and adding cinnamon and nutmeg. They were awesome and I thought that the texture was fine. The flavor was certainly great.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      For Shirley & Birte–The recipe says to click on the “View Nutritional Facts” link, below the recipe, for substitution notes. You can also check some of the comments from other readers who don’t like bananas to see what creative ideas they’ve come up with.

      • Safina says

        Applesauce, canned pumpkin/puree, or carrot puree can all be used instead of the banana. But you might want to add a little more sweetener, as bananas are usually sweeter than those substitutions.

  255. Renee says

    I just made these! Took out 3/4 cup of oats and added coconut, walnuts and carob chips. Added a tsp of baking powder. They are sooooo good!

  256. Melissa says

    For rolled oats, do you use quick oats or old fashion? And could u give a estimate as to how many bananas is 2 1/2 cups mashed?

  257. Leslie says

    This recipe sounds and looks wonderful. I was wondering though, since the min-chocolate chips are optional in the recipe…are those figured into the nutritional info? I am doing Weight Watchers, so does the 2 points per cupcake (muffin) include the chocolate chips?

  258. pat says

    For the oatmeal muffins can I use Olive oil vs vegetable oil? Trying very hard to lower my cholesterol and need to take 2 T. Olive oil per day. Thanks

  259. Beth says

    These look amazing except for one small problem. I am deathly allergic to bananas and all alternative sweeteners, including stevia cause me serious gastric distress or migraines. Is there something I can use in place of the bananas and can I use honey instead of stevia or agave?

    • Safina says

      Applesauce or canned pumpkin/pumpkin puree can be used instead of the banana, but you might need to up the sugar a little bit. Another commenter also had success with carrot puree. Also, honey can be used instead of the stevia.

  260. Diane says

    A good sub for oil in baking is no sugar added applesauce. No need for added fat and evr n the “healthier oils” are 100 percent fat….

  261. Shannon says

    Hey there! I just made these and they are awesome!!! I used the coconut oil, added 1 cup of coconut and used 5 tablespoons of honey as my sweetener 🙂 Thanks for the recipe!

  262. Nancy says

    These look delish! But I cannot find the ‘print’ button so only the recipe prints. :-/ I’m sure it’s here somewhere!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      To print, highlight just the recipe itself, then right-click “copy;” then open a new Word document and right-click “Paste.” You can then name and save the document, and file it in a CCK Recipe folder. You can then print easily from there.

  263. Diana says

    Just made these and forgot the water, oops! I used maple syrup, was a little long on mashed bananas and added 3 eggs for some extra protein and omega 3s, and didn’t miss the liquid. Maybe mine are a little chewier than yours since the oatmeal didn’t steam? I also sprinkled in some ground almonds, a bit of cinnamon and Trader Joe’s chocolate chunks. Next time I’ll do the same, but will try adding just 1c almond milk, see if I can get some calcium in there. All delicious, I hope my kids like them!

  264. Marsha McNeese says

    I remember some years ago everyone was anti-coconut oil, but now it’s back in favor. Can you buy it at a regular grocery?

  265. Lisa says

    Just made these. Made a few changes. I used non-fat milk instead of water. I only had 2cups of banana, so I tossed in some finely chopped apple (skin on). Added 1tsp. Of cinnamon as well. I used quick oats and baked at 350 degrees for 30 mins.

    They are AWESOME! Thanks for a great addition to my breakfasts!

    • Dchuey says

      6 medium size bananas will give you around the 2 1/2 cups needed.
      I mashed them up with a potato masher and measured it out. I was a littke short, so I added a little applesauce, as someone posted.

  266. Denise says

    Made these this morning (subbing homemade applesauce for the banana because my kids are crazy). I added in some ground flax seed, chopped nuts and dried cranberries. These are really good and not too sweet. I liked the really moist/oatmeal like texture and putting them under the broiler for a minute or so really made it tasty!

  267. Bea says

    I see the recipe calls for bananas; I would love to try these except I’m allergic to bananas. What is a good substitution for bananas?

  268. Pamela says

    You may already have had someone let you know this but just to be sure…I was curious if these were really 2 WW PP+ so took the time to entire it into the WW Recipe Builder. This recipe actually is 3 PP+ for one muffin without any add ins (such as the chocolate chips, nuts, coconut, etc.) and made with stevia. If you add the 2/3 cup of mini chocolate chips, it brings it to 4 PP+ per muffin. That is still not bad but it is not the same as thinking they are only 2 PP+ . Just thought I’d let you know! Thanks for sharing the recipe; they look delicious and I can’t wait to try it out!

  269. Phoenix says

    I have a vegan friend coming to stay a few days. I know NOTHING about vegan cooking. Would these qualify as vegan? They look really good. I’m retired, so I don’ t need anything “on the go,” but I would like some variety in my diet. Thanks! And i’ve “liked” you on Facebook as well.

  270. Shannon says

    May these and they were wonderful. My bananas were not quite ripe enough so I put the liquid ingredients in the blender and it mixed great with the dry. Thanks for the recipe.

  271. Tania Thompson says

    Oh my gosh, Katie, this is amazing! It’s still piping hot but I couldn’t resist…they’re so good. My favourite oatmeal is banana chocolate chip so this recipe was ‘meant to be’ for me. I skipped all the sugar and stuck with the essentials (banana and mini dairy free chocolate chips) – and the results are perfect.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful recipes. I’ve made several and this is the 1st I’ve commented on. A keeper!

  272. Greta says

    Hi. Can you tell me what else I can put in them besides the banana? They sound amazing but bananas are a big ‘no no’ on my eating plan right now. Thanks.

  273. Melissa Stone says

    Just made the baked outmeal cupcakes and added to the recipe, 1 T Cinnamon, 1/2 c. coconut and 1cup of Vi Shape Protein Shake mix…..AMAZING!

  274. Mary Lou Stilwell says

    Is there a link for a printer-friendly version of this on your site? I tried to drag and re-post but it didn’t work.

    Thanks; these look amazing.

  275. Jean says

    These are yummy!! Took them to work my peeps love them. They are so filling and good for you!! Not a morning breakfast eater, but these were easy and quick!!

  276. Tonya Shultz says

    My husband is allergic to bananas so I substituted applesauce and they turned out great, all my coworkers loved them also! Thanks for the great recipe!!

  277. Juli says

    Tried the recipe this morning. My husband loved them. I used raisins instead of chocolate chips (he can’t eat chocolate) and 1 1/2 t of cinnamon. Baked at 380 degrees for 20 minutes. Perfect. Thanks for the recipe.

  278. Dchuey says

    OMG! These are so good!
    I don’t need “breakfast on the go” because I am retired, but I love oatmeal and I love to bake and trying new recipes, so I made these today.
    This definitely going in the folder.

  279. Momofours says

    Oh. my. gosh. LLLLOOOOVVVVEEE these! Perfect texture, not too sweet, filling & delicious–perfect for breakfast or a snack. THANK YOU!!

  280. Mickie Fox says

    Great ideas! May of your recipes will be on my weekly menu! Healthy fun, yummy food. What’s not to love! Thanks!

  281. Jamie says

    I make breakfast cookies like this, but instead of adding water, oil, and sugar, I use peanut butter. You could probably use any type of nut butter you prefer.

  282. Lizabeth says

    Totally yummy!! I used rolled oats, not the quick cooking kind. I did the following alterations to these: added 2 additional cups of multi-grain cereal (found in the oatmeal section), used 1/4 c brown sugar and a 1/4 cup pure maple syrup, 2 cups water, 1 c. mini chocolate chips, a bag of dried berries from Aldi, and a tablespoon of cinnamon. I didn’t measure the bananas, just used 5 large over-ripe ones that I had on the table. I baked them at 375 for 25 minutes and let me tell you – they are AMAZING!

  283. Ana says

    This recipe looks great! I am just wondering – how long are these good before you have to freeze them? As in, can I make them Sunday and eat them through Thursday just keeping them in an airtight container? Or do they need to be frozen after the first day? Thanks!

  284. Laura says

    Wow. Mine turned out horrible. I had to halve the recipe because I didn’t have enough mashed bananas, so I was careful to halve the other ingredients as well.

    I cooked for the specified time at the specified temperature and even left our pizza stone in the oven for even heat distribution. I also set them on “broil” for a minute.

    I don’t know what to say. They’re inedible. They look nothing like the picture, they don’t hold together, they have the texture of a bowl of oatmeal, I have no idea how to eat one without a spoon, and I feel like I’ve just thrown a chunk of money down the drain. 🙁

    • ann says

      Well based on all the positive reviews, mine included, I would say you must ahve done something wrong. I can attest that the recipe is delicious and would say its worth making them again.

    • April says

      Mine are a mess too. They didn’t set correctly. They basically just stuck to the paper liners and are a big mess. I checked the recipe 4 times to make sure I did it right. I did. Very disappointing as I used gluten free oats which are crazy expensive.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      The recipe says to click on the nutrition link at the bottom of the recipe. You’ll find the information you’re looking for there.

  285. Kelly says

    These are delicious!!!!! Thank you for sharing. I used protein powder in mine and they turned out perfect! If you are not freezing them is it best to store them in the refrigerator or just at room temperature?

  286. Christiane says

    This recipe sounds easy and delicious and makes a great alternative to hitting a drive thru on the way to school or work. Thanks for the share!

  287. Sofia says

    This is why our country is obese and a large percentage diabetic! NO CARBS IN THE MORNING!!! They spike your blood sugar and make you crave them all day. Try having some actual nutrition for breakfast with 30 grams of protein. Free range eggs, turkey sausage, or Atkins shakes if you are in a hurry. Oatmeal, whole wheat, etc is put sugar with little nutrition. I cut wheat out of my diet and lost 80 pounds and KEPT it off. These muffins might as well be cupcakes!

  288. Stacey Peaden says

    I’d like to use Steel Cut oats instead, what would be the difference in measurement if substituted for the Rolled Oats?

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Other readers have indicated that it may not be such a good idea to use steel cut oats. Those who have successfully subbed oats have used quick instead of rolled.

    • ido says

      I recommend do a “Search” in the comments for Steel Cut Oats so you can see all of the comments and tips using it. There are a lot of positive comments from those that have used them, and tips on what they did if they changed up anything, for example one person added in quinoa to theirs. A lot of creative ideas. I have not read any that said it did not work, so I’m not sure why the other person said people said it did not work when I’m reading comments from those that have successfully used it as a substitute. Some say they soaked it awhile, others did not mention that.

  289. April says

    I just put these in the oven and am nervous. Since there’s no flour, the batter looks strange. I wish there had been pictures of the process so I could see if my batter looks correct. Anyway, hope they come out!!! Thanks.

  290. Shelley says

    Made these this week and am in LOVE!! They are SO good plus my teenager really liked them too!! My question is do you refrigerate them after baking or store them at room temperature? I left mine at room temp but wondered if I should refrigerate?
    TIA, Shelley

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      The best thing to do is to keep in an air-tight storage container and refrigerate. Should last several days.

  291. Stephanie Brummett says

    These are so good! I made them last night and froze most of them. I popped 2 in microwave for 30 seconds and ate them on the way to work. I used real syrup and added walnuts and the crunch of the nuts was fabulous. Thank you and can’t wait to try more of your recipies!

  292. Suzan says

    I just made them – used 5Tbsp of honey, added a TBSP of cinnamon, about 1/2 a cup of coconut, then chocolate chips in one half, and mixed peel and cashews in the other half. I quite liked them. My teenaged son (the one I was hoping would eat them) had one and declared ‘more for you’. Sigh.

  293. Becky says

    I just made these for my family. One of our New Year’s Resolution is to eat breakfast every day. My teenager who tends to eat nothing besides pasta, milk, sandwiches, cheese and fruit, loved these. She ate two of them for a late afternoon snack. We all thought they were delicious. I sprinkled a little raw sugar on the top to give the illusion that there is lots of sugar in them.
    Thanks for the recipe.

  294. Ned Overmyer says


    The breakfast oatmeal cupcakes were amazing! I am not a banana lover, but these did not bother me. I made mine in Texas muffin tins and it made twelve of them! Can wait to try them with other ingredients. I put 3/4 cup of coconut in this batch. Will be making more to freeze to take to school on those mornings I don’t have a lot of time before teaching kids! Thank you and keep up the great recipes!

  295. SUZANNE says

    Hi, Can I just store these in a ziploc for the week, or do I have to freeze them? Would you reheat from room temp, or eat at room temp? If you freeze, how do you reheat? Thanks!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Best if stored in a tight-seal container of some kind, and refrigerated or frozen. You can defrost either in the microwave (defrost button) or conventional oven, about 15 minutes at ~250 degrees or so.

  296. Rmaples says

    Cannot wait to make these. I have three girls and they hate sticky oatmeal but it so good for you. I think they would love these for breakfast with fruit. Has anyone tried them with brown sugar instead of stevia?

  297. Nicole Sharkey says

    I’m curious about storing/reheating. So I just made these and i’m hoping to have them for the next week, should I refrigerate them or just in a sealed container on the counter? You mention freezing them, but don’t really want to store them for extended periods of time… I don’t think they will last a week.

    • Stephanie says

      My local baker told me that I should “never” refrigerate baked goods. She said I should *always* freeze. Refrigeration removes the moisture. Freezing contains it and things will taste like they were just made when thawed and eaten. 🙂

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      I’ve done both fridge and freezer, and both are fine. If fridge, put in a tight container, and they should last for several days. If frozen, they defrost easily, either in the microwave (defrost button), or conventional oven (up to fifteen minutes at 250 degrees).

  298. Melody Bjur says

    Just wondering if the nutritional info includes the chocolate chips in the recipe? Looks good! I plan on trying it!

  299. Molly says

    I made these today. I added cinnamon, walnuts, choc chips, flax, and peanut butter.
    I’m wondering if there is a way to make them less moist in the middle and a little more muffin like?
    I’m not worried about gluten. Could flour be added?
    They look and smell great. But the super moist middle bothers me texture wise.
    Thanks for any ideas.

  300. barbara robin says

    These are so good!! I’m just wondering what the calorie count of each one is the way I made them. First, I used Blue Agave Syrup and I added 1 cup of golden raisins, 1/2 cup of toasted (unsalted) sunflower seeds and 1/2 cup of slivered almonds. I did add the choc chips, 1/2 cup. I’m sure with the added seeds, nuts and raisins the calorie count has increased considerably, but I don’t know how to figure it out. Can you help??

  301. Jamie says

    I am not vegan and was wondering if you think this recipe would work with milk instead of water? I’m always looking for ways to increase my calcium intake.

  302. EricaG says

    Made these yesterday for the kids and to share at neighborhood tennis match. So yummy! Here are the changes I made based on what I had at home (and the fact that it is just not in my genes to follow a recipe completely!). I used about 3 cups steel cut oats and 1 cup of vegan chocolate protein powder. Same amount of water. Used 5 tsp of regular white sugar and 1/4 cup brown sugar. Used no sugar added applesauce instead of oil (1:1 ratio). Probably used a little more mini chocolate chips as I let my son put them in 🙂 Both the adults and kids loved them. Thanks so much for the recipe!

  303. Michelle says

    Super big hit this morning! Made them gluten free with GF rolled oats. Used Safflower Oil instead of veggie oil, organic maple syrup and added flax seed meal (4 tbls) and of course chocolate chips (enjoy life mini chips). Kids loved them!! Definitely recommend!

  304. Michelle says

    Thank you for this awesome recipe! Super big hit this morning! Made them gluten free with GF rolled oats. Used Safflower Oil instead of veggie oil, organic maple syrup and added flax seed meal (4 tbls) and of course chocolate chips (enjoy life mini chips). Kids loved them!! Definitely recommend!

  305. Marsha McCluskey says

    How about setting your recipes up so that can be printed without others comments. Frankly, I don’t want to see the comments again after I have read them once. I have to copy your recipes by hand.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      You can print the recipe by itself, as follows: Highlight just the recipe at the top of the blog and press “control c” (or right-click ‘copy’). Then, open a new Word document and press “control v” (or right-click ‘paste’). You can then name this recipe and save it in a CCK Recipe folder. It’s easy to print just this document from that point on.

  306. Amanda says

    Thank you for a healthy baked recipe that does not include eggs! My mom shared this with me because my daughter is allergic to eggs and often reacts adversely to baked goods. Can’t wait to try these!

    • Amanda says

      This was the first I’d ever heard of your website. I didn’t realize that these are vegan recipes. I am ALSO dumb for never having considered looking up vegan recipes to find things that my daughter can eat too. In any event, ignore my ignorance and keep cranking out the great recipes! 🙂 Thanks!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      To print, highlight just the recipe itself, then right-click “copy;” then open a new Word document and right-click “Paste.” You can then name and save the document, and file it in a CCK Recipe folder. You can then print easily from there.

  307. Melinda says

    I made these and they are so good!!!!! I did use the Quaker Oats cooks in 1 minute oatmeal 3 cups and 2 cups of Bob’s Red Mill Old Country Style Muesli. I added dried cranberries, used applesauce in place of oil and local honey in place of sugar . They were excellent. Thank you so much for this recipe. I can’t wait to “share” them.

  308. Roxanne says

    I’m really looking forward to making this recipe. My son likes those prepackaged bars for his afternoon snack at school, but unless you spend an arm and a leg, they are full of things I don’t like to feed him. It looks like I can customize this, and if I have him help make them, he;ll want them even more.
    Thanks for this great recipe.

  309. Michelle says

    I tried the Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes with quick oats and they were great. I could not find the rolled oats at my store. My kids LOVE these!!

  310. Janet says

    I made these yesterday, but used 1-minute oats. NOT a good idea, but I will eat them anyway. Next time, I’ll be sure & buy rolled oats 🙂

  311. Cristie Quiner says

    Just wondering if I need to keep these in the fridge? I have a sneaking hunch they won’t last to make it into the freezer :). Thanks!!!
    By the way, these are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Best to keep them in a sealed storage container and either fridge or freeze. If fridge, they should last several days. If frozen, you can defrost in the microwave (defrost function) or in conventional oven, about fifteen minutes at 250 degrees.

  312. Georgette Hunt says

    Thank you so much for this recipe. Made them tonight with chocolate chips, pecans, and dried tart cherries. So good. Used honey as my sweetener. This will be a go to recipe when I have over ripe bananas.

  313. Debbie says

    These look amazing. I live in Amish country and they make baked oatmeal all the time, I wish I would have thought of this idea. I’m wondering if I could change out the oil for applesauce or fat free sour cream. I do that all the time in cakes to cut down on the calories. I think I will make them your way, and then try it with one of the substitutes.

  314. Kara says

    Just FYI, I entered this recipe into a calculator and got 111 calories….I did not optional items and entered as-is in the recipe (only those ingredients with substantial calories)…

    Cereals – Oats, regular and quick and instant, not fortified, dry (oatmeal, rolled oats), 5 cup 1,555
    Oil – Vegetable, canola, 5 tbsp 619
    In the Raw – Stevia Packets, 5 packet 0
    Banana – Banana (Raw, No Skin), 20 oz 497
    Total: 2,671
    Per Serving: 111 17 4 3 1 4

    • sara says

      Yes, I also entered the recipe in My Fitness Pal and got 107 calories without any extra ingredients. Yikes! That makes a difference if you are counting calories!

  315. Mandy P says

    It is supposed to be baked at 380? I want to make sure its not supposed to be 350 and perhaps you hit an 8 instead of a 5…

  316. Mary says

    I made these today and they are awesome!! I substituted almond milk for the water to add a little protein and they are super moist. When I mashed my bananas, I only had about 1 3/4 cups so I tweaked it a little bit and made about a recipe and a half. I added dark chocolate chips. What a great way to get oatmeal when you don’t have time to cook it in the morning!

  317. Sarah says

    These are fantastic. I’ve needed a healthy, filling, late-night sweet treat and these fit the bill perfectly. And my kids liked them so much that my son requested them for his school birthday treat tomorrow, even though I also gave him the choice of regular sugary cupcakes. I was thrilled! Thanks!

  318. Margaret J. Jaeger says

    No rising agent in these?? Eggs, baking powder or soda?? Oven temp at 380, unusual, could this be a British or Canadian recipe to use such an unusual temp and also include the grams measure… not that it matter about that. Just find it odd not to have some sort of rising agent in these. Consistency then, must be like a bowl of oatmeal..??

    • Vicki Rawlins says

      The texture is very moist and yet there is grain to it as well. These are heavier than a traditional cupcake but that is part of their greatness!!! I strongly recommend them!

  319. Susan lovher says

    Do you have a cook book? I am 64 yr old grandma that is half white flour and half white sugar. I tried the oatmeal bars, I baked in 9by 13 pan and cut into 24 pieces. I could eat them and Iike them because they can be a substitute for cookies etc. I used honey, quick oats. I have a pan in now that are just applesauce.

  320. Thomas says

    Why oil? I am not a baker per se and would love if you could tell me the importance of oil to the baking process in reference to this recipe. It seems the only drawback to it as to the amount of fat in the final product. If another option exists to adding oil, I would love to know. Would love to eliminate the oil and try your recipe.

  321. Vicki Rawlins says

    These are yummy! I used quick oats and they came out fine. The only challenge I add was that they stuck to the cupcake liner quite a bit but I don’t think that quick oats vs rolled outs would have caused that. Thanks for sharing such a great recipe!

  322. Julie R says

    These muffins are amazing! This is how I’m eating my oatmeal from now on!! I actually made them as bars, since I threw away my old muffin pans thinking I would never make cupcakes or muffins again 😉 The texture is wonderful and you can drizzle a little maple syrup over them and heat them in the microwave – oh, yummy!!! I will never miss another breakfast again – THANK YOU, “Chocolate Covered Katie” 😀

  323. Chris says

    These are wonderful! The first lot I made was a half batch (exactly 12) of these tasty morsels. The second batch I made with fresh apple sauce and raisin – a big hit. I really should have made a full batch. Now in the oven I have a batch made with home canned peaches (very low sugar) and they smell fantastic. We really like them cold the best and find them satisfying and have the added benefit of keeping the hunger away until lunch. I also like them for a snack, others must too as they just disappear.

  324. Cristy says

    I have to say thank you for posting this recipe! They are not only delicious, they are very satisfying! Kept me full for several hours! Just what I needed! Love them!

  325. Samantha says

    Love these! Have a question though. I don’t see how I could peel the liner off and eat without it falling apart. Wondering if 1) they need to cool to form better or 2) bake longer? We ate them piping hot because they looked so amazing!! 🙂

  326. Cindy Tope says

    Hi…tried your cupcake recipe. Really, really wanted it to be perfect because it’s such a great idea, but…wasn’t. The inside of the cupcake didn’t seem to be cooked and the entire cupcake stuck to the paper and was a real mess! The recipe also said “pour” into cupcake liners, and by no means was the consistency of my final batter pourable despite adding all the liquid ingredients called for.
    Any suggestions?

  327. Tracey says

    I can’t wait to try these! They look so yummy! I know this is a silly question for those of you who bake a lot, but what are rolled oats? Are they the same thing as cooking oats? If so, do you need to use the original kind and not the quick cooking oats? Please help…. I really want to make these!

  328. Sigi G says

    Your baked oatmeal cupcakes to go were amazing. My family loves them – especially my daughters. Healthy and so fast and easy – I’ve been whipping up batch after batch!!
    Thank you so much!

  329. Jen Begin says

    Love your recipes, Katie, thank you!

    Is the cook temperature on this recipe really 380 degrees? Wanted to confirm that it wasn’t a typo before I get cooking. Thanks!

  330. Debbie says

    I just made these. They were super simple to make, and I tried one fresh out of the oven…YUM! I made half of them with chocolate chips and half with nuts, since my hubby doesnt like the choc in his oatmeal. My one concern is that mine didnt really set very well. Did I do something wrong, or I’m thinking maybe when they are cooled completely they might be set better. Either way…..We will surely enjoy them. Thanks for the recipe.

  331. Dani says

    OMG these are delicious!!!! Just popped my first one down, fresh out of the oven. I used pecan chips with the chocolate chips and am going to try another batch now with some dried cranberries, too. I can’t wait for my kids to try these for a quick breakfast on school mornings. WOW! YUMMMMM!!!

  332. Julia Crail says

    Love these. So easy to have on hand and they are awesome as a mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack. I have substituted applesauce for the oil and they are tasty as well.

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      To print, first highlight just the recipe itself and right-click “Copy” (or press “control c”); then open a new word document and right-click “Paste” (or press “control v”). You can then name this file and save it in a CCK Recipe folder, and print just that recipe as needed.

  333. dana says

    Have you tried these substituting apple sauce for sugar? I’m not a baker, so I usually follow recipes exactly. just looking for less artifical sweetener and sugar.

  334. Cristy says

    Made them like the recipe and loved them! Today I made them with applesauce instead of banana, put cranberries, grated orange rind, orange extract in them! My house smelled heavenly and they tasted great! I love orange cranberry foods!! Love how this recipe is so versital! Thanks again for sharing this recipe!!!!

  335. mj says

    Have you experimented with adding protein powder to thia recipe as an extra boost?
    I dont bake at all so I have no idea how the chemistry of all that works

  336. Gena Singh says

    I tried your recipe with steel cut oats. I soaked them overnight to soften them (started with 2.5 cups, which expanded to about 5 cups), then drained off the water and followed your recipe. LOVE them. I’ve had three already, and they’re not even cool yet. 🙂

  337. Nancy says

    Hi, I just made these and they are delicious, but, I was a little disappointed that they stuck to the cupcake liners. Any ideas?

  338. Theresa says

    Loved your recipe. My daughters gave it 2 thumbs up!! Just one question, do you store them in an airtight container on the counter or in the fridge?

  339. Barbara says

    I made a 1/2 recipe with minute oatmeal, 2 pkett splenda, 4 over ripe bananas that I put in my mini chopper & the other ingrdients. Extras were 2 tbs flax seed, 1/4 c coconut & walnuts & dried cranberries each. Filled almost to top of greased muffin pans. Made 13. Had them for breakfast-were very good. Will make these again & make the whole recipe!

  340. JaxKat says

    Hi Katie – Thanks for the recipe. I made these this morning with the applesauce substitution for the banana, and was disappointed that they didn’t get nearly as firm as the ones in your photo. Was there something else I should have adjusted?

  341. Jackie Hachey says

    I substituted the oil with a snack container of applesauce. I also added a few scoops of protein powder. I maybe should have cooked them just a couple of minutes longer because they were very moist in the middle…but very tasty! Love your recipe ideas!!

  342. Lnda says

    what is you have an allergy to stevia? how would you change the recipe so one doesn’t break out in hives and ends up in the bathroom throwing up their guts?

  343. Diana says

    These are my new favorites. I’ve made several batches. I’ve gifted to friends, shared the recipe and frozen for continued enjoyment. Thanks a million!

  344. Laura says

    Oh my goodness! You have hit a homerun with this one! I omitted the choc. chips because my husband does not care for them. But I added lots of cinnamon, coconut shreds, allspice, ginger, chopped pecans and sunflower seeds! The additions are endless! Thank you so much for this recipe! EVERYONE needs to try this!

  345. GHM says

    Just made these. They are delicious. So much tastier than store bought bars. I added protein powder. Thanks Katie for the great recipes.

  346. Kim says

    I found when I baked these, they were rather wet in the middle, did I do something wrong? They just didn’t bake up the way that I thought they would. I cut back the water to 1 1/3 cup, as you suggested, used real maple syrup, and when I mixed it, thought they were rather wet, I also used applesauce instead of oil. so backed away a few tablespoons of water again, when I subbed this… Any suggestions?

  347. Brandi says

    I’m not the best baker but really want to try to make these. It’s probably a dumb question but if I freeze some what is the best way to thaw them in the morning?? Nuke them, leave them out the night before? I think these will be best warm. Thanks!

  348. Cherrill Echols says

    Thank you Katie, I’m in my 50’s and have high cholesterol and triglycerides. You have changed my world for the better. 🙂

  349. Cindy Neff says

    I made the baked oatmeal cupcakes to go. They are wonderful! I’m going to try them with apples and cranberries. Thank you Katie!

  350. Bonnie Brown says

    I noticed that it doesn’t call for flour. This recipe would be great for those with Celiac disease or are gluten intolerant. I’ll be making these for my daughter and granddaughter. Thanks for this great recipe.

  351. Mia says

    hi! I have a question about your oatmeal recipes! When you say “rolled oats”, what variety do you mean? Can I use old fashioned/regular rolled oats, or does it have to be quick oats or instant oats?

  352. Erin says

    Hi Katie! After mashing my bananas I ended up halving your recipe, using 2 1/2 cups quick rolled oats, 1 1/4 cups mashed bananas, 1/2 tsp salt, 2 tbsp maple syrup, a handful of dark chocolate chips, 1 cup water, roughly 1/8 cup coconut oil, 1 1/2 tsp vanilla, a tbsp cinnamon, pinch cloves, 1 scoop Vega protein powder – it made exactly 12 cupcakes. I ended up baking mine 5 minutes longer and then broiling quickly. They turned out fantastic! Thanks for your chocolate covered creations!

  353. Judy says

    These were good, but I think I should have used brown sugar instead of maple syrup, too gooey for me…..good thing for me hubby will eat anything!

  354. Tara says

    Thank you so much for this recipe! I made a half batch for my infant son (who is SUCH a picky eater–especially at breakfast!) and he inhales them every morning! I’m going to make round two this weekend–thinking about white choc chips and raspberries.

  355. Robyn Ripley says

    These are GREAT! Easy to make, adapt, and EAT! Healthy alternative for an on-the-go snack or breakfast. I skipped the oil and used applesauce and flax seed. Came out great.

  356. laura says

    i made them with quick cooking oats and they turned out just fine! i also added about 1/2 C wheat germ, and only had 2 C mashed bananas. they are good….not too sweet, and an excellend choice for only 88 calories!

  357. kay says

    Does it taste like flapjacks, I don’t really like oatmeal much but LOVE flapjacks! would be nice to have something to take fast as always in a rush in the mornings x

  358. Kathy Ziegenmier says

    Just wondering if you could substitute milk or something else for the water to add a little more nutrition?

  359. Kathy Ziegenmier says

    One other question: The coconut oil I bought from Trader Joe was in a solid form? Was I supposed to soften it? It was very difficult to incorporate even with a whisk. There were lumps throughout the batter and am concerned about how these will come out. My first time cooking with coconut oil.

  360. Christina says

    Hi Katie,

    I wanted to let you know that I tried it with steel cut oats and it was okay. I think cooking it with the normal oats would be better, as I felt like the steel cut are still chewy (unless they are supposed to be like this?)

    thanks for the great recipe!!

  361. Mikin says

    Made these exactly as you have them posted and they are YUMMY!!!!! For my second batch I added cinnamon and it was even more YUMMY!! I want to try them with a puree pumpkin and then add all the spices of pumpkin pie and see what happens! Thank you for posting!! I LOVE LOVE that you post nutrition facts!!! Great site!!

  362. CaSandra says

    I love the baked oatmeal cupcakes to go. However, I have made them twice & both times i find mold on them after a few days, so i have to toss them. I just made them again & have them in the fridge in hopes that they will not get moldy. Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks!

  363. Christine says

    I love the oatmeal cupcakes! Question-I’m having issues with them becoming soggy after a few days. The first time I made them, I put them in an air tight container while they were still warm and it caused condensation-my bad. The next time, I let them completely cool, but in a few days, they were soggy again and even started to mold 🙁 Any suggestions? Love your website!

  364. Mikin says

    I just substituted pumpkin and added all the typical pumpkin pie spices. Everything else I left the same….amazing!!! Like mini pumpkin pies!!! Pumpkin has great anti oxidents too!!

  365. Sarah at Sezen Your Life says

    Thank you for posting this, these are wonderful! Everyone in the family loves them, and I love knowing my husband and kids are not leaving the house without a healthy breakfast even when things are rushed. I used 2 Tbs of oil and 1 Tbs of applesauce. Next time I might try peanut butter as others have mentioned. I add cinnamon and use dark chocolate chips. These are also great for new moms who usually have to eat hastily and often with only 1 hand at a time 🙂 Thanks again!

  366. Trish says

    I am new to cooking/baking so pardon me if this question is silly…could I replace the sugar and vanilla with vanilla protein powder to up the protein content? Or would that change the consistency of the muffin? Thanks!

  367. Sarah Shipley says

    I just made these with steel cut instead of rolled oats, which didn’t hold together as well as I had planned.
    Still delicious! I halved the recipie so that I mt yeilded 12-
    I also added almonds, figs, peanuts, agave, and instead of a ripe banana used applesauce.
    Everything turned out pretty alright, even though it did stick to the cupcake tin pretty tough,
    These cupcakes are hearty and very heavy
    Love and will make again
    Thank you Katie!


  368. Julie says

    FOR the additional add-in’s how much woulda you add? A cup, more our less. I just don’t want to make them dry by adding too much. Thanks!

  369. Lisa George DiBartolomeo says

    No extra sweetener needed. There is enough sugar in the ripe bananas to provide just the right amount of sweet flavor.

  370. Kai S says

    Hi Katie!

    I am always so inspired to bake after I read your blog. I’m so glad that eating healthy does not mean giving up desserts, thanks to your tips. This specific recipe is great for college students like myself, who sometimes have to rush to class. The ingredients are simple and affordable, yet healthy. Substitute options and nutrition facts are helpful additions so people can still enjoy your recipes regardless of their diet choices. Thanks for sharing!


    • Bronagh says

      Actually I now see others have already commented on the subject of using steel cut oats instead.
      thanks for sharing this recipe!

  371. Judith says

    Hi Katie, I was wondering if you could explain more about the various kinds of sugar and the use of Stevia. Stevia instructions always seem to be coupled with real sugar in some form, for example. Why is that? This recipe for oatmeal cupcakes sounds very good and I want to try it. Do you think applesauce could be substituted for the banana? Also, I have not seen any of your recipes that suggest using Brown Rice Syrup instead of Agave or Honey. Dr. Mercola’s website for health says that Agave is the same as High Fructose Corn Syrup, and should not be used. I have not seen any comment from his website tho about Honey altho a lot of people are allergic to it because it contains a natural mold. (Ditto peanuts). It seems to be in the processing that these syrups become bad for us, where the natural and organic sugar such as Palm Coconut sugar is not. It seems that the processed sugars are getting us in trouble where the less processing the better as to what we can use for sweetener.
    I also wondered about the VERY LARGE amts. of cocoa that your recipes call for. We are used to using a few Tablespoons and going up to 1 and 1/4 CUP per recipe is just
    over the top! Not to mention how expensive that is! What is your thinking on that
    score? I do appreciate that you answer questions on your Blog. Thank you! Judith

  372. dufusgoofus says

    Pictures and recipe look great! Gonna try and bake this in the next day or two. Questions-
    1) What is the end result texture like? Heavy and moist ike a bran muffin or dry and hard like a granola bar?
    2) Will these breakfast yummies stick to the muffin pan if I don’t use liners?

  373. Shelby Cohn says

    How about doing pumpkin puree or coconut yogurt for part of the bananas & oil? I’m not a big fan of bananas !! Thx!

  374. Pat - an admitted chocaholic says

    Oh. My. Goodness! (and I do mean GOODness!)…
    These look amazing! A friend told me even her husband (who is a real meat-and-potatoes kinda guy) loves these, so of course my curiosity was piqued! Can’t wait to try ’em myself, and may (ok, I’m really very likely to!) share these on our own site! Always on the prowl for delicious, decadent-but-good-for-you recipes to pass on 🙂
    LOVE your site, Katie!

  375. lauren says

    Hi there~
    Love Love Love your website!! I”m a newbie, so forgive if this recipe is redundant.
    I am just becoming familiar with Xylitol and wondered if you could share your
    source. Do you use the corn source or Birch source? They all say if you use more
    than a teaspoon or two the intestinal effects are going to happen. NO problem??? This could be so huge for me! Have been trying for years to get off sugar.

  376. DeeDee says

    Some friends of mine from church have just started a freezer club. It feels so good to have a stockpile of meals to draw from. 🙂 my question is, if you have frozen chicken after you’ve bought it, then you prepare and freeze it again, will it compromise the taste? I haven’t been brave enough to make a freezer chicken meal yet for this reason.

  377. Chris Wade says

    I use 1/2 cup honey for sweetener. Used skim milk for the liquid. We crumble a muffin up over cooked apples for evening snack. Yummy healthy apple crisp. 15 month old granddaughter loves them too.

  378. Angela says

    I used coconut oil but it solidifies in the mixture. I’m afraid they won’t turn out. Am I doing something wrong?

  379. Amanda says

    Thank you, these look wonderful! I am so happy I found your site!! I have the NuNaturals stevia in the big canister. Do you happen to know how much stevia is in each of the packets so that I would know how much to measure out from the canister? I love this stevia and I use it all the time – I would go through WAY too many packets!! 🙂

  380. Lizzy says

    Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! My kids had totally revolted against any form of oatmeal for breakfast and now it is back in their rotation thaaks to this recipe. I added coconut and chopped almonds for almond joy breakfast cupcakes–soooo good! They had their first oatmeal breakfast shakes today and those went over well too. I am so glad to get oatmeal back into breakfast, thanks again!

  381. Hanna says

    These have been a lifesaver! I just started a new job and I have to be there very early, and don’t usually get to eat again until 3 or 4, so being able to have these for breakfast keeps me going all the way through.

  382. Jessica says

    I made these tonight. They are really good! I would have thought they would be somewhat gummy…I was wrong! I didn’t have any paper liners so I just rubbed some coconut oil on the muffin tins and they cooked perfectly and came right out of the pan. I have made four CCK recipes (black bean brownies, fudge babies, Samosa babies and this baked oatmeal) in a little over 24 hrs and all have been delicious! (And super easy to mAke) I am not vegan and these recipes are still delicious to someone who eats all of the unhealthy treats.

  383. Lorraine Savoca says

    Myself and my family just love these cupcakes! (Although I find myself calling them muffins more often than not :)) Thank you for the recipe, they are quick, easy and freeze well. They are great for breakfast on the go but also just a relaxing breakfast with a cup of tea and some berries on the side. They heat up quickly in the microwave and are so yummy warm. I know my kids are getting a healthy start to their day!

  384. Holly says

    I made these today and the taste was so good. It didn’t come out as nice as yours but I loved it. I added some coconut flakes and cinnamon as well and I will definitely be making these again. Thanks for sharing!

  385. Jen says

    I’m on Weight Watchers, and have been dying for some low points dessert that is filling. Loved your recipe, but according to WW recipe calculator, each muffin is 3 points, not 2. I added it up with Grhirardelli 60% dark chocolate chips and without, and both times it came up 3 points.

    Oh, and I tried it a 2nd time with adding one scoop of vanilla protein powder…worked just fine!

  386. sara says

    Hi! I made these today, adding 4 scoops of Cytosport vanilla whey protein. I also added flaxseed, almond slivers and craisins. I opted for the coconut oil in this recipe. Result? Divine! I will totally try with chocolate chips next time for more decadence!

  387. mackenzie says

    These are delicious! Instead of chocolate chips I used raisins and toasted walnuts (and then there’s zero guilt!). I did find that even when cooled overnight they really stick to paper liners, but that’s NBD. Thanks Katie – great recipe!

  388. breanna hunt says

    I make this recipe all the time, and love it! I love the simplicity, especially since one container of oatmeal is 5 cups, so there’s minimal measuring. I want to try an apple cinnamon version. Could I just sub applesauce for the mashed banana?

  389. Jaanika says

    I’m true fan of these little heavenly cupcakes! Made my own adjustments and every time they taste even better! Thanks so much for this amazing recipe 🙂

  390. Kathy says

    We have made these muffins countless times this winter. They turn out fabulous each time. Thank you for the recipe.

  391. Mary McLennan says

    Hello … my niece told me about your website that she said she absolutely loves! I have to eat gluten-free and am sure that most of your baked oatmeal recipes would come out similar if using gluten-free oats?? There’s always a “texture” thing involved with gluten free food so just want to make sure and see if you might agree with me?! I know, of course, not to use any of the cookie ingredients (sad that alot of your recipes use some sort of gluten/cookie ingredient though) .. I look forward to your response!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Good news!
      Gluten free oats CAN be substituted for regular oats in ANY recipe. In reality, all oats are gluten-free. Just some cannot be certified as such because they share factory equipment with wheat and therefore might be contaminated. But all oats are chemically made up of the same structure 🙂

  392. Jen says

    I have made these several times and my fam loves them. I want to make them tonight but I am out of papers to line my tin. Can I just spray the muffin cups with some Pam? Will they stick? Anyone know?

  393. Caitlin says

    So i’ve had a stomach virus, and haven’t had any appetite at all since Saturday (so have barely eaten anything at all) and haven’t felt up to doing anything, until tonight when I got the urge to make these cupcakes! (and i ate one too! even though I’m still not hungry). I made some substitutions…instead of the mashed banana I subbed 1.5 cups of unsweetened applesauce (because I have a HUGE jar of applesauce I needed to use up!) and 1 cup of canned pumpkin (because I love pumpkin!) :). And I threw in some of the suggested add-ins: some cinnamon, shredded coconut, ground flax, and some dried cranberries. and they turned out GREAT! and i can always add some sliced banana to have with one or 2 of them, so it’s the best of all worlds (plus i get more fruit/veggies! :D). thanks for this! now i have a great breakfast/snack to take to work with me for awhile! 🙂

  394. Ruby says

    I just popped these into the oven. I only had like 3 cups of oatmeal, so I halved the whole recipe. They smells so good! I just had a question- how would you recommend I store these if I want to freeze them? I was thinking putting each individual one in a ziploc bag, and then just put them in the freezer???

  395. mackenzie says

    I have made these three times now and LOVE them. As previous commenters have noted, REALLY ripe bananas make the difference. I’ve found that adding extra bananas is no problem. I load these up with golden and regular raisins and either toasted walnuts or pecans and they are fabulous. thanks so much for the recipe!

  396. Stephanie says

    I just baked these. I added walnuts and cinnamon. As soon as they were cool enough, my boyfriend and I dove into them. They’re fabulous, and I highly recommend!

  397. Erin says

    Katie, I stumpled across your blog and have tried a few recipes which I absolutely LOVE!! These recipes fit my baking style perfectly. I am almost incapable of making a “normal” dessert without modifying to make it healthy, but it’s totally a trial and error. Other healthy recipes I’ve tried are extremely complicated and don’t taste that good. Your recipes are so simple and yummy, thank you!

    And no, I never skip breakfast.

  398. roncolavamo says

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  399. Hayley says

    I haven’t made these in a while seeing as it is now summer break. But during the school year, I’d make these once a month on Sunday night so i could have chocolate for breakfast all month long and still eat a healthy diet!

  400. rachel says

    Hello. I am quite the health nut and am always looking for healthy recipes. How healthy would you consider this and what is the nutrition info? I also was wondering how it tasted. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to make something and not like it because ingredients cost money 🙁 I hope you can help and thank you for any information you can provide!!

  401. muriel donahue says

    I love your recipes, but unable to print them. Keep them coming, Thanx from a long time Diabetic

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      To print Katie’s recipes, highlight just the recipe itself and right-click “copy.” Then open a new Word document and right-click “Paste.” You can then save the folder and print it easily from that point.

  402. Zarah says

    Just made these but tweaked the recipe a bit, added some regular sugar and skipped the oil and added tonnes of nuts and peanut butter to increase the calories a bit. I’m an athlete so I need a lot of fuel. They’re perfect both as a snack pro-workout as well as a quick breakfast (I have like 4 with some fruits and more nuts) on the go. Thank you for an excellent recipe!

  403. Kelly says

    These are great! I made them once with rolled oats and once with quick oats (all i had on hand) and unflavored whey protein powder and they turned out fantastic both times. My extremely picky 3yr old even ate them!! I generally don’t like breakfast and hate hot oatmeal, but these muffins are really good and I make them ahead of time so they are just grab and go. Thanks!!

  404. Linda Graf says

    Hi Katie I have been following your blog and recipies for a while now. Love many of the oatmeals and cookies for two. Wondering if you have any ideas for a vegan crumb cake? Or crumb cake muffins?

  405. regan says

    YUMM! these are so good. our recipe made about 36! We’ve made them twice using various amounts of the ingredients and they’ve turned out great both times.

  406. meredith peirick says

    These are in the oven. They were so easy to make. Its a great starter breakfast with a nut butter and fruit for my 3 year old. And me too! I just love your blog. Every recipe I make the whole family loves. You are one of the greats! I share your recipes with all of my mom friends. Thank you for all your hard work!! Much love from saint louis, Missouri 🙂

  407. Julie says

    Is 380 degrees correct? Or a typo? (eight above the five = common typo both ways). I read a bunch of comments but I am so sleepy (finally; it’s 4 am and I have not been able to sleep), and I haven’t found someone asking the same question. Massive apologies if this is answered two comments away and I am too groggy to see it!

  408. LavenderLifeUK says

    I made it last night for my kids breakfast today. My kids LOVED IT!! And i just had one, hummm… two – to be honest!, and i am in heaven. Absolutely delicious and easy to add ANYTHING we want to it. Y-O-U A-R-E- A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!! Have a beautifully blessed life!!! I-LOVE-YOU!!!!!

    Katie, I cannot thank you enough in this life. Your recipes are PERFECTLY WONDERFUL!!!! My kids and I can enjoy delicious sweet treats without being unhealthy. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU.

  409. Carolyn says

    I have been making these for about a year now and love them with chocolate or cinnamon and raisin. Thanks for a great on-the-go breakfast recipe!

  410. Nikki says

    Greetings from Australia 🙂 I made these last night before bed so I had something healthy to put into my other half’s lunch box as a substantial snack. The fact that I got put it together while having a newborn in tow is testament to the ease of this recipe, and it is very tasty to boot. I also shared the recipe with my mothers group as a healthy overnight snack while doing the overnight feeds. Many thanks and keep up the great work

  411. Cayanne says

    I was excited to find this, because I am not to excited about making oatmeal cereal, again. I’m not a fan of bananas, and my daughter never liked apple sauce, so I had to investigate a substitute. So, I choose cream cheese. We also used raisins instead of chocolate and honey. Pretty yummy!

    • Becky says

      The steel cut oats will need soaking first as they require longer cooking time than regular oats. I soak my steel cut oats overnight in warm water when I want to cook steel cut oats in the morning for breakfast and it cuts cooking time down by 20-30 minutes.

  412. Brandi K says

    I just made this, replacing the applesauce with pureed pumpkin and adding pumpkin pie spice. So good! My 5 year old isn’t usually a fan of pumpkin, but he loves these. Thank you so much for this recipe 🙂

  413. Judith says

    I added an egg because I thought that it needed it, and boy were they delicious! Then I added some chopped walnuts,cranberries and coconut. Once they cooked I filled and frosted them with apple pie flavored greek yogurt (sugar free kind). I already ate two. They’re just so good! Not too sweet or too sugary on my tongue, so these will go perfect tomorrow for breakfast. Couple of muffins, cup of coffee and I’m in business ! Thank you <3

  414. Jennifer says

    I am attempting to make these tonight and as I measure my oats (by the scale) I find that 1 cup of oats weighs just over 100g, so is it 5 cups oats (almost 600g) or 400g? I’m going to hold off making these as that’s almost 50% more oats in 5 cups than 400g.

  415. Jennifer says

    So I went ahead and made these despite my questions and realized these weren’t really muffins so much as “Baked Oatmeal To-Go” and they turned out awesome. First, i used 5 cups oatmeal measured by the cup, probably a little less water as I forgot to add the extra 1/3 cup in the 2 1/3 cup water, and a little applesauce because 4 bananas didn’t quite make 2 1/2 cups mashed. I hate to admit how much “batter” I ate raw, which then inspired my breakfast for the morning (the ‘cupcakes’ are for the kids, even the banana-hater who ate a finished muffin and liked it). Thanks for all the terrific recipes, esp. the Black Bean Brownies (made with PB, no oil) which my three boys (13, 11, and 8) and uber-picky daughter (14), insist are the best on the planet and must be made whenever treats are needed for school.

  416. Stacey says

    We LOVE these! I always keep them on hand in the freezer for an easy go-to breakfast and my 1 year old can’t get enough of them! I use cinnamon, raisins, and chia seeds in ours. Making a new batch today to refill the empty freezer bag. Thanks for a great recipe!

  417. Ashley A says

    I love this simple recipe! It’s really delicious and nice to make on Monday and enjoy throughout the week with coffee in the morning. I have crisped them each morning in the oven. When I made mine I substituted pie pumpkin I had baked in for the bananas. They turned out great! Thanks Katie. Keep em coming!

    • Unofficial CCK Helper says

      Same as using regular rolled oats. They are the same product, just made in a gluten-free facility. So they can always be used in any recipe calling for rolled oats.

  418. Beth Stenger says

    i made these and they were really good and everyone liked them but they were lumpy. For those that bake, do I need to add more water?

  419. jacko says

    Thanks for this recipe! To avoid using are sweetener, but to still get some sweetness, would it work to soak and blend dates (as in your no sugar banana bread recipe)?

  420. MVP says

    I made a pumpkin spice version with canned pumpkin puree (instead of banana) and pumpkin pie spice. They were sooooo good! I did add more sweetener. Any ideas of how to make a gingerbread version?

  421. Beth says

    These are wonderful and I am not a baker. I am on my fourth batch and they keep getting better. Want to try to add PB peanut butter, has anyone tried this?

  422. mary lee says

    What would happen if you used unsweetened almond milk for the water in the Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes to go. When I cook oatmeal I always use dairy, almond or soy milk and never water so am just wondering.

  423. kendra says

    Okay so I made these today and I’m trying to figure out if they should have cooked longer. Are they supposed to be dry throughout or still moist?

  424. Dawn says

    Just found this recipe on pinterest yesterday and I made them last night. Took 2 to work with me and Oh My! These are soo good. I used agave nectar for the sweetener (decreased the water like you said) and a mix of banana and applesauce …because I ran out of banana 🙁 But thanks to your substitutions page the applesauce saved the day. I made 6 with cinnamon and raisins, 6 with coconut and white choc chips, and 12 with choc chips. This working mom on the run thanks you for sharing this recipe!!

  425. Carole says

    I substituted 3 Tablespoons unsweetened applesauce + 1Tablespoon oil and they turned out fantastic! I also did some in small tins just sprayed with non-stick spray and they come out in bite-sized pieces, very nice.

  426. Katya says

    Thank you Katie! I just made these muffins with milk and dark chocolate chips and some walnuts, and they are AMAZING! I ate about 3 already. They’re delicious, nutritious, and really healthy, too. I’ll totally be eating these before school when I’m late – which is almost always.

  427. Virginia Hughes says

    We love oatmeal for Breakfast this will be another way to fix oatmeal for Breakfast. Thank you for another way to have.

  428. connie says

    They look lovely! Do you store them in the fridge or on the counter? In a container or plastic bag? Don’t want them to get soggy!

  429. Yuri says

    Katy, This is so good !! I just made half of amount muffins (12 cup cakes). I was using with Apple sauce (1 bottle (680g) and 1/3 cup of water instead banana. And also, 3 Tb Coconut in dry ingredients. Everything came perfect texture on my mouth !!
    Next time I ‘m using with mashed bananas .

  430. Leslee says

    yummy. I added chia and flax and used pure maple syrup however mine didn’t pour out, but rather spooned into the tins like a big cookie. Not sure what I missed but still taste good

  431. Laura DeGoursey says

    I added 1/2 cup of hemp seeds to these muffins. I will try 1 cup next time. Good for protein and healthy fats. I also subbed banana for the oil. I also put in 1 cup of raisins. Very good! Great versatile recipe!

  432. elissa says

    Katie!!! I have been meaning to comment on these for awhile now. I make these about 2 times a month for my boyfriend to take to work for breakfast. He works long days so I like to help him out and get his breakfast ready ahead of time. These are perfect! They are super portable and he says 2 keeps him full till lunch time too. I usually end up freezing half to make sure they stay fresh. And then I just let them thaw on the counter the night before. Sometimes I will even have these as a dessert because the choc chips make them delectable. I also love knowing we’re not eating a bunch of sugar. Thank you so much for this blog. As a sugar addict, your recipes have helped me for sure!

  433. Aliece Dice says

    These look fabulous. When you say ‘cook once and you could have breakfast for an entire month’…does this recipe make 28-30 muffins/cakes? (I’m about to make these and was wanting to know in advance how many this recipe makes). Also, at 88 calories per muffin, I’m assuming that does not include any of the add-ins 🙂

  434. Jeanmarie says

    I made a dozen of these by cutting the recipe in half. I used 1 mashed banana and a small cup of unsweetened applesauce. Otherwise I followed the recipe exactly. I mixed the wet ingredients right in the blender and my mix seemed too wet so I added chocolate protein powder, I use a vegan version by Orgain so 1 serving is 2 scoops. Also I didn’t add my chocolate chips to the mix but instead put them on top. Absolutely delicious! Thank you for an amazing recipe!

  435. Sofia says

    Hi Katie,

    I was just wondering whether you had tried putting apple in this, maybe instead of banana. I was thinking of of adding half banana half apple to keep a similar consistency but with a slightly different taste. Do you have any suggestions to make such a substitution?



  436. Irene Smith says

    Made these for work. .loved by all! My family asked for more. Round 2 just came out of the oven! Yummo!

  437. Ashley says

    Hi Katie,

    These are absolutely delicious! I Can’t wait to try out different ingredients. I have two questions though- I’m getting conflicting calorie information on these. Some places say 88 calories each, others say something g different. I’m using the my fitness pal app to track my days as I hurdle toward my goal of losing these last 10 pounds, so I want to be as accurate as possible.

    Also, do you refrigerate these, or leave out like “traditional” muffins?

    Thanks in advance! Looking forward to trying many more recipes!!

    • Megan says

      Ashley- I refrigerate my muffins, and pop them in the microwave for 30-45 seconds when I want them warm. I agree- so delicious!

  438. Megan says

    The Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes are so very good! I make them every Sunday and my fiancée and I eat 2 cupcakes each every morning. I follow the recipe exactly and also add cinnamon. They are great after a workout topped with natural peanut butter. Thanks Katie!

  439. Marilyn Mayne says

    Could unsweetened almond milk be substituted for the water? I love this idea for on the go in the car etc. For home I love to make the baked oatmeal casseroles. I have made up several of my own lately. But the chocolate oatmeal looks really good. I wonder if I could put the cocoa and anything else I wanted right into the casserole and baked it all at once. I love the baked oatmeal for home because after it cools, I cut it into servings, freeze it and just grab one for work.

  440. Jennifer says

    If you happen to have a little one at home or maybe even if you don’t, I found that a great substitute for the mashed banana was a few jars of Chiquita Banana baby food. I did this the first time because I had forgotten the banana when shopping. This time I added a few jars of banana and one of the pear baby food. I found this to be so quick and easy as well as a convenient way to count the calories added. I think this could probably be done with any baby fruit food:)

  441. Hélène says

    I would suggest adding eggs and cutting some liquid maybe. I make oatmeal for my kids almost daily and used to break up a hardboiled egg into the bowl to give them some protein that I didnt have to cook every morning (and then wash the pan!). Then one day I though, hey, let’s try adding eggs to the almost cooked oats! I add 3 eggs to my recipe with 1c oats, 2c water. We put milk on it and drink the rest of the cup of milk with it too. Gotta have the protein and fat with the carbs 🙂
    It makes it custard-y. And no, we dont sweeten our oatmeal; it’s a savory dish. Actually eat dulse flakes on it and I used to mix in pureed greens and pureed orange or yellow veggies too in the kids bowls.
    I have tried it with maple syrup or stevia drops in it tho and its good still with the eggs in it.

  442. Hélène says

    Also for a tropical twist, try using crushed pineapple, drained, for the bananas and canned coconut milk for the water and def use coconut oil. Also use rum extract for half the vanilla to bring it up a notch. Stir in unsweetened coconut chips/flakes for the choc chips.
    Voíla–piña colada oatmeal cupcakes

  443. Hélène says

    I may work on a recipe to make these with steelcut oats. We now eat the steelcut 90% of the time. I make it up in big batches so I only cook it once a week. But it has to be reheated in the nuker with milk and then you’ve got dirty bowls (and bowls stacked up in the fridge as I make 8svgs at once). This would be truly a timesaver even more!

  444. Tammy says

    Absolutely love these muffins, I added protein powder, 1 cup, I mix it up each time, chocolate, vanilla or use both and decreased 1/2 cup of oats, 2 are very satifying for breakfast. I freeze them, half at work & half at home. So easy

  445. Carol O'Connor says

    Teach the kids to make these.. take turns adding extras.. let them come up
    with ideas….. I was baking at age 8, the oldest of 6 kids.
    We should teach grade school kids to cook.
    One family, made the kids fix 1 dinner, and do dishes..a week.
    thought that was a great idea. Happy meals.

  446. Lisa says

    I use coconut oil, craisans, choc chips, flax seed and vanilla protein powder in mine. I adjusted the sweetener (honey) some because the vanilla protein powder is sweet to us (we don’t eat a lot of sugar anymore). It gives us extra protein to help jump start our mornings. The adults love them this way. The kids are only so so about the protein powder. They love them when I leave out the protein powder.

  447. Trisha says

    I have been making these faithfully for the last 3 months. I use a large 6 muffin tin so they are a little bigger and filling. This is my variation as I tried to make it as low calorie as possible. I did not think my husband would even sniff them, but sure enough, I started to find them missing and saw him walking out with them every AM. Now I have to make them like 3 times a week! Luckily, it takes me 10 minutes, and sometimes I whip up a batch in the AM and get ready while they cook if I forgot to make them;
    (I also use a scale so my calorie calculations are pretty accurate and measured)

    Quaker Oatmeal, 2 Cups – at 140 cal per half cup : 560 cal
    Banana, 200 grams (about 1.5 medium banana) = 178 cal
    dried cranberries, 1/3 cup – 140 cal
    Vanilla extract, teaspoon +/- a couple drops – ~15 cal
    Stevia, about 6 drops
    Cinnamon – Generous shake
    In total the recipe is ~893 cals. This makes a little of 6 muffin tins. I use the extra and form it into a bar thats roughly half the amount of dough in the muffins.

    So all in all:
    893/6.5 = ~137/ muffin

    This morning I used unsweetened applesauce, approximately 100 cals worth (I used the prepacked cups). That lowered the content to 122/muffin.

    You can also get rid or go a little more lightly with the cranberries. I find that 1/3 cup is actually a lot so I scale back.

    Some days I will add flax seeds for an extra texture and when I don’t I actually miss that texture.

    Hope this helps! Can’t wait to add protein powder!

  448. Shawn says

    Agave nectar, brown sugar, honey, white sugar, maple syrup — remember these are all simple sugars and your cells treat them all the same. I wonder from where the (erroneous) idea that some are more healthful than others came…
    If you don’t want the glycemic load, use the Stevia.

    • Jen says

      Shawn, from what I understand agave is actually higher in fructose, and more difficult to metabolize, or has more negative side effects during metabolism, than other sugars. Also, raw honey and 100% maple syrup do have some mineral content, trivial as they may be. Raw honey, with its medicinal properties, has an overall better effect (including ripple or side effects) on the body than processed white table sugar. Not all sugars are equal. Also, even natural sugar substitutes have their downsides, including Stevia. I’ve found PaleoMom is very useful for information on sweeteners, sugar, and facts about various foods/nutrients/biological processes (I have no personal connection to PaleoMom, just love the how she’s done a lot of the footwork:)

      I have no judgement about anyone using whatever it is they need to use to sweeten their food. I wanted to add some relevant information, since it became part of the comment thread.

  449. Kaye says

    I made the oatmeal breakfast cupcakes yesterday and I must say that, “I love them”. I can now replace my store bought granolas bars with something healthy and yummy. These are equivalent to a small bowl of oatmeal to go. Can’t wait to try more of your recipes. Katie you rock!!!


  450. Kaye says

    addendum ……

    Oh, I forgot to share that I used steel cut oats because that is what I had on hand and I really liked the debt it added to the mix. These muffins are really moist and the steel cut oats didn’t change that.

  451. Patsy says

    In your breakfast oatmeal cupcakes to go recipe, you have 5 stevia packets. I use splenda which I dont have in packet form. So my questions is……how much splenda should I use?

  452. Siara says

    I love these! I am the same about breakfast. If I go without it I will be hungry for the whole day!! I made them with Cinnamon, chocolate chips, golden raisins, and coconut. I used the stevia packets too. I ended up baking them for 28 minutes because when I first took them out they wern’t so toasty. I also cut the recipe in half and that ended up making 16 muffins. So excited to eat these (right now they are cooling), but they look so toasty and warm!!!

  453. Rita says

    I have been making these for almost a year and they have become a staple for breakfast. It’s almost a no fail recipe. Love the texture and taste and it helps knowing I’m eating something healthy for breakfast.

  454. Jessica says

    LOVE THESE! Have you tried to freeze these? Thinking of playing around with it to add in some protein powder! Haven’t been able to eat them all yet and worried they might go bad before the week is over. If not, I will just share at work! Thanks for the recipe!

  455. Kara Burns says

    I baked these 10 minutes longer than the recipe says, but they are still doughy inside. Any suggestions?

    • IslandGirl says

      I think they are meant to be that way. Mine were like that and tasted fantastic. I think of them more like a homemade fresh granola bar than like a traditional “bready” muffin. What you’re really doing is cooking the oats in little cups, rather than a pot.

  456. zoe nath says

    Dear Katie
    Love your recipes – my 5 yr old daughter wants an opportunity to cook and meet with you in the future – are you making any appearances in Vancouver, BC, Calgary, AB or Edmonton AB in the near future? would be a treat to meet you!
    Zoe and Paxton

  457. Kylie says

    Hi Katie!

    Do you know if you can add frozen fruit like blueberries instead of the chocolate chips? Would that make the recipe too moist? Didn’t know if anyone had tried it with fresh or frozen fruit yet.


  458. Clem says

    Hi Katie, can I sub the oatmeal cupcakes with oat bran as I’ve just realised I won’t have enough oats? Or go half & half? Any suggestions I can sub with? Like wheetbix perhaps? I have made these peviously & my kids loved them for breakfast or as a snack. Was hoping to surprise them after school today with these oatmeal cupcakes favourites. Look forward to your reply. Thx, Clem.

  459. IslandGirl says

    5 stars
    Mornings have changed forever in our house! No more arguments about not wanting to eat breakfast, or trying to divine what my daughter will or will not eat on any given day! Thank you for publishing such a well-tested recipe. She loves making them with me, and we add things like chia seeds, hemp hearts, ground flax seed, coconut shreds, and sliced almonds. One baking session and 3 weeks of breakfasts were covered. I used steel-cut quick cooking oats from Bob’s, and I just tried it with two cups of quinoa and 3 of those steel cuts, which come out crunchier and sweeter. (Left the extra water in, plus used honey.) Now all she has to rant about in the morning is her hair!

  460. Christiane says

    I had to come out of my lurking just to let you know that this recipe is amazing!

    I’m added-fructose-free (think David Gillespie and I Quit Sugar) so I’ve already used/adapted a lot of your recipes with good and sometimes excellent results, but these simple oatmeal cupcakes will have the hitherto most significant impact on my health by ensuring that I eat a healthy breakfast every morning!

    I made a batch on Sunday, put some in the fridge for the week and froze the rest – now I take two with me in the morning and eat them at my desk with a cup of tea. They’re delicious, healthy, filling enough to take me all the way to lunch, and yet easy enough to make that they won’t forever linger on my “I should really do this but urgh the effort” list.


  461. Adrienne says

    Pro-tip: To up the amount of protein on these (and to make them generally chocolatey-peanut-butter delicious), add 1 c. peanut butter to the batter prior to baking. It’ll add about 65 calories/3 g protein to each muffin…. and it’s really delicious.

  462. Pigmom says

    5 stars
    I’m not big on breakfast unless it’s the middle of the night and I haven’t slept yet. However, w/ age and health issues I am trying to do better.
    I do cook quite a bit but the day I made the oatmeal cupcakes I was using the recipe off my phone. Rather then log back in I guessed a few measurements. I got a few wrong. I did add coconut and macadamia nuts. They stuck a bit to the paper but other then that they turned out great. So I tried again. This time no nuts and no paper liners. I froze 2-3 to a zip lock style baggie and pulled them out as needed. Hubby agreed that w/o liners is better. The problem is while we r not skipping breakfast we r also eating them through out the day and even midnite munchies. I think we r addicted. Anyway u would have to be way off to mess up this recipe. Once u no the texture or right amount of liquid u r only limited by ur imagination. yummy, starting my 3rd batch

  463. Pigmom says

    I forgot, the 1st time I didn’t add any sugar of any kind. I did add a bit of toasted bran w/ cinnimon and a small amount of coconut sugar to the tops of half. The bran didn’t stay on as well as I wanted. The 2nd try I added 1 tbsp of coconut sugar. These really are sweel enough to reduce or even omit the sugar as long as u add the choc chips which have their own. I used 60% coco chips

  464. Anisah says

    I tried the recipe last night, with quick oats and without chocolate chips(can’t eat dairy and haven’t found dairy free chips) and it was sooo good. Husband really liked them fresh out of the oven and I didn’t have a problem with them sticking to the liners. I’m glad of the new layout of your site, because I had saved this recipe in a tab a looooong time ago but forgot about it and didn’t make it. Then I saw it on the front page and I realised I should just make it while I have so many bananas close to going bad and I’m so glad I did. Thank you for the recipe.

  465. Marjorie R. Seldon says

    5 stars
    If I want to substitute chopped walnuts for mini chocolate chips, what quantity of chopped walnuts should I use? Should the walnuts be toasted? “Optional add-ins” is vague. I assume some quantities would be too much and some too little while some would depend on the number of mini chocolate chips used.



  466. Kay says

    For those who are hungry when you first wake up but don’t want to eat right then, here is a trick a nutritionist told me: drink (what she calls) “H2Orange”. It’s 7/8 water and 1/8 orange juice (low acid preferably). This will balance your blood sugar (or something like that) and will take away those hunger pains until you can eat breakfast. The nutritionist says that what we think is hunger first thing in the morning has more to do with thirst. Anyway, this works for me so maybe it will help some other early risers like myself!

  467. Unofficial CCK Helper says

    I’m definitely confused. The nutrition facts are linked in every post right under the recipe. It will be a blue link. Let me know if you don’t see it! 🙂

  468. Kate says

    5 stars
    These are AMAZING! I’ve now made three batches of these in the last month or so, making fresh ones as soon as we run out. My boyfriend refers to them as the “cookies.”

    I followed the tip to let them cool down and then store them in the freezer. Thirty seconds in the microwave, and it tastes like a light banana bread muffin fresh out of the oven.

    One tip: I’ve learned is to go just a little easy on the oatmeal; that way, it’s as moist and soft as possible.

  469. Jen says

    Thank you for this recipe, Katie! I tweaked it too much to rate it authentically – I was going to make half the recipe with peanut butter and banana and the other half with coconut flakes and chocolate chips, but then I didn’t and used (all measurements are approximate): 4 cups of oats, 1.5 cups of water, half a cup of peanut butter (needed to get rid of my pb with sugar in it,) 1.5 cups banana, applesauce instead of oil, ground chia seeds, a little maple syrup, salt and vanilla.

    I can’t tell you how much I love these. Gluten-free, vegan, and so filling! (I gave up dairy and wheat for food sensitivity reasons.) This went from breakfast to accidental midnight snack with my taste testing. I will make it less sweet next time – I think the sweetened pb put it just over my sugar threshold, but I don’t like terribly sweet foods.

    I’m going to try to make chocolate cherry ones next time, using a fruit-sweetened cherry jelly and carob or vegan chocolate chips. My kids are going to love these tomorrow morning or with lunch/snack at school. So awesome to have these in the mix.

    FYI – I don’t know if it showed up in the comments at some point, but in case anyone wanted to know, I ended up using liners in one muffin tin and then no liners in the other, spraying it with cooking spray. They popped out of the muffin tin without liners very easily, so next time I’ll save the liners for special occasions.

  470. jessica says

    these sound amazing! i don’t have a cupcake tin though, would the recipe/baking instructions be the same if i wanted to make these as regular cookies?

  471. Curious says

    5 stars
    Hi anyone, will this recipe still work with, “Wholegrain Oats”, plus if I put the opitional’s in, what is the ratio for the mixture?
    Thanks for you answers (:

  472. Holly Robinson says

    4 stars
    These are such a great idea!! I am a student but vegan and also trying to eat healthy with as little refined sugar as possible, but I have such a sweet tooth! Your recipes have been a life saver for me and these are so perfect for breakfasts. I made they using stevia sweetened dark chocolate that I bought online (I broke it up into little bits to use as choc chips), and I used natvia as the sweetener (its a stevia based sweetener). One recommendation would be that they would be creamier if plant milk was subbed for the water, as that is how I make regular porridge. I haven’t tried it but I am going to on my next batch 🙂

  473. Sascha Brown says

    5 stars

    I tried these with protein powder, I replaced some of the oats with protein powder so it all equaled 5 cups, I think they turned out well. I’m not sure what the texture is supposed to be. Are they supposed to be a little mushy like a bowl of oatmeal? Or more like a bready food? I wasn’t sure, I’d love to know someone’s thoughts!

  474. Shar says

    5 stars
    Just made these and they were delicious! I mixed applesauce and banana (2 over ripe bananas and enough of the applesauce to keep bring it to 2 tc) and used maple syrup. I also threw in a little wheat germ because i didn’t read the part about cutting back on the liquid (oops!) But the recipe is very forgiving.

    Finally, i made these in mini muffin form so they’re easy treats for my kiddo.

    These will be a go to for me ?. Thanks!

  475. Gracemk says

    5 stars
    These are FANTABULOUS!! <3 When I don't have enough bananas I finish the measurement with Applesauce. I also added 1/4 C. Coconut, 1/2 tsp Cinnamon, 2T Ground Flax, substituted Craisins for the Chocolate Chips & Maple Syrup instead of Stevia. Thanks soo much for sharing the recipe!

  476. Emily says

    As a college student with an allergy to eggs, I just wanted to thank you for so many easy, nutritious (and egg free!) recipes! Just making these now in preparation for a very busy week of midterms! So excited!

  477. nyssa says

    5 stars
    WOW! Just made these, so yummy! we are eating them warm. I made them in reusable silicone instead of paper, so not sure if that make a difference. ours were a little ‘wet’ on the bottom, we removed the silicone wrappers and are leaving them out on a baking rack to dry them out. hopefully that will help if we ever bake them to take anywhere–not sure i could get them out of the house though. i gave them five stars because they taste amazing. i prob. would have given 4.5 starts, but 4 was too low 😉 thank you

  478. Kristie says

    5 stars
    I made the PB chocolate chip bars for my family & they ate them up! My boys loved them!!! I love your website and I am having so much fun trying all our your recipes! BTW you are a DOLL!

  479. Romane says

    Do you have any recommendations to increase the protein content without using protein powder ? I would like to add eggs but I don’t know how to adjust the recipe accordingly. Decrease the amount of banana?. Or maybe add Chia seeds? I am thinking about some kind of nut butter too but that might increase the calories content too much (trying not to go over a 100 calories / cupcakes)

  480. Ali says

    5 stars
    I have made these with cinnamon, coconut and raisins and really enjoy them as a snack between breakfast and lunch or in the afternoon. I would like to make them for my grandchildren with peanut butter and chocolate chips. Do you think I could add maybe 1/3 cup of peanut butter without compromising the recipe? Would I need to change or add any other ingredients? Thank you. I love your recipes!

  481. Kendra says

    When I plug the recipe into MyFitnessPal, it is saying each cupcake is 164 calories, but your site says 88 calories. I’m not sure which is correct! How did you come up with the 88?

  482. Gail says

    5 stars
    I love this recipe concept but I am allergic to coconut. Any suggestion for substitution for that in the recipe? Thanks in Advance!

  483. Caroline says

    These oatmeal cupcakes look delicious. I think I’ll try them out as the perfect on-the-go breakfast for my daughter!

  484. Chocolate Covered Katie says

    Oh no! So sorry this happened to you… I’ve never had any other commenters report a problem on this, in 1000+ comments, so it’s definitely correct at 2 2/3 cup. I really don’t know what could have happened to yours, since I wasn’t there to see… But maybe double all the ingredients except the water and then add it like that?

  485. Sarah says

    5 stars
    These are so fabulous! I usually can only tolerate bananas frozen in smoothies, but I used half the amount of bananas called for here, and replaced the rest with applesauce. Can’t even taste the banana. They are perfect for a busy morning and a great change from regular oatmeal or overnight oats. Thanks Katie!

    • Mia Bryant says

      5 stars
      happy to see that someone has tried them with other ingredients. They are so good I am just looking to mix it up a bit. If the applesauce worked okay maybe the pumpkin will work too.

  486. Jenna says

    5 stars
    Just wondering, are the nunatural stevia packets a liquid? If not how could you replace a solid with a liquid? (The honey, agave or maple syrup)

  487. Krystal says

    These look delicious. I’d love to give them a try, but I was curious how I could add peanut butter directly to the mix. Anybody have any ideas on how this might affect other ingredient amounts? I’m open to any suggestions. 🙂

  488. Jennifer says

    5 stars
    This recipe makes a ton and I’m so glad it does! These are perfect for snack or breakfast. I found the recipe last night, had all the ingredients on hand so I threw them together. I’ve already had two coworkers ask for the recipe as well! Thanks so much!

  489. Claire Johnston says

    5 stars
    LOVE your recipes and photography! I made the oatmeal cupcakes this morning and have already eaten 3!! I added some nuts, coconut flakes and raisins and they are truly delicious. I also put them under the broiler as suggested and they came out perfect. Very easy to make and they make me look good!!!

  490. Richard Lovett says

    I notice that your breakfast oatmeal cupcake recipe doesn’t call for any baking powder or baking soda. Doesn’t this produce a rather dense, gummy cupcake?

  491. Cheryl Joy says

    5 stars
    Hi Katie, I input your recipe into MyFitnessPal, and used most all the same products with similar calorie counts, but it tells me the cupcakes are 143 calories, not 88 like you state, even if I removed the optional chocolate chips, they are still 112. Do you have any idea why such a big difference?

  492. Mia Bryant says

    5 stars
    Yummy! I made them as a quick breakfast option but my husband liked them so much he also ate them as a snack. I would like to try making them with pumpkin. I think they would be tasty. Thank you so much for sharing this!

  493. Caroline says

    4 stars
    Made this today. I will tweak the recipe for more flavor next time, but they are good. They will make a good snack at work

  494. Vicki Winslow says

    5 stars
    I made these last weekend, and am making more today because I halved the recipe. They were wonderful. The batter appeared unpromising, with only the water to bind everything together, but the results were perfect. I used dried cranberries and walnuts in ours, and threw in some cinnamon, cardamom, and nutmeg. We ate ours cold, and loved them. Thanks, Katie!

  495. Aleanbh says

    5 stars
    Just made these yesterday; have been looking around for something tasty and reasonably healthy for a quick breakfast. I subbed the oil for extra banana and used only a tsp and 1/2 of stevia (I don’t like things too sweet). I also added in some cinnamon. For my first attempt I think they turned out really well – delicious! The chocolate chips and whatever stevia I added give them enough sweetness for me, with a bit of added kick because of the cinnamon.

    Thanks so much for sharing this recipe; I’ve got a go-to breakfast from now on!

  496. Erica says

    OKAY, so are these supposed to have the consistency of wet/squished together oatmeal on the bottom of them or should they be dry like the top? It’s oatmeal so I am just not sure if they are supposed to kind of have a wettish, oatmeal texture to them on the bottom. I spent a whole of money on the GF oats & don’t want these to go to waste. I am afraid I will burn the top trying to cook the bottoms more. TY!

  497. Milda says

    Will they taste horrible without sweetener? Could I skip the sugar/honey/syrup or are they necessary? Maybe increase banana? Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks

  498. diana says

    5 stars
    Love this recipe! I swap out the coconut oil and use peanut butter instead for a little protein. I also use brown sugar instead of Stevia. Thank you for sharing!

  499. Yvonne says

    5 stars
    I LOVE these, very nice and easy, I’m horrible at making and eating breakfast within the first hour, but then usually hungry by the time I arrive at work.
    I always take 2 or 3 (depending on various size of papermuffinsholders I get in store here).
    I always skip the extra sweetener, the bananen are always enough sweet for my taste. Love them with dried cranberries, I standard have a batch in the freezer now.
    Katie> Keep up the great work, I love your site! The Zuccini cake and the carrot cake are two of my favorites as well.

  500. Lisa says

    This looks soo good!! You’ve inspired me–I’ll definitely be experimenting with the oatmeal cupcake idea. If I end up sharing a recipe, I’ll 100% link you for inspiration!

  501. Anonymous says

    Just made this recipe today and it was DELICIOUS!!! Mine and my husband’s new favorite go-to breakfast recipe. Thank you so much for posting!!! I’d love to see other recipes of yours too if you have any 🙂

  502. Sarah says

    My husband was looking for a quick breakfast to grab before work, made these today and absolutely love them!! Question: what is the best way to reheat them? Also if we plan to eat them this week, can they be refrigerated instead of frozen? Thanks!

    • A H says

      Microwave’s good, or stovetop. Fridge is fine, but a week should be the limit, else you should freeze them.

  503. Brenda says

    I just made these and my house smells amazing. I waited about an hour and then couldn’t resist eating one. The top is firm/dry/crunchy, but the rest is soggy.

    I used applesauce instead of banana and agave instead of Stevia, but I did decrease the water as instructed.

    Any suggestions or input as to why this happened? Thanks

  504. Karmen says

    So I made these with Hemp Mixed Berry Smoothie Protein today. I have made the original recipe before and wanted to see if I could make them less of a treat and more of a breakfast. I subbed out oats gram for gram with hemp powder, (330g oats/70g hemp), used the honey sweetener and only 1.5 cups of water. I think if you just added it directly into the recipe, this would work just better. Instead of chocolate chips, this time, I went for 1/3c currants, 1/3c raw sunflower seeds and 1/4c chia. I made this into 17 muffins at 177 calories, 30g carb, 4g fat and 7g protein per muffin. Along with a smoothie, this is a great breakfast addition for my busy work weeks! (Keep in mind, these are now green muffins!)

  505. Kristen says

    Thanks for the great recipe. These are yummy but mine came out a bit wet. I followed the recipe to the “t” and even went with sugar and with a light hand on the water. (And returned them to the oven for a few more minutes). My question is, has anyone tried to add a little flour (and if so does that then require the baking power)? (I’m not GF). I guess I could experiment but didn’t to want to ruin a batch if someone else has tried this. Next time I will try even less water. Sorry if someone mentioned this previously; I scolled through a couple dozen comments and most were about the benefits of breakfast. Lol.

  506. Toya says

    Hello. Do you store these in the refrigerator if you’re going to eat them within a week or is it safe to leave them in a container at room temperature? If they can last out of the fridge, how many days before they go bad?

  507. genny says

    Hello Kate, These look great! I’m currently making these for my daughters first back to school come Wednesday. Made a few substitutions, used Coconut Milk instead of the water, and a 1/2 cup applesauce as I was short a 1/2 cup banana. Adding in Raisins, Coconut Chips, and mini chocolate chips to entice a finicky eater. I have high hopes this will be similar to a oatmeal cookie, but better for you. Let you know how it turns out.

  508. Marlene says

    The Breakfast Oatmeal Cupcakes To Go are the best I have ever tasted! Really good for diabetics. You can adjust the recipe to suit you and as diabetics cannot go without eating they are the best to take as a snack or have two as a hold-you-over until meal time.
    Thank you Chocolate Covered Katie.

  509. Tatjana says

    I found this recipe last night and made the muffins today, substituted quick oats for rolled oats (all I had), homemade applesauce for bananas and oh my they are so delicious!!! Thank you for sharing this recipe 🙂

  510. Kate says

    These are good, but need cinnamon or an allspice as they are a bit bland. But again overall, happy with how easy and versatile they are!

  511. Klein says

    Most recipes have dry and wet listed separately-definitely would help a person to not miss any ingredients. As I did but caught in time to recover.
    As listed in comment they tasted better the next day but look NOTHING like they do in then beautiful pictures. But you can’t eat pictures. Wont make again

    • Dingbat says

      I tried these and they were quite delicious. It is basically baked oatmeal porridge. I did not have chocolate chips, but I added lots of cinnamon, coconut shavings, sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds. The pumpkin seeds add some lovely bite to them and I will make these again.

      Due to only having 200g banana I halved the recipe, but forgot to half the maple syrup. I went easy on it though and thankfully they were not overly sweet, but I will reduce it next time. I would love to add some pieces of apple to them for some fruity freshness. As others have mentioned before me; they looked nothing like the picture though.

  512. Tori says

    Great base recipe that has lots of customization possibilities. I used some very frozen then thawed bananas, which had quite a bit of liquid, so after pouring off some, I still reduced the water to 2 cups (also used honey as my sweetener so I was already planning on reducing. My mix-ins were 2/3 cup mini chocolate chips, 1/2 cup chopped dried apricots and 1/4 cup slivered almonds. Looking forward to having an easy grab and go breakfast on my yoga mornings 🙂 Thanks!

  513. Diya says


    I just tried these today and sadly for some reason they did not turn out well for me. The texture was way too dense and ‘dough-y’ after 20 minutes in my oven (but toothpick inserted in center came out clean). It did taste good (thanks to the bananas and a sprinkling of cinnamon and some crushed walnuts that I added) but the texture was strange. Any idea what might have gone wrong? I’d like to try these again someday because I love this combination of flavors but need to know what to do differently next time. Thank you!

  514. Ruth says

    Hi! I love your blog — love how you show how to accomodate liquid sweetener: thank you!
    I have a question about this recipe — I can’t have vanilla extract. And I’m concerned that putting that much almond or mint extract in would taste too strong in the muffin.
    Can you help me with this? Thanks:)

  515. Jennifer Curry says

    Hi Katie,

    I so enjoy many of your recipes. Please keep them coming.

    I had a suggestion regarding the printout of your recipes. Perhaps it would be beneficial to you and your followers to add your logo or website to the print out somewhere? It just says the name of the recipe, but no reference to you. It would be helpful if we want to recall where the recipe originated or to pass it along to someone. Thanks for reading! Happy 2017!

  516. Alexander Chuggabug says

    Hi Katie,
    Love this for my teen son who is always too rushed and not in the mood for breakfast so he can eat them on the bus on his way to school! Just interested in storage. Do you know how long they’ll keep fresh in an airtight container, or is it best to freeze. If frozen, how are you defrosting them? Thank you!

  517. KareninStLouis says

    Made these at my husband’s request. Added chopped walnuts, raisins, and cinnamon. Made 30 cupcakes. They are delicious. Great recipe.

  518. Sangitha says

    I cannot wait to try these! No baking powder or eggs! Hurray!
    I have been trying really hard to do the conversion to sucanat and unable to find a save number. Liquid to granulated sweetener. Would you happen to have the substitution handy? I would really appreciate it!

  519. Sangeeta says

    Awesome recipe. My son who is a fitness freak and avoids all desserts and cakes , couldn’t resist these!
    I added some caramel syrup and around 1teaspoon of baking soda, and voila! they got the dark color and and the light texture Absolutely delicious and healthy

  520. Lori says

    Another CCK winner!! Just made! Cut recioe in half to test and worked great. Subbed monkfruit packets (luohan) at same ratio and fab. All else the same. Added a few mini df chips on top. Not that sweet so perfect for me!! Thx!!!!

  521. sarah says

    I just used the maple syrup, subbed apple sauce, and added 1/4 cup of flax. We love them (even my picky toddler tried them:) and I did the math, the calorie count is 116 per muffin! Thanks so much!

  522. Amy says

    These are so good… I think they should be called yummiest banana bread chocolate muffins cuz that’s what they taste like!

  523. katie says

    Do the nutrition fats include the mini chocolate chips and maple syrup/honey? or is it with the stevia?

  524. Kat says

    If I were to add some ground flax and brewer’s yeast to these (to make them lactation friendly), how much of each would you recommend so that it wouldn’t alter the taste too much?

    • Jason Sanford says

      Katie can’t ever know how something will turn out until she tries it, but edible experiments are fun, so feel free to experiment, and be sure to report back if you do!

  525. Amanda says

    For those of you who have made these…..what’s the consistency on the inside??? I made them and they are very dense and wet on the inside. Is that normal or should I bake them longer?

  526. Victoria says

    I have made these cupcakes twice and they are SO good! They also freeze amazingly well. I have kids who aren’t wild about healthful food and they will eat these for breakfast.
    I have a question about the given calorie count, which is 88. When I tally up the ingredients with the chocolate chips, I get 135 calories per muffin and without the chocolate, 105. I much prefer 88! Do you use any special oats or oil to arrive at this calorie count? Thanks in advance.

      • Jason Sanford says

        Oh sorry, didn’t notice the oil wasn’t optional. So that would still be included in the nutrition facts.

  527. Essie says

    Love this recipe! I separated it to make a few different flavors at once. You suggest to serve immediately or freeze. Could I store a few in the fridge or on the counter for a few days?

  528. Suki says

    Hi! Wow! I made these last week without the chocolate chips and they came out deeeeelicious!!! Thank you so much! And they fit right in with my diet! I’m making them again this week, because I simply can’t resist, and will include choc. chips this time. I live in a small town in Argentina and chocolate chips are sometimes a little scarce.

    And so, thank you very much!!!!!

  529. Scott says

    These cupcakes are amazing! They are my go-to snack when I want something quick and easy and have replaced any store-bought bars. I did however calculate all the calories and nutrients in an online calculator (myfitnesspal) and each one is 153 calories, not 88 as listed in the recipe. I used 5 C large flake oats, 2.5 C mashed bananas, 2/3 C semi-sweet chipits, 5 TBSP pure maple syrup, 5 TBSP Crisco Veg oil, 2.5 tsp vanilla extract.
    They turned out awesome! I love my dense hockey puck bites!

  530. sam says

    Hi Katie, I loved this recipe! I just had one question, I may have missed it in the post but how long would these be good for in the freezer? I froze the day after making these and wondering if they are good for a few months.

    Thank you!

  531. Kristen says

    So I have a severe allergy to bananas. All of the ice creams and a lot of your recipes call for banana. Any suggestions for substitutes? I’m also allergic to avocado ?

  532. Heather F. says

    I made these and they are quite delicious. I made them with honey and was wondering if they taste okay with Stevia? I am trying to focus on foods not too high in sugar, but I suppose if you divide the honey out into 24, it’s not that bad? Also, the consistency of honey is thick when you try to measure it out. Do you find that using Maple Syrup or Agave is not as thick?

    Lastly, if you make a batch of 24, is it best to freeze the rest of the week or keep in a Ziploc bag, in the fridge? I have done the latter and now it’s 3 days later and they don’t taste as “fresh” so I am wondering if I should have froze them for more freshness when you reheat them?

    Thanks so much!


    • Jason Sanford says

      Hi! They definitely work both with honey or with stevia, so it is your choice. I’ve personally done them both ways, and the thickness of honey is not a problem at all. I usually freeze mine within three days, but it works to do it right away as well. Not sure the taste will be any different either way, but I like them both ways.

  533. Molly says

    These are delicious and great to grab and go! I think I’m gonna try to make them with applesauce instead of bananas next time to change things up. They are 5 points on the new Weight Watchers Freestyle.

  534. Ellen says

    OMG I didn’t expect these to be so moist and delicious. I substituted sweet potato for the banana, added cacao nibs and 2 tsp cinnamon. I froze some and so glad to have a big batch now. Great as a snack or quick breaky to go. Thank you for another fantastic recipe.

  535. Jessica says

    Kate, the serving size says 63g. Is that one muffin or two? Sorry, I don’t yet have a scale in my kitchen. I’m on the Trim Healthy Mama plan. This sounds like a good “THM-E breakfast”. Thank you!

  536. Vicky says

    I made the oatmeal cupcakes this weekend without the chocolate chip because I did not have any on hand but instead made a batch with coconut flakes and another batch with PB2, and let me just tell you, they were delicious! My husband and kids loved bed them. What a healthy delicious way to start your day! Thanks for the recipe . This will be one of those recipes that will be a staple at my house.

  537. Cathy says

    OMG! These are delicious! I will definately be trying more of your healthy recipes. Exactly what I need. More fiber, less or no sugar. Also, I love oatmeal AND bananas. Win. Win. Win. Win. Thank you.

  538. Susan Minton says

    These things are wonderful! I don’t like bananas, so I substituted applesauce. I used applesauce for the oil as well, and I added cinnamon and some sunflower seeds I found in the pantry. The muffins are dense, chewy, delicious, and filling. These will definitely be in my regular breakfast rotation!

  539. Fran says

    How many bananas would you say is 2 1/2 cups? I googled it and once of the results said 7..that doesn’t sound right at all.

  540. Katie says

    Hi Katie,
    Another Katie here just wondering why these are called cupcakes not muffins?
    Thanks for the quick and easy breakfast! Just something to fill my belly before shift works as a nurse is great. And quick to eat in a hurry if I can’t squeeze in a break!

  541. amanda says

    wow these are so good! I used white and semi-sweet choc chips, and pounded up some chocolate covered almonds. And some cinnamon. Yum!!

    Question: I’ve made a dozen, and they will be gone in a few days. where do you store over the course of these next few days, counter or fridge? Thanks!

  542. Jackie says

    I don’t use regular rolled oats…could these be made with the quick cook rolled oats and if so does quantity need to be decreased I. The recipe and by how much. Thanks for your reply. These look delicious

  543. Erica says

    I used 4.5 cups oats and 2 scoops VegaOne All-In-One Chocolate protein powder. I skipped the chocolate chips to reduce fat and subbed the oil for another 1/4 cup mashed banana. They are so yummy! ? They have been very well liked already and I know I will be making more!

  544. Crissy says

    These oatmeal cakes were delicious, I added ground flax/chia seed blend and subbed applesauce for some of the banana, because I only had three. I didn’t add the full amount of salt. These are so awesome, great banana flavor, perfect sweetness, and packed with fiber! Great recipe!

    • Jason Sanford says

      I don’t see why not! Baking time would differ though, but feel free to experiment! You might also try a 9×13.

  545. Jenn says

    Hey guys, have any of you try them with protein powder and oats? If so what ratio? Also for the oil what else can I use?
    Thank you!

  546. Heather R Philbrick says

    I didn’t have bananas, and these did not turn out at all with applesauce. Too wet. Really disappointed because it’s a BIG batch. Maybe if I try it again I will do it with bananas.

  547. Hannah says

    Hi there!
    Looking to add fruit either fresh/frozen. Which would be best? Would I have to change anything else?

    Which nuts would go best? Thinking pecans and walnuts maybe?

    Any recommendations

    • Jason Sanford says

      Walnuts are great! I think adding fruit (more than the banana already called for) might make them too gooey/wet, unless you use dried fruit which would work well (raisins, cranberries, etc.)? But you never know! If you try any fruit added, be sure to report back on how it goes!

  548. April says

    I am currently making these but I was wondering would they still be good without the banana? And also I only had 2 on hand and I definitely didn’t think that was the right amount needed for this recipe. Have you tried making them without the banana?

    • Jason Sanford says

      Probably they wouldn’t, as you need the full amount for sweetness and proper texture. Two would definitely not be enough.

  549. Donna says

    I have made at least 15 batches of these but after being baked, they seem wet to me, not at all like your pics. I follow the recipe, not sure what is causing this.

  550. Darlene says

    I am no expert on nutrition but I am a great cook and baker. I also have a husband watching carbs so I substituted my own homemade, organic, vanilla yogurt for the mashed banana in the same quantity. I used a regular size muffin tin and baked at 350 (convection) for 26 minutes. The texture was tender and perfect.

  551. Danielle says

    How would you recommend defrosting? Planning to freeze a bunch to give my kids something on the way to school. Or are they better as a mid-morning snack and letting them defrost at room temp in their backpacks?

  552. Jazmin Medina-Vargas says

    Hi Katie,
    These look amazing and I’m so excited to try them! I just had a quick question about the nutrition facts. Are those nutrition facts including the 2/3 cups of chocolate chips or omitting them? I was just curious since the recipe says they are optional.

  553. Cathy Kissel says

    Hi. I just made the oatmal breakfast muffins and printed the recipe out. they came out super dry. I then noticed that the printed version left out the water.. I have no idea why. Just wanted you to know.

  554. Cathy Kissel says

    Oops, I see I was wrong.. the water ingredient printed out on the same line as the chocolate chips, so I didn’t notice it. Sorry.User fail.

  555. Evie says

    I tried this with applesauce as I did not have bananas on hand and with agave. I did not like the taste. Maybe it was the agave? Maybe I will try it with brown sugar and the banana.

  556. Desiree says

    I absolutely love these! My daughter Is nearly a year old and I am expecting again, so I like to eat them as a snack and she loves to devour them along with some fruit for a healthy meal! They are also super easy to make!

  557. joe says

    Will you please use metric. How am I to measure mashed banana in a cup? What a mess!!!
    Further there is something strange in typing commen ts on your blog. They are nearly invisible. So faint.

  558. Sherry Thompson says

    These look great and easy to make. Does it matter if you use regular oats or quick? You have the oven set at 380? I have never cooked anything at 380, was that a typo?

  559. Maggie says


    I’m from the UK and not an experienced cook. In your recipe does 2 2/3 cups mean 2 and 2/3 cups or x2 2/3 cups.

  560. Lency Varghese says

    Hi Katie ..
    Can I use regular instant oats for these cupcakes? I have a ton of instant oats and have no idea what to do with it .
    Thank you.

  561. Melisa says

    You suggested to freeze & warm up later if not eaten immediately, but how long do they usually last on the counter or in the refrigerator? Also, if I add in chia or flax, would I need extra liquid? Thank you, can’t wait to try these!

    • Jason Sanford says

      No extra liquid if using chia or flax. They last about 6-7 days refrigerated. Maybe 1 or 2 days not refrigerated 🙂

  562. Kapri Brower says

    I made this & had rave reviews. I added shredded coconut & chia seeds. I only wish I would’ve added more chia seeds. I’m also glad it makes as many as it does so that it lasts a few days w/my large family. Great recipe! Thank you!

  563. Amy says

    I make these on the regular for my teenage daughter who always tries to skip breakfast. She loves them. I use date syrup instead of honey or maple syrup for an added nutritional kick. Great recipe, and so easy!

  564. Courtney says

    Hi, I just made these. I plan to freeze half and then keep the other half out for the week off breakfast for my husband and I. Do I need to refrigerate them?

    • Jason Sanford says

      Best refrigerated for freshness because of the fruit, but I often leave them out a few hours and pack in a lunchbox.

  565. Jen C says

    I just came across this recipe and made them yesterday…they are delicious! I’ve been bored with breakfast so this helps make breakfast easy!

  566. Susanna says

    I’ve made these three times and I must tell you that was the charm. The first two times I had to use olive oil as I had nothing else on hand. Those muffins were very very dense and chewy. I also don’t think I measured the honey very well, as they were not a bit sweet. Yesterday, though, I used coconut oil (fantastic) and hot water. When mixed I let the batter sit for about 20 minutes to soften the oatmeal. Also measured the honey properly and probably used a bit more banana, also mixed in cinnamon and of course, chocolate chips (1 whole cup). The result was absolutely amazing and I dreamt about these last night! First thing this morning I ate two. Thanks so much for sharing your talents! I’m so happy I kept trying.

  567. LijaW says

    I’m not even vegetarian, and I have fallen in love with your recipes. I’ve already seen 3 recipes that I can’t wait to try. Thank you for making these recipes interesting and appealing even to omnivores like me. I will share your link!

    • Jason Sanford says

      We honestly haven’t tried it! I’d be curious to know, so be sure to report back if you experiment!
      Jason (media relations)

  568. Leah says

    Just a heads up to anyone on weight watchers. These are 6 points If you use everything according to the ingredients. They’re 4 points with substitutions and then without chocolate chips and all substitutions they’re 2 points. I’ve made the mistake of making these twice now without checking the points. Given that the picture has the chocolate chips in them I thought they were 2pts with the chocolate chips. They’re not. I have been making these for years while not on weight watchers, but on weight watchers they’re a solid 4-6 points depending on how you make them. They’re delicious but check your points first!!

  569. Leslie says

    I made these for the first time a few days ago and I am addicted! They are so easy to make and each morning I heat one in the toaster oven for breakfast. I make a cup of tea and it goes perfectly with these delicious goodies. I had some dried cranberries so I threw them into the batter. And I think next time I may try adding some peanut butter to the mix. Peanut butter, bananas, and chocolate chips. What could be better?

      • Elise says

        Did anyone else come up with a higher calorie count by entering in ingredients manually? Maybe I’m missing something, but mine is coming out to 125/cupcake. Thanks for any input!,

        • Jason Sanford says

          It just depends on the specific ingredients you use and if you’re including any of the optional ingredients (which the recipe’s numbers don’t include).

  570. Marloes Crietee says

    The day before a roadbike event I made a batch of these, and they worked wonders! I had them for breakfast before the race, and I packed some individually to take with me in my bikeshirt. Perfect. As I wanted to get some protein in, I‘ve made them with soy joghurt ( 2 cups plus some more water as needed) and put chiaseeds in for more binding. I used a mix of maplesirup and honey. Then I made 4 flavours: Fig, Pecan and rosemary- peanutbutter and raspberry (1 fresh raspberry in the middle)- dried apple, hazelnutbutter, raisins and cinnamon- dried tropical fruit and coconutflakes. All delicious. Thanks for the recipe!

  571. Tammy Tenney says

    I’ve made these a couple times now for my kids to eat before school. This last time I made them into bars instead of muffins. I used a deep cookie sheet and waited for them to cool before cutting. I added dried cherries and blueberries, almonds, raisins and chocolate chips. Thanks for the inspiration!

  572. Eleanor says

    I love these! I replaced the oil with more banana and I added raisins instead of chocolate chips. They came out great!

  573. Mandy says

    OMG! These are SUCH a GREAT IDEA! Thank you! I made a half batch and used chopped dark choc and some walnuts, applesauce instead of oil. Turned out fantastic! I used to cook oatmeal every morning in a small saucepan for myself only as no one else was an oatmeal eater, then graduated to my Instant Pot to make bigger batches to reheat but these “muffins” are way better. Bake once and done! I dont know why I didnt think they’d hold together but they sure do! So portable….and quite healthy and FILLING! Yay Katie, YAY!

  574. Cathy Hurst says

    I made half the recipe (a dozen) and would like to freeze some and keep some to eat over the next few days. Can I leave them at room temperature?

    • CCK Media Team says

      Because some of the ingredients are perishable (applesauce or banana), we’d recommend refrigerating if you’re leaving them out more than a few hours, just to be on the safe side.

  575. Cher strand says

    Omg these ate soooo good .. love there is no flour in them . I have made them weekly fir breakfast and snacks

  576. Trisha Stepp says

    I know you mentioned putting them in the freezer, but for use within a few days would you store them in the fridge? We have young kids, so eating them cool/cold might be ideal so we don’t end up with a chocolate mess.

    • CCK Media Team says

      Hi! Nutrition facts for all of Katie’s recipes are always linked at the bottom of the recipe box, under the ingredients/instructions 🙂

      • Pam Austin says

        I have a very strange question…are these moist inside or is it more like a cookie texture. I have a texture issue and I don’t eat oatmeal because of the texture. I ran across this recipe and hope that it will solve my oatmeal texture issues 🙂

  577. Mandi says

    5 stars
    These are great! Delish! Very easy! Made choc chip banana walnut, the pumpkin one and in the oven now is a white choc chip, cranberry walnut!

  578. Barbara says

    I am new to this site and it does look amazing. I learn a lot from reading reader reviews. I can see the comments, but not reviews from those who have actually made the item. I learn a lot from these. Any suggestions?

    • CCK Media Team says

      Hi Barbara, are you scrolling all the way down? There are over a thousand comments here, so after the first bunch there are definitely a ton of reviews 🙂

  579. Madison says

    These are fantastic! So easy and great for grab and go breakfast. I froze some and was wondering the best way to reheat them? Thaw first? Or pop right in microwave or oven?

  580. Camilla says


    They sound delicious but can I freeze them? If yes, how long can I keep them in the freezer for?
    How do you thaw them? Do you put them straight in the microwave?

    • CCK Media Team says

      Hi, just click on the nutrition link in the recipe box and it will give you the full nutrition facts 🙂

  581. Kerri laczo says

    5 stars
    These were delicious! Easy to make. Froze well and great for breakfast. I used sugar free chocolate chips. So good. Will definitely be making again!

  582. Angela says

    Hello! Can you replace the banana with apple sauce for these? We have someone allergic to bananas but would love these!

  583. Debbie says

    5 stars
    I love this recipe! It’s been my breakfast every morning for about 4 years now. I just pour it into a 9×13 pan and bake it for 30 minutes then cut it into 24 squares. Breakfast for almost a month! Thank you!

  584. Katie Reed says

    Hi, these look delicious but had a question? If I were to add chia seeds how much would I add? I’m trying to figure out a way to make these a little higher in protein so I was thinking peanut butter and chia seeds? Hope to hear back from you.

  585. Nancy Harsh says

    5 stars
    These are a go-to for me. Also, these are what I take to sick friends who don’t feel good enough to cook. They’re small, healthy, and so delicious and are great when nothing else sounds good to eat.

    Easy to freeze & quick to defrost.

  586. Tibbs says

    What are your thoughts on substituting rolled barley flakes for the oatmeal. I’ve been cooking rolled barley as a hot breakfast cereal, I love the texture…plus it only takes a couple minutes longer to cook that old fashioned oatmeal, which I also love. The barley flakes are not rolled as flat as oatmeal, and hold their shape moreso than oatmeal…hence having more bite/texture once cooked. Additional, barley is also a very healthy grain.

  587. Judy Rutledge says

    5 stars
    I made these for a friend and for myself. I am
    A type one diabetic who’s
    always looking for healthy recipe. Friend is recovering from surgery and needs an easy, healthy breakfast.!just ate one of these. Yum! Well done, you! Thanks!

  588. JONESCRUSHER says

    Your recipe sounds great. But I’d only want dried fruit in them. Not any chocolate.
    You can also add protein to them by adding powdered zucchini to the batter.

  589. JB says

    5 stars
    Unless you make massive muffins his will make 30+ miffins. Even regular size muffins will need 30+ minutes cook time.

  590. Steph says

    5 stars
    I made these today and I’m not sure if I’m just missing it or if I’m over thinking? How should these be stored? Fridge? Tupperware container on the counter? How long are they good for? Do you warm them up to eat them again or just eat at room temp?

  591. Barbara Krulitsky says

    5 stars
    I haven’t made this yet, but I’m sure going to! If I were to use ground flax and/or chia seeds as well as rolled oats, how would that change the dry ingredients in the recipe?

  592. Michelle says

    5 stars
    I made these oatmeal cups for breakfast last week and then again for this morning. The recipe is very versatile and tastes way better than you’d think, given the healthy ingredients!

  593. Faye D. says

    I would like to make a smaller number of these – maybe 1/2 dozen. Wondering if anyone has done that with this recipe.

  594. Karen says

    5 stars
    These are so good. I made a half batch and they turned out great. I baked them in silicone cupcake molds which I sprayed w Pam and they popped right out once cooled

  595. Marjorie says

    These muffins are delicious! I used extra virgin olive oil. Everyone loves these, will be making these regularly. Thank you for a great recipe.

  596. Gina says

    This recipe is amazingly delicious. I followed the recipe exact, except for adding 1 cup Coconut, 1 tsp Cinnamon, and replaced the water with fresh brewed Coffee. They are so good that my Husband is taking a dozen in for his co-workers.

  597. Ashley says

    Made these this week for my 14 year old. They are a hit! Made exactly 24. Froze 12 for next weeks breakfast. Thanks for a great recipe!

  598. Tonya Rogers says

    5 stars
    These were so very easy to make and turned out delicious!!! Even my EXTREMELY picky eater 2 year old grandson LOVED them!!!!

  599. KP says

    5 stars
    I almost never leave reviews but I’ve made these more or less monthly for years and eat them for breakfast most weekdays. They’re delicious and easy to customize so I can change up the flavors. 100% recommend.

  600. Abigail Artman says

    5 stars
    Love these!! I add a little baking powder and butter instead of oil. I also recommend spraying the pan instead of trying to eat around the paper cups 😂

  601. Tracy says

    Have made these in the past and LOVED them! But there used to be a notation about using apple sauce instead of banana and now I don’t see it. I have a banana allergy so I can’t use it and wanted to make these again but can’t remember how much apple sauce to use? Can anyone help?

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